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Topics - Serack

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Site Suggestions & Support / Profile addition request
« on: January 23, 2012, 03:57:04 PM »
If it's a simple thing, could you add a "topics started" link in the profile kinda like the "Show Posts"?

I tried to create a different new sticky in the WoJ section today and it says it "needs approval."

I assumed that this ment that with the revamp, I couldn't start a new topic in the WoJ section without approval, but apparently other posters are having similar issues in other areas of the forums, as evidenced by DarkArchon's post below.

I started a new topic in the WoJ section and it didn't have this affliction, and I've now deleted the "needs approval" topic, but I expect that DA's topics are still around for diagnosis of this problem.

DF Reference Collection / The truth about Fitz
« on: August 02, 2011, 07:05:13 AM »
So I'm now home from the Washington DC signing, and I got to ask Jim if there was significance to his choice of Fitz's name.  First he confirmed that he was aware Fitz means bastard, and he softly confirmed that this was intentional, and we would see how eventually. 

So Electric MacButters and I were discussing this on the 3 hour drive home, and during some serious mutual brainstorming, I came up with THE DEFINITIVE ANSWER to who Fitz is (with some key insights from EMacB)

But I'm not going to tell you.  (ooooh that is fun!) Instead I will give you a big hint, and let you work it out yourselves.  We have everything we need to figure it out now that we know for sure that the name was intentional.

The hint:  He's cursed.  edit:  This is conjecture if the "definitive" theory is true -Serack

P.S. Toe-mas took a flip video, and will be posting the entire signing on youtube asap.

Edit:  Copied from reply #30

Ok, so the "definitive answer" part might have partially been due to my being up waaaaaay past my bed time, but here's the evidence which still has me convinced.

Quote from: GS
He was youthfully scrawny, his skin bronze enough to look Native American, though his tangled red hair and pug nose argued otherwise. His eyes were an odd shade of brown, so light as to be nearly golden.

Ok first bronze skin on a redhead is really unusual.  ESPECIALLY in a snow storm.  Redheads typically have fair skin.  When they get a lot of sun they get freckles on top of freckles.  So the Redhead and bronze skin are off, and are probably from the 2 different sides of the family.
But here's the clincher.

Quote from: FM ch13
I broke out into a cold sweat and looked out the other window.
Directly into a pair of brilliant, feral, amber eyes.
"I am Harley MacFinn's fiance.  Miss West," she said.  "I am called Tera."

Quote from: FM ch9
Tera West was there, [/snip]
She was naked, her body a uniform shade of brown

Also, after mentioning how Father Forthill could sense Harry and Stuart because the good priests, ministers, shaman's can sense spirits Stuart says:

Quote from: GS ch9
"And dogs."  Sir Stuart added.  "Maybe one in ten of them seem to have a talent for sensing us.  Probably why they are always barking."

So if he is half wolf=>human shape-shifter, that might help explain why he can hear spirits.

Finally we have this.

Quote from: WoJ
“I seem to remember at a Q&A a few years ago, you said Tera West would be showing up in Book 13 aka Ghost Story. Is this still happening, or has her character been shuffled down the line a bit due to the change in total number of case file books?”
My first answer is “bump her down a couple.” But on the other hand, it might be interesting to see her again in this book.
We’ll see what happens. :)

I think she showed up in proxy too, as in not her, but as the mother of a new main character.

I believe Tera West is the only other character described with golden colored eyes, she had bronze colored hair, she was a Wolf, thus likely to have progeny that sense sprits, and she was the Fiancee of an Irishman she never married.

Sounds like all the pieces you need to put together a young man described in the first quote.

The only off part is the timeline.  I believe FM was around 12 years before GS, which means that either Fitz was already around somewhere, or he aged quickly (dog years).

Site Suggestions & Support / Hatchet needed
« on: July 27, 2011, 01:17:05 PM »
agrivates me that when I look for other possible videos of the Kansas City Q&A I find:

Advertisement for pirated GS ebook on youtube (at least I'm assuming it's pirated, since I refuse to follow the link in the description)

I want to see blood spilled, but I hope at least someone that has an interest in the copyrights can get youtube's copyright protection squad on this, and I've seen the mods here help facilitate such things.

