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Messages - jbmdw45

Pages: [1]
DF Spoilers / Re: Any news on Peace Talks
« on: February 26, 2019, 08:02:22 PM »
The problem for the beta readers is that they have to keep secrets. If Peace talks was published as a serial, like a lot of books used to be in the past, we could discuss every chapter here and reread them in all detail. It would be a lot of fun.

Also, they have to keep track of all the different versions of history they've read. It's easy for us to spot continuity errors like e.g. Anna Valmont telling the "wrong" story in Skin Game of how she first got involved with Nicodemus, because we only read one version of Death Masks. For the beta readers it's probably harder, and for Jim himself keeping track of what "actually" happened must be a nightmare.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Lea stronger than the Winter Lady?
« on: July 21, 2018, 02:24:20 AM »
Hmmm, hard to tell, she's very explicitly not drawing on the mantle, (she draws on it for a second afterward to kick the doors in), though when she gets the boom box and one woman rave going and she's using the same wands she used as a mortal. It may be tied into weather or not you have a soul, that doesn't instantly go away per WoJ.

Uriel would probably say it doesn't go away at all. Remember, "You ARE a soul. You HAVE a body."

DF Spoilers / Re: Molly and the guy in black
« on: July 10, 2018, 04:17:13 PM »
Physically? The Ladies mantle don't seem to do a whole lot besides extra grace/speed.

IIRC she does "draw upon Winter" right before she kicks a door (explosively?) off its hinges in the short story "Cold Case." Seems clear that she can be mighty when she wants to now.

The side effects are interesting too. (Laughing maniacally at death and destruction, and being vaguely bothered that she wasn't more bothered by it.) I think she will deal okay with it, just like Harry has, but we'll see.

DF Spoilers / Re: Molly and the guy in black
« on: July 10, 2018, 04:13:12 PM »
It probably has more to do with her own mantle. Read Cold Case -- in it, we learn that like with the Winter Knight, the Winter Lady's libido gets a big shot in the arm.


So basically, don't necessarily assume it's because Molly is comfortable hitting on Dresden, because chances are it's The Winter Lady being comfortable hitting on The Winter Knight.

I don't think it has to be an either/or thing, and there are external factors too like her increased self-confidence (which shows in her interactions with Harry much earlier, during the dream sequence). But "libido" isn't the vibe I was getting from Molly at the end. It was "warmth", and I don't think that's a Winter thing per se.

More to the point, if the guy in black is going out of his way to tell Harry to seduce Molly, do you think he's going to pass up the opportunity when he gets the chance to interact with Molly directly? No way. I don't know exactly what he would have said to her but I'm sure she would come out of that interaction feeling special and closer to Harry than before.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Michael more than he appears?
« on: July 10, 2018, 04:27:35 AM »
Very curious to see how he responds...  I think it will be a grudge that won't be too obvious but will rear it's head eventually.  Especially when he realizes that his daughters soul is dwindling away.  It's more than just a mortal death.  If that's not something to get revenge for I don't know what is.
Somehow I don't think Michael will be the type to believe in souls "dwindling away," period. That's just Harry's take on it, not Michael's. Look at Michael's reaction to Nicodemus' claims about what would happen if Michael died in Hades' realm. Paraphrasing from memory: "On the one hand, I have your word. On the other hand, I have my Father's. I think I know to which voice I should listen."

DF Spoilers / Molly and the guy in black
« on: July 10, 2018, 04:24:28 AM »
So... re-reading Skin Game, I was struck by two things at the end:

(1) Molly's body language with Harry at the end is fairly intimate. She un-selfconsciously hugs him around the neck, nods with her hair touching his, etc.

(2) When Molly was in Harry's head, she talked to the guy in black about the parasite. I wonder what else they talked about, don't you?

I feel like Molly knows now that she's got a shot with Harry and it's put her in a good, relaxed mood. I kind of feel like the thing with Murphy is not a resolution--it's just setting up a conflict so that it will be more painful for Harry (and Murph, and us!) when he winds up entangled with Molly and breaks Murphy's heart. (Just like Ric did with Murph's little sister! Ouch, again.)

