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Messages - Daredeval

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Well, two important things re: Eb and the White Council.

1. We know Ebenezar knows what Demonreach is, and that Harry's the new Winter Knight. Seems logical he could put 2 and 2 together and realize that Mab doesn't like being cheated and that Demonreach's "custodian" won't just go quietly into the night.

2. Question: Have any other members of the White Council cheated death? Do they know of anyone who has? I can't see Harry as the first person a Fallen has ever whispered murderous lies to.

Also, one other thing: Molly must be frigging awesome at mind magic. we've already seen Mab perform a little brain-work on Harry, so I think it's safe to assume she knows the signs of tampering. So either she knew about Harry's eventual betrayal and made her own plans... or Molly hoodwinked the Queen of Air and Darkness. Which is pretty impressive for a twenty-something.

To those speculating on the series's length: Jim has said here, there and everywhere that he intends the series to be 20-ish case books like the ones we know so far, plus a big "apocalyptic" trilogy to finish things off.

A brief point on uriel's seven words: A few thoughts on the word "lies".

1. The Sidhe cannot -knowingly- tell a lie. Mab could believe harry is hers, especially after bending so many knights before him to her purposes.
2. Still, I don't think Mab is lying. She says, “I have his oath, ancient one. What he has given is mine by right, and you may not gainsay it. He is mine to shape as I please.”

She doesn't mention souls specifically, and as we have seen, there are many, many forms of manipulation that don't rely on modifying the soul. Uriel's words remind Harry of what Mab knows, and does not contradict in that statement--that any alterations she makes to Harry's "shape" happen only by Harry's conscious choice.

And, to add something new to the discussion... does no one else think it oddly sinister how Marcone is setting himself up? To briefly recap: Harry completely smashes the "center" by taking out the Red Court and then having the gall to just up and die. Smaller powers in the monster world begin vying for power in the newly-created vacuum, especially in Chicago--so much so that even vanilla mortals are beginning to notice odd things happening. Marcone, with help from Oden and Company, begins setting up countermeasures and fortresses in Chicago.

What are the consequences? Will Marcone take over Chicago, being the most prepared, savvy and power-hungry mortal we've seen yet? What will his new rise in power mean for his position as a signatory of the Accords? Will he become more involved with Mab; is she playing a long game with him as well? (See Book 10)

I think he'll be an interesting character to watch.

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