I think of the term "'Dresden Files' WoJ" as meaning anything said by Jim that is external to the actual story narrative and that gives interesting info about the "Dresdenverse"

In the past few weeks, both the Side Jobs intro to Backup and the WttJ intro have been brought up in conversation on the boards in ways that exactly fit the above description of DF WoJ's

I am considering (at the recommendation of another forum member) lifting the significant parts of these intro's and placing them into their own topic in the WoJ section for reference purposes.  I am afraid this might dissrespect some copyright though, so I thought I'd ask for advice on the matter here.

An alternative would be to just place briefer quotes within the relevant subjects in the "Compilation"

DF Reference Collection / Demonreach, the Holy People, and Outsiders
« on: July 15, 2011, 06:10:23 PM »
So the runes on the shack and Lighthouse have come up in the 1k+ post long GS preview chapter thread and DominicJ made a post that really got me thinking...  The thoughts are getting a bit research heavy, and experience with my Lash Theory post shows that my posts that cite a lot of WoJ and text read better if they list those quotes at the end, so I'll use that format.

So in the earlier discussion we were talking about how Jim has said that the runes were prehistoric,woj#1 which strongly implies that they ain't human (being writing, and prehistoric meaning before written history), and DominicJ made this comment:

The Naagloshi came from somewhere, the teach humans the "right" path.
Maybe that lighthouse is the way home, and its noqw barred to him?

So his fellow naagloshi wrote it?

Ok, so this idea meshes pretty well with the description of the origins of the Naagloshii in TCxrt#1 which even states that they were probably prehistoric.  Here's the thing though.  It's implied pretty strongly in SmF that what's on the other side from inside the lighthouse is pretty nasty.xrt#3  

However, if you take Harry's description of the Old ones from Dead Beatxrt#2 about how they were apparently banished from our reality, and ask who dunit, maybe the Holy People participated in it.  Also, where did they go themselves?  Maybe when they did this banishing, they also left reality themselves (See Jim's description of Benevolent beingswoj#2), and also reside on the other side at the lighthouse (that last bit is a big maybe).  

The thing is, The info we have about where the Mordite infused Mistfiend came from,xrt#4 and WoJ about the "Outside, and mordite"woj#3 make me think the "Outside" is really just a far reach of the NN, which is also possibly where the "Holy People" left for by choice...  I dunno, it all gets a little fuzzy...

I'd like to be able to tie in Jim's comments about how the title of Wardens wasn't originally plurral, and how that seems to be important to the cluebat we got from Eb's journal about "that particular Mantle" but I haven't figured out where it fits with all that...

Below are the WoJ and Text references

WoJ #1
Can you tell us more about the runes on the cottage and the lighthouse?
They were not put there by Demonreach; they have been there a very long time.  They are pre-Council.  They’re a prehistoric script, actually.  Harry could have figured out the script if he’d had the comic book.

WoJ #2
Quote from: 2008 ComicCon Playing God pannel
How do you come up with the bounds between Characters free will and the Divine Hand?
For the Dresden Files, the whole point of The Almighty positive good forces that are out there is that free will is important and they respect that and you've gotta have it and use it.  That's the entire point.  They are a force of freedom.  And it's the bad guys who are going around doing whatever they can to abrogate free will.  So for me, where you draw the line is what defines where good stops and evil starts is by how much you're taking away free will and how much you're enabling it.

WoJ #3
This posits the question.  Besides are reality and nevernever on the other side of the veil, is there anything else?  If nevernever is the biggest place, does it encompass all that isn't our world, our reality?  I was assume no because I don't think that Mordite (the stuff that the Archive brought to the duel) comes from Nevernever, but from outside everything.

Remember that everything Harry tells you is from Harry's point of view. :)  As far as Harry knows, that's the way it is--with the clarification that yes, there is an Outside (where Outsiders originate) and it is a Very Bad Place.  The mordite is, quite simply, matter from the Outside.

I'm not saying "that's all there is, there ain't no more."  But as far as Harry knows at this point in the books, that's pretty close.


Text References:
Excerpt #1
Quote from: TC ch.29
"According to some of the stories of the Navajo, the naagloshii were originally messengers of the Holy People, when they were first teaching humans the Blessing Way."
"the original messengers, the naagloshii, were supposed to go with the Holy People when they departed the mortal world.  But some of them didn't.  They stayed here, and their selfishness correpted the power the Holy People gave them. Viola, Shangnasty."
..."When did this happen"
"Tough to say," Bob said. "The traditional Navajo don't see time the way most mortals do, which makes them arguably smarter than the rest of you onkeys.  But it's safe to assume prehistory.  Several millennia."

