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Messages - Erlkoeneg

Pages: [1]
Author Craft / Re: How powerful should a protagionist be?
« on: August 29, 2007, 07:14:12 AM »
I would say that it depends on the character, and what the situation is going to be.

Most characters defiantely need a cap, because that's much mroe realitstic.
But there are exceptions. Like one of my characters, Sam Crescent. The guy is basically omnipotent, so all of his conflicts are emotional/psychological. These conflicts are often made even mreo dificult by the fact that it is impossible for him to feel the emotion 'love'

Author Craft / Re: Magic use in contemporary fantasy
« on: August 29, 2007, 07:07:40 AM »
'Magic is an infinately large tapestry, painted by every soul that has ever touched reality, an an unfathomable number of styles, mannerisms, and ways. We have, thusfar, figured out what some of the most common colours of paint might be."

my description of magic for my universe.

Author Craft / Re: Is your character a Mary Sue?
« on: August 29, 2007, 06:46:40 AM »
One typicaly solid way I've found to avoid mary-sue/gary-stue ness is to always remember this rule
Everything has a Price.
case in point, a kind of magic I came up with for some short stories, queromancy. Queromancy is the magic of asking a question, and getting reality to give you an answer. There are, however, many prices that come with this. for example, you wll never hear a queromancer speak a question in casual conversation. They have to be very good at this, becasue of the possible consequences. Said consequences being two things; 1) going crazy. These guys go crazy at the drop of a hat. for one to be sane past the age of twenty is almost unheard of.
2) Falling. As with any kind of magic, it is possible to screw up, and Fallen queromancers are some of the scariest s**t around.

Author Craft / Re: Attachment to characters.
« on: August 29, 2007, 06:29:38 AM »
As a roleplayer, and writer, there are characters that I am intensely attatched to. Often these are the ones with the histories of terrible things that happened to them.
and, as many have said, it is much easier/ often better to write/play a character you are attatched to.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden files LARP
« on: February 05, 2007, 04:48:17 PM »
all the character information the writer has to come up with is really only to enable the player to get into the character, and be able to improv and act acordingly. Past the general mindset of the character and its histroy etc, the player has complete freedom. and yes, it still takes a long time.

and as for the improv magic, that's just the basic system. This will be a somewhat unusual game (There are actualy several systemized aspects of the magic system, such as druids, clerics, alchemists, oneiromancers, summoners, and runecasters) and we will have to permute the magic system slightly to fit the basics of the dresden universe.
(It takes a lllooonnnggg time to explain, but its still the most simple of any magic system I've ever come across0

DFRPG / Re: Dresden files LARP
« on: February 02, 2007, 04:35:53 PM »
haha, now I get to explain it all.

The basics of a game, at least in this sense is simple.

There is the game's writer, who makes up stuff for the game. Before the game actually happens, they must write several things

-PC list, the list of all the player-characters in the game.
-Motives, write down all the motives each character has.
- The flow, which is a general idea of how the game SHOULD go.
-character sheets, a description of the character, their past, personality, what they can do, etc.
- The tease, just a short storie to open up the game, possibly provide a prologue, and set the tone of the game.

How does one regulate what players may opr may not do? You don't, really. Once everyone has gotten their  character sheets and everyone knows their motives and all relevant backstory and has gotten 'into character', the game just, goes. Everything is improved, and it might wind up following the flow, or it might  go in a completely different direction. The bad guys might win, everyone might die, or the heroes survive triumphantly, it really all depends.

The magic system for westfinder is fairly straight forward, but would take too long to describe. For a game like this, the system would be tweaked somewhat. Most of the magc would be what we call "improv magic" Where a characters reaction is based in part on what they know of the spell, and whatever specifics might guide that character (For example, thrusting your hand out and shouting "shower of nails!" at a faerie would elicit either death or extreme pain, then death, while on someone whereing armor, they woudl have the options of a) shruggin it off, b) grunting, then fighting as if in pain, or c) being severely disabled, at least until healed).

note, this is a rather incomplete description, as I don't have much time on my hands. sorry.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden files LARP
« on: January 30, 2007, 05:06:17 PM »
In response to Abstruse; my current idea isn't entirely cannon, I'm just using some loose ends I want to see tied up, and there might be some deal of combat going on.

And Darrington, feel free to come, westfinder is always looking for new converts. If your going to be in the bay area whnever this happens (No date yet), feel free to come. No experience neccesary, most of the systems for this game would be a little different than usual anyway.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden files LARP
« on: January 29, 2007, 03:06:14 AM »
That would be a good idea, if my current plan doesn't wind up working.

DFRPG / Re: Dresden files LARP
« on: January 26, 2007, 11:44:17 PM »
I'm mostly looking for ideas of stuff to include in the story. If there is a loose end that you want tied up, a character you want to see more of, anything like that. I need to have enough characters and ideas to keep arounds 35-50 odd people busy for about 3 hours, as that is about how along a standard game is.

Sorry if my post wasn't very well worded, or at all clear.

DFRPG / Dresden files LARP
« on: January 26, 2007, 05:21:53 AM »
Hello everyone! This isn't necessarily related to the rpg, but...

I am a member of a Role-playing/improv group called Westfinder (an offshoot of Wayfinder, but we're in California), and I am writing a game based upon the Dresden Files. I already have the basic flow worked out, but I'm still looking for ideas. If you have any, please post.

As well, if there are any dresden-philes in the bay area (SF, Oakland, Berkeley, etc.) anyone and everyone is free to join.

Now then, a little bit about west/wayfinder. Wayfinder is an improv/roleplaying/theater group, over in New York. The basic premise of most games is, everyone gets their character, complete with motives, history, costume, etc. Every game has a "Flow" which is the basic idea of what the writer had in mind, but games rarely go according to flow, and often get quite spectacular. Westfinder is exactly the same, we're just in California.

So, yes, I'm looking for ideas to supplement my existing flow, and people in the bay area who might want in on this.

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