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Messages - janus1612

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Re: Alternate Locations for Dresden RPGs
« on: May 10, 2008, 11:31:08 AM »
Actually all this talk of Cthulu has just given me an idea so I thank you. Of course my players might not, but I am very grateful.  ;D

DFRPG / Re: Alternate Locations for Dresden RPGs
« on: May 10, 2008, 09:33:51 AM »
For bouns points you could work in lovecraftian ichy things.

Great Cthulu you say... *smirks and cracks knuckles*

(Funny story, one of the players in an old table top Call of Cthulu game had a massive intimidate score and wanted to meet the great Cthulu to see if the line 'Nice tentacles you've got there sir, wouldn't like to see 'em get <sniff> broken!' would work. I didn't stick around to see the results. As I'm sure you can tell we were taking our role playing very seriously back then.)

As to seeing results, well the system adaption is working pretty well. Only problem I'm finding is working out a system for magical drain, ie getting worn out from casting magic, but I'll figure something out.

If you wanna stop by to read up on what is going on the board is here:

I'll be calling the topic Semiautomagic (it's such a cool title I just gotta), but it's not set up yet as we're still doing character gen.

DFRPG / Re: MURPG Adaption. Lil' help?
« on: May 06, 2008, 06:52:52 PM »
Humm... good point well made.

Well I'm kinda stuck with the system... Yes Marvel Universe... I'm running it on the MURPG site... what can ya do?

Guess I'm gonna have to work something out. Fortunately I'm keeping fully fledged White and Red court vamps as NPC's or bad guys. Just need to figure out a way for wizards to work.

DFRPG / Re: Alternate Locations for Dresden RPGs
« on: May 05, 2008, 10:47:01 PM »
I'm busy writing a campaign for England and I have less problem with the things I can put in than things I should leave out.

Arthurian legends, Roman gods, Celtic, Norse and Saxon mythology, Eastern European legends (thanks to the influx of immigrants... thank you European Union), Chinese mythology (thanks to chinese immigrants who have been coming here for decades), stuff from anywhere the British Empire stretched the list goes on... and on... and on...

And this is without even looking at figuring out new cool and interesting stuff of my own, or looking into the two world wars or crusades, or inquisition, or running a spin on what Jim has already picked up on.

You see my problem here.

Wardens in Britain would be horrendously busy people.

DFRPG / MURPG Adaption. Lil' help?
« on: May 04, 2008, 04:38:59 PM »
Hi folks

Only my second post and already I'm asking awkward questions. Yea I know but I figured if Harry can do it then why not me, why not here and why not now?

Anyway I was wondering if any of you out there knew the MURPG system. I'm pondering using it as a basis for an on line story telling type game I wanna run based in Merry Olde England... kinda... The system is diceless and thus perfect for online role playing.

My only problem is adapting the system of magic Jim describes to the system MURPG uses. Though perhaps I should break that down into 1) Figuring out Jim's basic laws of magic 2) Breaking them down into useable categories  3) Coming up with basic rules based on the MURPG system.

On number 2 I've so far got Evocation, Thaumaturgy, Enchantment and Alchemy but I've yet to figure out where Veils and Shields fit into that and haven't figured out a system by which individual Wizards tallents, like Harry having a tallent for heavy duty magic but not being so good as delicate stuff can be accounted for. Also where does thinks like Ectomancy, Neuromancy, Necromancy etc fit into the scheme of things?

Admittedly the MURPG system is so loose that the whole rules thing won't be too difficult and I could just fudge it but I like the world and mythos Jim has created so much that I really want to stay true and faithful to what he has done.

Which brings me to you folks. From the little I have read on the boards your knowledge of the Dresdenverse has mine beat hands down. So, what if anything can you tell me?

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