Excerpt #2
Quote from: DB ch.31
Outsiders, though, were so rarely spoken of that they were all but a rumor.  I wasn't really clear on all the details, but the outsiders had been servants and foot soldiers of the Old Ones, an ancient race of demons or gods who once ruled the mortal world, but how had apparently been cast out and locked away from our reality.

Excerpt #3
Quote from: SmF ch.43
"Cross into the Nevernever from where you're standing?"  Nichodemus asked.  "You'd e better off asking the Russian to put a bullet through your head for you.  I know what lives on the other side."
Given that they'd chosen this location for the greater circle precisely because it was a source of intense dark energy, I had no trouble believing that it connected to som enasty portions of the Nevernever.  There was every chance that Nicodemus was not bluffing.

Excerpt #4
Quote from: TC ch.49
The Senior Council managed to contain and banish the mordite-infused mistfiend, a rare and dangerous gaseous being from the far reaches of the Nevernever

DF Reference Collection / Reviving my Major Lash theory post
« on: July 08, 2011, 02:21:47 AM »
This is my favorite pet theory.  It takes several theories about Lash and puts them together coming to some very interesting conclusions.  (old 2010 version link) (dead now)

All of the WoJ's and text excerpts (xrts) are at the bottom and numbered.

My foundational Theory:
Lash used Soulfire when she rebelled against Lasciel.
I don't consider this proven, just that the reasoning and evidence behind it is strong (the same caveat goes for the rest of this post I guess).  In WK, Bob points out that the bit of soul he is missing "is energy" and says that Lash used it as the power source that allowed her to rebel against Lasciel.xrt#1  In SmF, while describing the process of how soulfire is used, Bob says that the soul is converted into energy.xrt#4  So I'm theorizing that Lash took the bit of soul Harry gave her and converted it into the energy (Soulfire) she needed to reinforce the free will Harry gave her.  This allowed her to "become a lot more of what she already was" like in Excerpt #5 and enabled her to rebel against Lasciel.

An attempt to determine who can use Soulfire
It hasn't been defined to us who can use Soulfire.  Jim has said that "angelic types have access to hellfire and soulfire.”woj#1  Also, in WK Bob says that Harry had access to hellfire because he had a tiny bit of Lasciel’s energy giving him access to it.xrt#1  This implies that an angelic being can give another being access to hell/soul fire by investing part of their energy into that separate being.  Thus we have a second set of beings who can use Soulfire.   These 2 sets of beings aren’t necessarily all inclusive, but we know of no others.

First Derivative Theory:
Lash is/was a discrete being falling into the set of beings Jim describes as "Angelic type."woj#1  In other words, Lash is an entity of angelic nature.
So now I’m going to go into supposition (that is to say this is based on varying degrees of less firm reasoning and evidence).  If Lasciel is a Fallen “angel” (aka a member of a subset of the “Angelic type” as referred to in WoJ #1), then a shadow of Lasciel existing within Harry’s subconscious (and powered by a bit of energy from this fallen angel giving him access to hellfire) would be what I would call  “angelic in nature.”  Harry has given this shadow the name Lash and thus gave it the free will that allowed it to rebel against its originator’s energyxrt#1 making it a separate, individual, entity with it's own identity.woj#4  Edit:  As a derivative theory, the foundational theory also reinforces this one if it is true.

Second Derivative Theory:
Uriel didn't give Harry Soulfire
It is my theory that if my above "Foundation Theory, and First Derivative Theory are true, then when Uriel “jostled Harry’s elbow”xrt#3 he did not invest part of his own energy into Harry to give him access, but rather nudged Harry into pulling the trigger on the Soulfire gun that was already in his hand, and made available to him through his latent connection with Lash who had already used Soulfire.  This would make Uriel’s “favor” a truly small one, and reinforces the Foundational Theory.  (props to LML for the trigger/gun analogy)

Edit, Sept 2011:  Further theorizing since the events of GS has suggested that Uriel's action here was actually to invest power into Lash, jumpstarting her back into activity with the dual purposes of giving Harry a conduit to soulfire through her, and possibly enabling her to serve the purpose of the "Parasite" mentioned at the end of GS.  See the response linked before the references below for more.

