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Topics - Grogtard

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Welcome To New Bay City
« on: May 18, 2012, 01:19:52 AM »
It's been a while since I posted here but I'm still around and finally ready to start a DFRPG campaign.  We did city and character generation two weeks ago and tomorrow night thing get rolling.
The city is a fictional one and we sort of used the Vancouver method a bit. But it is the same city that used in an old Mage campaign with same players years ago so the already knew some of the local lore and went crazy Dresden-izing it.
The basic concept of the campaign is that all of the player character's are college freshmen and dealing with a city that has a supernatural power vacuum.
Here's our party: (I know some will change before we begin on Friday).
Artie Aparo: High Concept: Apprentice Wizard & Stage Magician. Trouble: Can’t Mind My Own Business. Other Aspects: You Look Right, I Go Left. Connected To The Art Scene. I Have a MAGIC Cape! Improv is everything.
Alex Wolfe: High Concept: BIG bad (Were-)Wolf. Trouble: I Work Alone. Other Aspects: Demolition Is My Game. I Smell Trouble. Protect The Squishies. I’ll Look At The Man Behind The Curtain.
Mortal Dude (The Player is still coming up with a name): High Concept: “The Dude” of Baseball. Trouble: Wrong Place, Wrong Time. Other Aspects: What Has Been Seen, Cannot Be Unseen. It’s Like There’s A Law For Everything, Man. No One Can Stand Alone. Nothing Goes As Planned.
And Here's a link to the page with a write up of the city and other little tidbits:

DFRPG / DFRPG The Musical
« on: September 23, 2010, 02:12:43 PM »
Once again along time between posts here. But a crazy idea hit me last night. Go ahead build your characters and NPC's but here's the catch you can only use song titles for your Aspects.

DFRPG / Dresden Themed Fate "Tokens"
« on: June 30, 2010, 12:59:12 AM »
I'm baaack!
Tokens are pretty handy to keep track of Fate Points during a game. I'm a big Savage Worlds fan and one thing that a lot of game masters do is used themed Bennies (much like Fate Points) tokens to add a little extra atmosphere to their games. Just take a gander at this thread over at the PEG Forums.
For my game I was thinking about getting a bunch of little skulls to use.  An army of Bobs! Scary.  Anybody else thinking along the same lines or have any other cool ideas to add a little extra atmosphere to their games.

DFRPG / Ken Hite Helping Out!
« on: May 28, 2008, 10:25:28 PM »
Just read that Ken Hite is writing the Occult Chicago chapter the RPG.  Sweet deal.  That's great news. I've been excited about the DFRPG and it keeps getting better and better.

Author Craft / Inspiring Writing Quotes
« on: October 24, 2007, 11:17:43 PM »
I get a regular email newsletter at work and today's had an especially good quote (although perhaps all not that "inspiring")

"Editing is like cleaning your bathroom with a toothbrush."

I feel like that so many times. 

Author Craft / Convincing Your SO....
« on: June 12, 2007, 10:53:11 PM »
So who has had this problem? Convincing your significant other that writing is work.

SO:  "Honey, can you (fill in blank with non-time sensitive chore)?"
Me: "I'm working."
SO: "I thought you were just writing."


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