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Messages - bestial warlust

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
DFRPG / Re: FATE Core and Dresden
« on: November 26, 2014, 08:35:39 PM »
I put together the fan version, called Dresden Core.  We've used it for our games for a while now.  I've made some tweaks and changes over time.

I've gotten some feedback on the documents, so I know other people are at least reading it, if not also using it.  Do you have any specific questions about it?

No questions yet I do have that. Was just looking for others experience with it and how it intigrated in game play

DFRPG / FATE Core and Dresden
« on: November 26, 2014, 01:37:04 PM »
With FAE Dresden in the works has anyone here implemented Fate core into your Dresden games? I know there is a fan work out there. Has anyone used the fan conversion?

DFRPG / Re: Your world?
« on: November 21, 2014, 01:21:41 AM »
Interesting stuff so far thanks for sharing!

DFRPG / Your world?
« on: November 20, 2014, 02:53:41 PM »
I'm interested in hearing some highlights from other peoples settings. I must confess I haven't run a game, and even that was a short game, for a few years. However I am putting a setting together and I hope to run it at some point in the future. So do you stick by any of the novels? make changes? Does Harry exist in your world?

What I've got for mine so far. It will be set in Portland with a dark tone. The WC doesn't have a strong hold there and something dark has been infecting the area for a while. As for Harry and the books. Well he's a fictional character that exists as one of the best selling novels much to the dismay of the White Council and other supernaturals. It seems that this popular series of books (and soon to be movie releases) are highly accurate books on teaching mortals a lot of highly guarded secrets.

The majority of readers don't realize this, though there is a small sub section that is a lot more clued in. So far the Council and others haven't been able to find out who or track down this Jim Butcher guy giving away of of this information. Not for lack of trying and finger pointing of course. Each group pf supernaturals is placing blame on a "mole" existing in each others organizations.

So what have you changed or retained?

DFRPG / Re: Spirit Magic Brain Storming
« on: March 19, 2011, 08:29:38 PM »
"◦Depression, Fear, Insanity, and other emotional / mental effects"

Would this not violate the law of magic? or since this is more of a gentle nudge and not complete mental manipulation be more of a "gray" area?

DFRPG / Re: Spirit Magic Brain Storming
« on: March 19, 2011, 08:05:26 PM »
What about the application of spirit magic manipulating "raw" magical energy as an aspect of force. such a as spell that "burns" a target but not with fire but magic energy.

DFRPG / Spirit Magic Brain Storming
« on: March 19, 2011, 06:03:33 PM »
I'd like to steal Vars idea  ;D from,24720.0.html

But would like to focus on Spirit magic. Besides Veils what else can we use? Yes it covers mental magics but since that violates one of the laws I'd like too see what else can be done with it. I have a player thats interested in it but we're stumped as to what can be done with it besides veiling and law breaking mind magic.

1. What is a non-combat interesting way to use spirit magic?

2. What is a single target interesting way to use spirit magic?

3. What is an area of effect interesting way to use spirit magic?

4. What is an interesting way to block using spirit magic?

5. What would be an interesting way to impede someones movement with sprit magic?

6.Can you think of anything else that would fit the Dresdenverse and be really neat in a game for spirit magic?

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: List Compiling: Consequences
« on: March 19, 2011, 05:36:06 PM »
Added to the list

DFRPG / Re: The spirit element
« on: February 10, 2011, 06:31:40 PM »
Doens't look like it exists in the Dresden RAW so I've removed it. It's found in Strands of Fate though. I may incorporate it into my house rules.

DFRPG / Re: The spirit element
« on: February 10, 2011, 03:36:16 PM »
I've corrected the spell to refelct the spin rule.

DFRPG / Re: The spirit element
« on: February 09, 2011, 11:34:11 PM »
Wasn't really thinking of it as better since it can't set things on fire more of an energy burst. Trying to come out with other things besides the kinetic blow, fits of force etc...

DFRPG / Re: The spirit element
« on: February 09, 2011, 11:16:26 PM »
Fixed the typo thanks.

DFRPG / The spirit element
« on: February 09, 2011, 11:06:32 PM »
So reading over the description for this element to me it seems it would also encompass what Mage the awakening uses the Prime arcanum for ---pure magical force and structure so raw magical energy. I was thinking of porting this spell :

Celestial fire:
Type: Spirit Evocation
Power: 4
Target: 1 target
Opposed by: Athletics
Effect: The mage flings a ball of glowing, fiery energy at a target. This projectile is large enough that the targets gain their
Athletics against it.
Variations:Note that “celestial fire” is not the same thing as mundane fire. it won't ignite flamable objects,etc

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: List Compiling: Consequences
« on: February 03, 2011, 12:11:38 AM »
Add extreme: Stockholm's Syndrom to the list. On mental.


DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: List Compiling: Consequences
« on: February 01, 2011, 05:37:49 PM »
You are allowed to go back and update your original list, or place this list in your first post. You aren't obligated to keep reposting the list new each time - when you Modify an entry and someone clicks the "New" button, they will go straight to your updated entry.

If I only had a brain........

I'll update the one on the first page hehe

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