The Conclusion Derivative Theory
Lash is an Angelic entity that identifies with the heavenly hosts, but hasn’t necessarily been accepted by said “team”
I.E.  The angelic entity, Lash, upon using soulfire, not only rebelled against her originator, but chose to change her identity such as to identify with the kind of angel that uses soulfire.  I’m not saying she earned her wings, but I am saying that she switched teams. 
This is concluded from:   
  • The foundational theory that Lash used Soulfire,
  • The First Derivative Theory that Lash is an entity of “angelic nature,”
  • WoJ #4 that Harry did change Lash
  • WoJ #1 about usage of soulfire or hellfire partially determining what kind of angel an entity is
  • WoJ #3 that Lasciel's spirit didn't go to heaven.

Bonus Thoughts:
Even before the psychic assault that possibly damaged the parts of Harry’s brain that harbored Lash, she was already showing progressive signs of falling apart at the seams.  I think that this was probably due to Harry’s naming her and imbibing her with free will deteriorating the effectiveness of the “bit of energy” from Lasciel.  Because of this, I feel as though even without this possible psychic bullet she took, she would have had to spend some time recuperating from the psychic trauma she might have gone through just from this fundamental identity crisis.

Additionally, I am unsure (because she is definitely atypical) if the free will Harry imued her with would free her of restrictions that other, more typical angelic types as described by WoJ’s #2 and #3, seem to be subject to.  This would heavily factor into her identity

I posted a response adding new thoughts based off of the material from GS and WoJ's since the GS release here

Aforementioned WoJ's and Book Excerpts

WoJ #1, Source (emphasis added)
Quote from: 2010 Bitten by Books Q&A
“Does the same apply to hellfire/soulfire. What would happen if Harry were to take up Lasciel’s coin and then try to use soulfire and hellfire together? Would that result in Harry dying horribly?”
Those are different. They’re really two sides of the same coin–but they can’t really exist together like that. They aren’t explosively reactive, but they aren’t additive, either. Which one came into the person to be used would depend on the person who was using it, and what they were using it for.
Angelic types have access to both. Which one they use is partially what determines what /kind/ of angels they are.

WoJ #2, Source
Quote from: 2010 Bitten by Books Q&A
“Could Uriel have chosen to help Harry if he had wanted to, or is there actually some universal limit that prevents him from directly influencing the world in such overt fashion?”
A little of both. Technically, it was /possible/ for Uriel to act directly, but the consequences would have been extreme, both for him and for the mortal world–to the point where you’d have to be moderately insane to do it. Or else, really, really committed to some kind of personal moral compass that was 90 degrees off true.
The last angel to do that is a little notorious.

WoJ #3, Source @ ~6:11
Q:  Does Lasciel's shadow get to heaven because she redeemed herself?
A:  The answer to that is so complicated than is easy to give, especially without giving out extra story and ruining the fun.  No.  Lasciel's spirit didn't go to heaven.  And now, (sing song) I'm not gonna tell you.

WoJ #4, Source (bolding added)
Will we see Lash or Lasciel again?
Lasciel’s story is not over.  And keep in mind what’s said about ‘a woman scorned.’  Also keep in mind that Lasciel is NOT Lash; Lasciel did not reabsorb the entity that Harry actually changed. (Yes, he use those words “that Harry actually changed.”)

Excerpt #1   While discussing the aftermath of the psychic attack Harry endured at the end of White Knight, Bob points out that part of Harry's soul is missing.  After some banter to say that this isn't too big a deal, the book says: (bolding added)
Quote from: WK
"If it's no big deal," I said, "then why is it so interesting?"
"Oh, well," Bob said.  "It is energy, you know.  And I wonder if maybe...maybe...well, look, Harry.  There was a tiny bit of Lasciel's energy in you, supporting the entity, giving you access to hellfire.  That's gone now, but the entity had to have had some kind of power source to turn against the essence of its own originator."
"So it was running off my soul?  Like I'm some kind of battery?"
“Hey,” Bob said, “don’t get all righteous.  You gave it to her.  Encouraging her to make her own choices, to rebel, to exercise free will.”  Bob shook his head.  Free will is horrible, Harry, believe me.  I’m glad I don’t have it.  Ugh, no, thank you.  But you gave her some.  You gave her a name.  The will came with it.”

