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Messages - GruffAndTumble

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DFRPG / Re: A Familiar Question
« on: July 28, 2010, 08:59:12 PM »
Actually, the "familiars are animals" concept is largely due to D&D's influence. As Michael mentions in Grave Peril, the full term is "familiar spirit." According to many classical beliefs, Bob is much more of a archetypal familiar than Little Brother.

As far as the RPG goes, I'd probably call "Bound Familiar" a -1 refresh power, with additional cost for an especially knowledgeable or potent spirit. If it took the form of an animal, I'd probably limit it to something small and innocuous unless additional Refresh was paid to make it a powerhouse as normal. And finally, I'd require the player to develop an Aspect describing his relationship with the familiar, like an Item of Power's requirement.

DFRPG / Re: Taking the same power twice?
« on: July 28, 2010, 08:52:39 PM »
Elements are flavor.  All they do are satisfy catches. 

Nine words containing two mutually exclusive points. That's some impressive brevity right there. Or maybe you are using a definition of "flavor" that means "uncommonly occurring but still tremendously advantageous mechanical benefit"? Should we alert Webster's?

As written.  It would take me 10 sec to think of any effect you could want with earth or spirit, 15 sec for water or air, 20 for fire.  That's hardly bogging down a session.

I'm very happy for you. Not everyone thinks this fast. My "ten minutes" was intended as hyperbole, but I have yet to meet a gamer who enjoys spending excess time so the guy with special circumstances can resolve his fancy action.

Final point--spells are not solely defined by the effect they create, but also by the situation they affect. If a pyromancer wants to throw up a shield spell in a dry wooden building, you can bet your ass that I'm compelling the "Highly Flammable" aspect on the walls. Many forms of Earth magic manipulating actual dirt or stone is ripe for compels, where simple kinetomancy creating stony force barriers would be less so.

DFRPG / Re: Spell Compendium
« on: July 28, 2010, 08:37:03 PM »
Okay, I see where the confusion came in. A Block prevents an action from succeeding, by the rules, which is where you're coming from. Some of us, or at least me, internally processed that as preventing it from happening. And while the latter interpretation is one way to look at the application of a Block, particularly Grapples, it is not the only way. My bad.

That being said, in my opinion, all that does is shift it from a 4th law outright violation to a 3rd law grey area. Truth is a complicated issue, often tied up in the beliefs, biases and limited knowledge of the teller. For you to affect lies, and only lies, through your directed will, you will have to already know that the statement is a lie. It's really a chicken and egg question.

Now, if you believe there is a big shiny unadulterated Truth with a capital T somewhere, then it's likely the above does not apply. But Harry has stated that magic needs to be directed by will and focus, and that says to me it needs some kind of "target." Without a big Beacon o' Truth, the target of such a spell is inherently the liar, but you don't know if he is or isn't a liar, or what he is or isn't lying about, before you cast the spell.

I'm not sure if I'm explaining this clearly, but it's the best I can do for right now.

DFRPG / Re: Tackling Building New York City
« on: July 28, 2010, 06:15:55 AM »
I'm doing New York myself, and I have a lot of material, admittedly produced under the heavy influence of "the Vancouver method". I'll start with my Themes and Threats, and if you want more, I'll be glad to provide.

The Idea: The city falls prey to crime and poverty while the rich hoard ever-increasing wealth.
Face: “Big” Ed Biggs, Ruthless Crime Boss

The Idea: New York has a tremendous density of supernatural predators, all seeking sole access to their prey.
Face: Utapishtim, Ghoul Prophet

The Idea: Power abounds in New York, but only the toughest survive to seize it.
Face: Thrymm, Jarl of the Jotnar

Supernatural: Predators bicker for power and prey while the clued-in mortals do their best to flee or weather the night. Meanwhile, the Goblin Market supplies all sides.
Mundane: Making money and taking money—New York’s principal business is business.

DFRPG / Re: Advice please - Trouble Aspect and Character Creation
« on: July 28, 2010, 06:11:15 AM »
"Harm None" seems like an exceptionally nasty Trouble to me. And "Do what ye will" is ripe for compels tempting you down the Quick and Easy Path to the Dark Side (TM)

DFRPG / Re: Statting the Einherjar
« on: July 28, 2010, 06:08:04 AM »
Of all the Catches I would consider, possibly the least likely would be massive trauma. The Einherjar used to make a daily game out of killing and dismembering each other, before going back to that pig made of infinite bacon for lunch. I forget what it was called. I think there was a cow that made mead inside its udders too, but that's hardly relevant.

