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Messages - Ben de Wal

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You've said before that human beings are the only beings that have Free Will. However we have since learned that angels are all soul and so presumably have Free Will (plus how did Lucifer Fall if he didn't have Free Will?). Can a Fallen be redeemed or do they lose their Free Will after they Fall?
angels don't have free will they hav to act with in set  pramiters,  countering  the fallen  is one  thats why uriel can only wisper 7 words  to harry

DF Reference Collection / Re: The Leather Duster time travel theory
« on: January 01, 2013, 06:07:18 PM »
Yeah, I think she dosed his brain with tachyodorphins to make his brain work super-fast.  But she also says at the time (pun!) that time doesn't exist.

WN - pg403
And that was what she was doing to accelerate the process of his mind in the physical world.  As a non-corporeal entity, she might be able to show him the past just as easily as the present.  I think that's why she has eidetic memory: everything that existed in her past exists in her present, so recall isn't a problem.   

The problems would arise that she couldn't manipulate the past, as that's probably a no-no, and she probably couldn't send Harry back prior to her seeing/experiencing everything in his mind. 

The work-around for the second is that, as part of Harry and sharing his soul, she has his memories as well, and might be able to go back to that memory. 

The first isn't as easy.  But its assuming that such things are off limits to Angels and Fallen.  Maybe by sending Harry back, but not herself, it wouldn't be a violation.

Harry Lash-Back Theory (sub-category of logistics' Time-Travel Theory)
1)  Harry finds out in #15 that the parasite is Lash, who is sharing/living/feeding off of his soul.
2)  They resume 2-way communications.
3)  Harry has a need to go back and revisit his memories of previous casefiles.
4)  Lash reveals that Angels and Fallen are non-linear, meaning they can exist and revisit any time from their existence.
5)  Harry realizes that as an aggelocopy feeding-off-of/sharing his soul, Lash can exist and revisit any time from his existence as well.
6)  Lash tells him its against the rules for a shadow or Fallen to go back and change the past, and that she can't visit his past.
7)  Harry says that she wouldn't have to revist his past; only he would; and he promises not to change anything.
8)  Lash shows him how to not only recall his past, but to actually revisit it, in a non-linear mental state.
9)  Harry visits himself to piece together a few facts, and takes the opportunity to talk to himself, knowing that he can only have the same conversations over that he had previously.  Hence his deeper understanding of events, as well as his reluctant knowledge of not being allowed to change things.
10)  Harry then returns to the present.

Problems with this Theory:
1)  Making a lot of assumptions on Lash's abilities.
2)  We still have a paradox, as with all time-travel scenarios, because Harry has to recall a conversation he already had with his future self before his future self existed to have the conversation, meaning that the future self would have had to have existed in a timeline where a future-future self didn't make the trip back, which means that that first conversation would have changed the future.   :o
i can get on board with this exepted harry know how to  use a piece his own soul  to  power a spell so why cant  he use a chunck of his soul to go back  if angel is all soul and time is illrevent to them  them mabey the same holds true for  a mortals
 and harry just needs a hand to learn how
 as to every one else post about there only being futer/past or what ever i cant't swim in that water  todeep for me ???

DF Reference Collection / Re: The Leather Duster time travel theory
« on: December 31, 2012, 06:11:17 AM »
thats actually the greatest outright WAG i've ever heard... yes i believe she fights the mantle  of cold, calculating, ruthless queen...
she has shown some compassion if a little and we know mother winter has littel respect for mab  becoming to getting soft and spend time with humans  i'm not say thatmab has control over  the mantel  but maybe she  tries

DF Reference Collection / Re: The Leather Duster time travel theory
« on: December 31, 2012, 01:15:12 AM »
 i think  that they mean mab is trying to fight the mantel??? ???

DF Reference Collection / Re: The Leather Duster time travel theory
« on: December 30, 2012, 02:15:04 AM »
 not to menchin  that he has his case files book but realy harry wouldn't need a lc to time travel he would needto make a littel harry lol of exactly how he appeared at the time when he wanted travel to

I have a feeling that Mantles (like magic) change slowly over time as the world around them (and the purpose that they serve) changes.

I think that it is likely that Harry (and hopefully Molly as well) changes the mantle as he resists its influence.