Excerpt #2 (during the psychic attack in the deeps, Harry tells Lash to help without him calling the coin.  bolding added)
Quote from: WK
"I can't," she replied, her voice anguished.  "She would never forgive that.  Never accept me back into her...just take the coin. Harry, just take the coin.  P-please."

[and later when she agrees to actually help]

"I..."  She shook her head and said, very softly, wonderingly, "She...doesn't deserve you."
Deserved or not, the fallen angel wasn't getting me.  Not ever.
Lasciel squared her sholders and straightened.  "You're right," she said.  "It is my choice...

Excerpt #3 (The sensation Harry felt when he ended up using his Soulfire Fist of Wrath!)
Quote from: SmF
Ever been carrying something and had someone intentionally, unexpectedly jostle your elbow?  It felt something like that- a tiny but critically timed nudge just as I threw my will into a last futile effort of defiance.

Excerpt #4 (Bob is explaining Harry's Soulfire Fist of Wrath! bolding added)
"So what you're saying is that this hand construct was made out of my soul," I said.
"Your soul and your magic fused together, yeah," Bob said.  "Your soul converted into energy.  Soulfire."

Excerpt #5 (more of Bob and Harry discussing soulfire bolding added)
Quote from: SmF
I grunted.  "So what you're saying is that soulfire doesn't let me do anything new. It just makes me more of what I already am."
"A lot more," Bob said, nodding cheerfully from his shelf.  "It's how angels do all of their stuff."

DF Reference Collection / The voices in my head (Series spoilers)
« on: July 05, 2011, 01:39:18 PM »
Time for another one of my lists.  This one is of all the times Harry has had a convo with inside his head, or heard a disembodied voice.  I'll proally end up adding book/chapter notations to this.

Edit:  Here's part of the motivation for this list, copied from reply #6.
I'm thinking along the lines of trying to see how crouded Harry's head is, either with presences, or the footprints of presences.  One of the points of this is that if he is now dead, maybe if some of these presences were actually persistent, they can manifest to him in the spirit realm.

Telepathic communication: (these are less significant to me, but fit with the theme, so I'll get em out of the way first)
Elaine, WK
Merlin, TC
Ebenezer, Changes (2 way)

Disembodied Voices, and Presences
Female hand holder, SF
Lasciel, DM
Lasciel's Shadow, PG, WK
Unknown Female Voice in dream, DM
Quintus Cassius, Changes
The VoiceTM, Changes

Manifested presences within a dream
Harry's Id, FM? and DB
Kravos' Ghost, GP
Harry's Ghost GP
Malcom Dresden, DB
Lasciel, DM

Other significant manifestations
HHWB's shadow manifest to 3eye Junkie, SF
Maggie showed up within the soulgaze with Thomas (both sides), BR

DFRPG Resource Collection / DFRPG Podcasts and interviews
« on: July 02, 2011, 07:01:05 AM »
I've done a lot of work finding Jim Butcher interviews and such over the past year and in the course of that I have found several interviews and Podcasts involving the DFRPG.  Most of them have just been Fred Hicks (Iago) interviews which I had already set up a list for, but I've come across a few that were of other members of the DFRPG team, so I figured I would start a new list in here.  If anyone else finds relevant material, please post it and I will be sure to add it to the list, because I know this isn't even close to exhaustive yet, and any help is appreciated.

Fred Hicks (Iago) Interviews:
Fred's Blog
2007 interview with Fred and Rob Donoghue at The Game's the Thing (audio)
2007 RPG Virtual Tabletop with Fred (Requires that you log in.)
2008 Dabel Brothers interview with Fred
2009 Buzzy Multimedia interview of Fred Hicks about the DFRPG (written)
2010 2D6feet interview with Iago about the DFRPG supplemental book
The Walking Eye Interview about the DFRPG with Fred Hicks (Iago) and Jim audio (also linked in OP)
Interview on German website (skip the brief german part)
Rho Pi Gamma podcast
April 2014 interview posted on his own website
Interview with Fred on the Fear the Boot podcast
Interview with Fred on the Narrative Control podcast
January 2017 interview on
You can hear more from Iago and Priscillie in The Butcher Block

Other DFRPG interviews
Atomic Array Episode 047: Dresden Files, Vol 1: Your Story
Atomic Array Episode 048: The Dresden Files, Vol 2: Our World
D6 Generation episode 56

Jim Butcher interviews that center on gaming and the DFRPG:
2011 Gamer's Haven Jim Butcher interview

Edit:  I usually work hard to be meticulous about catagorizing links like these... but I'm not sure about the best rout to incorporate the above links and the sources shared by others below into a cohesive set of catagories, so I'm just going to start new ones below, and come what may.  The original intent of this resource was to serve as a list of links to interviews by the official developers.  I haven't personally vetted most of the links below so I am unsure which include input from the devs and which are just people discussing strategies for enjoying the game.  Fred seems to have taken emphasis away from orthodoxy, and towards whatever makes for an enjoyable playing experience for your group, so input from any source can be quite valuable.

