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Topics - NecroKeogh

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Character Transformation
« on: March 19, 2007, 08:41:52 PM »
Back in my World of Darkness days (specifically, Masquerade/Requiem and Awakening/Ascension), it always thrilled me to play an otherwise normal and unassuming character that, through fantastic circumstance or plain cat-killing curiosity, stumbled into an entirely new world by being reborn into one of the members of that new world. As a vampire, I consistently allowed my character's past and established personality to intrude upon and conflict with his recent identity as an undead predator. How does a former, esteem-lacking office nonentity cope with his rebirth into a vampire, for instance? Does he allow the newfound power to go to his head and corrupt who he is, or does it add only another dimension to his lack of esteem? The same went for my magi. What does a former, staunch logician do when he awakens (or ascends) to magical status? I'm hoping to replicate those experiences with the RPG being released for the Dresden Files, and since the overarching theme depicted above is change and its effects on the individual, I wonder what kind of freedom the game will allow in that respect.

Will it be possible to be a character that is an average, mortal human being and have him progress to Wizard status, for example? What if my character has no magical skill? Are there methods available to somehow increase his skill and give him the same heavy-hitting properties as Dresden's potential? Also, are there other magical beings available to play such as a Knight of the Cross? I basically want a powerless character that comes into power to explore the psychology of such a transition, and I am curious as to what extent the RPG will allow me to create that experience.

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