I would probably give the Einherjar Supernatural or Mythic Recovery, but with the Catch of "In Valhalla." It's a pretty harsh Catch, and would make the power all but useless--in the normal ways one thinks about using it. Consider the discount provided by such a harsh Catch (I'd place it at +5) makes it possible to buy Mythic Recovery for almost nothing. Then remember that the Uberghouls are listed in OW as being functionally immortal--not even massive trauma from Holy Hand Grenades will cut it. What this means is that an Einheriar is not much scarier than a Pure Mortal in combat--he'll have less Fate Points, but will balance this out with a plethora of combat-related Aspects to invoke and high Skills--but he is almost impossible to permanently put down. If his comrades manage to bring back so much as as his severed head or shattered femur to Valhalla, he's coming back. And he's probably very, very angry at you.

DFRPG / Re: Aspects of different "Power"
« on: July 28, 2010, 04:28:39 AM »
I don't think its explicitly stated, but the game is written with the assumption that aspects cannot be invoked to instantly cause a Take Out result. And, barring that, there aren't really any super powerful Aspects. "BROKEN RIBS" and "BRUISED SHINS" both provide the same amount to attacks tagging them, for example.

DFRPG / Re: Taking the same power twice?
« on: July 28, 2010, 04:10:02 AM »
I heartily disagree that elements are just flavor. Certainly, you're very unlikely to need all five, and four is often overkill, but between the need to satisfy Catches and the need not to bog down a session for ten minutes trying to justify the action you want to take with your available elements, they are very handy.

That being said, I prefaced my suggestion by stating that it was not intended as a "go to" interpretation on the default rules. I could have been a little more clear, I guess. So, here goes clarity: That suggestion was made purely to illuminate an alternate viewpoint. In no way do I consider it canon or RAW. I just wanted to showcase an interesting idea from a viewpoint I had not seen previously.

DFRPG / Re: Taking the same power twice?
« on: July 27, 2010, 08:05:00 AM »
Assuming one has no problems with manipulating the default rules a little, reading the Refinement power and related marginalia indicates that a new Element and a specialization in a current on are roughly equivalent. So, just take Evocation with two elements and two specialties.

DFRPG / Re: Red Court Infected/Vampires and "Vegetarianism"
« on: July 27, 2010, 08:02:39 AM »
Whatever is decided, I would make a point of emphasizing to your players that this is not WoD. Vampires are not tragic figures, cursed by a choice not their own. Every single full Red Court Vampire is a murderer, and killing is viewed as a lot more of a serious issue than WoD tends to hold it as being. The Hunger drives them to their first kill in many cases, but the themes of personal responsibility are among the strongest ones present in the series and 'verse.

Furthermore, the WoD, in my experience, encourages you to play monsters--not monstrous templates, but monsters in a moral sense. It encourages a bleaker view of things like necessity and survival than the Dresdenverse. I don't view this as inherently a bad thing, as role-playing goes--I don't believe for a minute it will influence the real beliefs and behaviors of a stable person to make believe that he's  an inhuman nightmare once a week. But it involves vastly different genre assumptions that the DFRPG.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Power List
« on: July 27, 2010, 07:30:01 AM »
For the Telepathy power, how do you plan on handling reading the "minds" of inhuman creatures? The Lawbreaker section has some discussion on such things that would likely be relevant, magic or no.

Speaking of Even Hand, I'd love to see your take on
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DFRPG / Re: Enchanted Items
« on: July 25, 2010, 02:54:57 AM »
The marginalia states that Refinement can be split between options.

DFRPG / Re: Big-time ritual magic; a practical guide
« on: July 25, 2010, 01:21:44 AM »
Under Scrifices: So people are worth +20, what would the sacrifice of a live chicken be (I've seen +2 in other posts)? Do you get more for a goat? Is there some way to calculate how much any particular being is worth?

It's based off available consequences. It's perfectly reasonable to assume a chicken cannot take more than a Minor Consequence (2 shifts). Similarly, humans are worth 20 shifts by default. exceptionally hardy specimens, with high Endurance ratings and a consequence-providing stunt or two, will be worth even more.

@CMEast: While these rules could certainly be applied to Mental consequences, it wasn't my intention. I also suspect such an item would brush up against some serious Warden suspicion without some amazingly innovative flavor text. Storing extra life force is somewhat sketchy, but fragmenting your consciousness so you can shunt fits of insanity into a box is Sketchville Central.

@Doc Nova: The consequence can still be tagged, but it would require some really crazy justification to use it to hurt the caster. Remember, the item is the one "wounded" by the consequence--the Aspect involved is therefore applied to the item, not the bearer. Now, I can see a trick shot tagging it to explode the item and unleash its energies, or someone stealing it and tagging it as a symbolic link in a ritual. But this item is not supposed to be an "Amulet of Health +X." The intent is not to increase the consequences available to the character. The intent is to make a container for some kind of life energy, and shunt the damage to your own into the container.

...Actually, put like that, this sounds like a First Law grey area/violaton. Hm.

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