Double edit: I haven't listened to them either, but I'm pretty sure the vast majority of these are Actual Play recordings. Basically just recordings of people's games. I'll be categorizing by source for the time being. - Sanctaphrax

Actual People, Actual Play (links require that you log in)
Episode 32 The Dresden Files RPG: City Creation
Episode 33 The Dresden Files RPG: Character Creation
Episode 34 The Dresden Files RPG: That's What Sidhe Said
Episode 35 The Dresden Files RPG: Mab Men
Episode 36 The Dresden Files RPG: It's a Mab Mab Mab World
Episode 40 The Dresden Files RPG: Road Trip
Episode 41 The Dresden Files RPG: From Dusk Til A Fistful of Dollars
Episode 42 The Dresden Files RPG: A Few Vampires More
Episode 46 The Dresden Files RPG: Gods and Mobsters
Episode 48 The Dresden Files RPG: Sons of Dresden
Episode 48 The Dresden Files RPG: Sons of Dresden (second attempt)
Episode 49 The Dresden Files RPG: Boba Fettish
Episode 54 The Dresden Files RPG: Faerie Tales
Episode 55 The Dresden Files RPG: Maeve we go to the party?
Episode 56 The Dresden Files RPG: Curses!
Episode 58 The Dresden Files RPG: Faery Balls

The Walking Eye Podcast
All DFRPG related podcasts for The Walking Eye

Knights of the Night
All DFRPG Actual Play podcasts

Arvandus' Ep. 1 "City Creation" on Fandible
Arvandus' Ep. 2 "Love and Mind control part 1/3" on Fandible
Arvandus' Ep. 2 "Love and Mind control part 2/3" on Fandible
Arvandus' Ep. 2 "Love and Mind control part 3/3" on Fandible
Arvandus' Ep. 3 "Time Traveler Blues part 1/2" on Fandible
Arvandus' Ep. 3 "Time Traveler Blues part 2/2" on Fandible
Arvandus' Ep. 4 "Blue Man Group of Evil part 1/2" on Fandible
Arvandus' Ep. 4 "Blue Man Group of Evil part 2/2" on Fandible
Arvandus' Ep. 5 "Medieval Blues" on Fandible

The Darkness Within Rises
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3

The Guild of Geeks
We Are All Mad Here Session 1
We Are All Mad Here Session 2
We Are All Mad Here Session 3

The Dresden Files: City On The River
All episodes

2 GMs, 1 Mic
All posts with the "dresden files" keyword

Narrative Control
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 10
Episode 13 (Includes an interview with Fred)

PS: Some edits made by Sanctaphrax, with permission from Serack.

Edit:  Originally titled "Did the Beta's notice this?" but I'm updating the OP to reflect stuff found in chapter 4.

Summary:  In DB, Harry visited Mort at a duplex, since he had moved out of his little "California-import" and he commented on Mort having "given up trying to conceal his receding hairline in favor of shaving his scalp completely bald."  Yet in the GS sample chapters, Harry goes to the house "Transplanted from Southern California" and comments, "this was the first time I’d seen him sporting a full-on Charles Xavier."  Something is up!  Dun dun dun.

Below are the original post and a copy of Reply #8 which shows more quotes detailing what's in the summary above.

Original Post

I probably wouldn't have noticed this if I hadn't read the relevant chapter in Dead Beat last night.

Quote from: Dead Beat Ch10
Mortimer Linquist had done pretty well for himself over the past couple years, and he'd moved out of the little california-import stucco ranch house he'd been in the last time I'd gone to visit him.  Now he was working out of a converted duplex in Bucktown.

Now from the Sample Chapter 3, the first part of the description of Mort's home.

Quote from: GS Sample Chapter 3
It was an odd home, for Chicago—a white stucco number with a red tile roof that looked like it had been transplanted from Southern California.

