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Topics - Erlkoeneg

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Dresden files LARP
« on: January 26, 2007, 05:21:53 AM »
Hello everyone! This isn't necessarily related to the rpg, but...

I am a member of a Role-playing/improv group called Westfinder (an offshoot of Wayfinder, but we're in California), and I am writing a game based upon the Dresden Files. I already have the basic flow worked out, but I'm still looking for ideas. If you have any, please post.

As well, if there are any dresden-philes in the bay area (SF, Oakland, Berkeley, etc.) anyone and everyone is free to join.

Now then, a little bit about west/wayfinder. Wayfinder is an improv/roleplaying/theater group, over in New York. The basic premise of most games is, everyone gets their character, complete with motives, history, costume, etc. Every game has a "Flow" which is the basic idea of what the writer had in mind, but games rarely go according to flow, and often get quite spectacular. Westfinder is exactly the same, we're just in California.

So, yes, I'm looking for ideas to supplement my existing flow, and people in the bay area who might want in on this.

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