I actually sort of interpret the overall story arc of the series as Harry being at the nexus of a changing of the guard in the supernatural community as a whole.  Every institution that Harry involves himself with seems to be altered by him in some fashion and his 'modern' and 'mortal centric' sensibilities are both changing existing institutions (changing the self-image of the younger wardens and reshaping the social structure of the Little Folk being the most obvious examples) and creating new institutions (Baron Marcone, Paranet, BFS, etc.).

IMO, this is what Harry most has in common with the original Merlin - I think that he is at the center of reshaping the supernatural landscape (especially as it relates to mortals).
i like the idea of the mantle changing with the host so if you have a bunch of weak will knight in a row the mantel would increse the desirse of  the next knight  maybe harry resisting the mantle with soul fire   it will change more quickly  but  the mantle will always have a preditory instinct

As far as possible mantles go we are forgetting mouse. Ancient mai was shocked that harry had mouse, exclaiming why is he allowed to keep him. There is more going on with mouse than we have realised. I believe jim has even stated that mouse is more clued in than harry though i am paraphrasing there and may have done so incorrectly.
i would think  that harry was aloud to keep mouse was because mouse chose harry and i'd like  to see any one take harry away from mouse

DF Reference Collection / Re: The Leather Duster time travel theory
« on: December 29, 2012, 05:20:50 PM »
darker thought, that is the source harry draws from to fuel his soulfire spells, each time he uses them he becomes a bit closer to ID Harry. Thus as corrupts the original intention of the soulfire (creation) it corrupts him to his darker ID. New hypothesis time!

Leave it to Harry to take something seemingly pure and taint it, just as he purified some taint earlier.
how do you get darker by using power power of light ? i can see hellfire  making harry darker in goash story harryused his soul  use magic and i didn' change the person he is

DF Reference Collection / Re: The Leather Duster time travel theory
« on: December 29, 2012, 03:05:56 PM »
 unless f future harry left his shadow in  his own mind like lash i would be posible if lash come back for harry to learn how to do it  if it is abit thin.... ;)

You touch on some important points that I didn't address in my post.

The thing is, if the two mantles merged, that means that Demonreach would fall into Winter's sphere of influence.  Mab's comments to Demonreach at the end of GS, and Harry's command to Demonreach about interring her if she kills him at the end of CD strongly imply that the Wardenship is DEFINITELY not under Mab's purview as it stands now, whereas the Winter Knight Mantle is nothing but an extension of her own power that must be wielded by a mortal vessel. 

Those two qualities are kinda exclusive, and that oil and water exclusion would have to be addressed for this WAG to work.  One of the reasons why I think this might work out is that Winter didn't always have custodianship over the Outer Gates... Which is evidence that the Winter purview does change.
  the way i see  Demonreach and mab  are in the same field of work so maybe they could be alies??? iwag that the island and the outergates touch

 i'm not sure that  the winter mantle and  the wardens mantel will get lumped into on mantel then demonreach and mab would have to choose harry sucsesor...  will they feed and grow in to two changed mantles  while being in one  person while using  soulfire  i can get on board with   that 

DF Reference Collection / Re: List of Headaches [CD spoilers]
« on: December 25, 2012, 03:58:26 AM »
I've started to think Luccio might have been lying about that in the first place. As far as I can remember, that was literally the only time such a phenomenon was ever even alluded to by anyone. None of the wizards senior to Harry ever mentioned it again, and he never seemed to experience anything he thought to ascribe to it.

I don't really know WHY she would have made it up, but it always did strike me as sort of a non sequitur.
ya but it did turn out to be an important place to harry wich it  did so your saying she lied but got it half right kinda streching it a little thin

DF Reference Collection / Re: List of Headaches [CD spoilers]
« on: December 24, 2012, 04:51:08 PM »
 in the soul gaze he had with thomas

The Wardens are not the entirety of the White Council ... but they probably are the most visible portion.
sorry my bad skim reading missed part of it

Well ... somebody was either (badly) misinformed and/or lying outright. As of Fool Moon, Dresden is most definitely not working for the White Council - and while the White Council has the Wardens for policing magic users, that's far from all that the Council does or its primary function.
thats the warden primary fuction

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