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Messages - betaflame

Pages: [1]
DF Reference Collection / Re: Series Spanning Plot Threads
« on: November 16, 2012, 07:26:01 PM »
This is all conjecture on my part, though, put together from the various pieces of information in the books. I don't have any solid evidence that things work exactly this way, except that this description seems to fit with all of the information we've been given over the course of the series.
I've come to the same conclusions based on the hints/explanations we've been given.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Series Spanning Plot Threads
« on: November 16, 2012, 06:24:19 PM »
Just a few points I thought might be worth including,

Blood Rites:
-Mavra burns Harry's Hand. (A minor point with almost no long lasting implications beyond forcing Harry to beef up his shield.)

Dead Beat:
-Wizard healing/longevity are introduced.
-Both Evil Bob and Grevane refer to necromancy as "The True Magic". It is different enough from normal magic that it stains the user. Grevane (and Ulsharavas from DM) can sense it in Harry. Harry can sense it in Cowl.

Not sure if any of those are Thread worthy, just a couple observations.

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