DF Spoilers / Shapeshifting and size-changing
« on: April 24, 2018, 09:39:48 PM »
Why is Harry surprised to see Goodman Grey transform into a racehorse when he's already seen Injun Joe transform into a bear the size of a minibus back in Turncoat? Is this just an oopsie due to Jim losing track of what happened during which draft of Turncoat?

DF Spoilers / Re: Murphy in Peace Talks (WoJ spoilers)
« on: August 29, 2017, 04:42:39 AM »
Saying that Murphy is the last true blue mortal on the team is a good point. However, her getting so badly wounded by Nic that she'll never recover 100% is also a point where you got to wonder what her future role as "the normal" is going to be in the series. It's fully possible that she'll transition into another role, but given how much her identity has been to be this tough woman, I bet it would trigger even more of an identity crisis than she already had after having to leave the CPD.

In the immortal words of Spiderman: Homecoming...

She can become Harry's "guy in the chair!"

DF Spoilers / Re: Cowl's Identity [FPOTM2 11.2016]
« on: August 29, 2017, 04:27:19 AM »
To my knowledge there is nothing that actually indicates humans are immune, the theory rests on the fact that all confirmed Nemfected so far have been Fae.

Well, that and the fact that the Dresdenverse has long-running a special emphasis on mortals and their specialness in having not only the ability to conjure up outsiders, but also free will.*

Huh. In fact, that could very well explain the difference between Maeve's nemfection and Cat Sith's. If Maeve is still human, theologically speaking, then she has free will and (perhaps) can't be sock-puppeted by Outsiders like Cat Sith can--she has to be seduced like the FBI agents in Fool Moon.

* Admittedly, it's not at all clear that immortals don't have free will also--Uriel certainly implies to Harry in Skin Game that he's got it, and of course Lasciel obviously must have had it or she would never have Fallen... but that may be me projecting my opinions/theology into the Dresdenverse instead of an actual thing.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions Specifically for Jim, Part 3
« on: June 01, 2010, 02:04:14 AM »
Of course, there's also the question of who ends up being the closest vessel of Winter that ends up with the mantle. Toot-toot usually isn't far from Harry, and he considers himself part of winter now, right? That would be hilarious in a way, but also very sad if Mab does something nasty to him in a fit of rage. She's also unlikely to recruit a new Knight anytime soon, as she tries to get Harry back. Whomever ends up holding the mantle may be blocked up in ice for a while.

Only the Queens are eligible vessels for the Knight's power. If just any Summer faerie could receive the power, Harry wouldn't have been able to deduce anything useful from the information the Mothers gave him in Summer Knight--in particular, he wouldn't have known that Aurora did it.


Display Case / Re: DISPROVE THIS
« on: June 01, 2010, 12:26:16 AM »
I guess anything is possible, but thus far Jim has consistently used the formula of: ascension comes with commensurate amounts of power and constraint.  As a force of nature, I don' think Mab can lie.  As well the world dissemble for no other reason than atoms decided to stop attracting each other based on charge.  Human, endowed with free will, seem to be the only ones with the dubious privilege of reconstructing reality to fit their own subjective whim.

The little sequence with the Erlking, and the fact that he considered the option of just ignoring "courtesy" and killing Harry, suggests that courtesy and keeping their word is something the Fae have power not to do. The raw fury Mab displays at Harry's suggestion that she might break her word likewise suggests that for her, keeping her word is a point of personal pride and self-love, not something she is merely forced to do as a Sidhe. This, BTW, is one of the reasons I can't take the Molly-as-Mab theory seriously. A rigid sense of personal honor is something you're pretty much born with or don't have at all, in my experience. It's not something Molly would acquire over time.

It is also one of the things I really like about Mab, so maybe I'm a bit biased. Mab is up there in my book with Talisman/Matthew Maule (Saberhagen's version of Dracula) in personal coolness, not to mention scariness. In Butcher terminology, she is gadara.


Display Case / Re: DISPROVE THIS
« on: May 31, 2010, 11:16:10 PM »
Molly has lied, and Mab said that the stars will fall out of the skies before she breaks her word.

Unless Mab is, well, lying about that.

(Obviously not taking this theory seriously.)

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