Reply #8

Or maybe Mort's house in Chicagotory (at least as far as Dresden is able to accept at this point in time) is the old, familiar house that he has associated with Mort for years - just prettied up like Harry's ressurected duster, healed hand, and the classic cars everyone seems to be driving...

Somethings up.  

Quote from: GS sample Ch. 4
Mortimer Lindquist seemed to have finally given in to the inevitable. I’d seen him with a bad toupee, and with an even worse comb-over, but this was the first time I’d seen him sporting a full-on Charles Xavier. The unbroken shine of his pate looked a lot better than the partial coverage.  He’d lost weight, too, since the last I’d seen him. I mean, he wasn’t going to be modeling for Abercrombie & Fitch or anything, but he’d definitely dropped from self-destructively obese down to merely stout.

Quote from: DB Ch. 10
He was short, twenty of thirty pounds overweight, and had given up trying to conceal his receding hairline in favor of shaving his scalp completely bald.

Now the thing is, Harry is at the address that he gave Capt. Jack.  If he isn't remembering the events of DB (or at least those particular ones) He might not remember the correct address...

DF Reference Collection / [GS Spoilers] Harry's Power Ups
« on: June 16, 2011, 01:55:38 PM »
I was thinking about the events of Fool Moon and trying to fit them into the structure of a hypothesis that some of what is being orchestrated behind the scenes is an attempt to forge Harry into a stronger wizard.  So I was wondering what in the events of Fool Moon made him stronger and wasn't quite sure what the answer was...

But that led me to wanting to make another of the Lists I enjoy fashioning, and that I enjoy seeing what other people contribute to.  "Harry's Power Ups"  This will be in chronological order.  I don't want to include things that are just milestones like "defeated enemy X," however, some things that might be considered a milestone might also be indicative of a particular level of growth and thus will be included.  I.E. his first usage of the Sight, which according to Jim, is a pretty big deal (well at least I'm inferring that).

Main categories that a "Power Up" could be put in, although these may not be all inclusive, and there are fuzzy lines:
Raw Power (RP)
Skill (Sk)
Knoledge (K)
Ally Gained (A)
Marker (M)
Marker Loss (ML)
Power Down (PD)

Harry's Power Ups:
  • @0: Born (w/ extenuating circumstances)
  • @10: Power Manifests and he is adopted by Justin who trains him RP,Sk
  • @14: Uses his sight for the first time on a tree spirit RP
  • @16: Gains the confidence necessary to beat Justin from Lea
  • @16: Harry obtains Bob K,A
  • @16-19: Harry recieves training from Eb Sk
  • @~20-24: Harry recieves investigative training from Nicholas Christian Sk
  • Before SF: Harry begins working with Michael A
  • SF Harry demonstrates the ability to "Listen" Sk
  • GP: Ate Kravos's power RP
  • SK: First "Calls" the Za Lord's Guard A
  • SK: Gains favor with Summer Lady and Knight M
  • BR: Adopts Mouse A
  • BR: Realizes his true association with Thomas A
  • BR: Burn trauma stunts Harry's ability to use Fire Magic PD
    • DB: Starts moving things using directly applied Force/Will rather than Wind RP/Sk
    • WK: Crafts his new Shield Bracelet which blocks more than force/physical, particularly fire Sk
  • BR: Gains knowledge from his mother in the Thomas Soulgaze K
  • DB: Gains resources from Lasciel including usage of Hellfire RP
  • DB: Reads the Word of Kemmler K (note, this was a direct consequence of Mavra's manipulation)
  • DB: Regains usage of Fire Magic RP
  • PG: Passes Summer Lady's Debt to Charity ML
  • PG: Gains a "boon" from Summer M
  • PG: Demonstrates increased Craftyness by out politic-ing the Merlin Sk
  • PG: Gains Molly as apprentice (thus re-examining the fundamentals) A,Sk
    • WK Little Ball of Sunshine Sk
    • Changes Uses Better Veils Sk
  • WK: Crafts Little Chicago Sk
  • WK: Loses Lasciel's resources, including Hell Fire PD
  • WK: Strengthens the allegance the Little Folk have with him (has the pixies released in his name) A
  • WK: Founds Paranet A
  • SmF: Gains Soulfire RP
  • SmF: Cashes in Boon from Summer for a doughnut ML
  • SmF: Saves Ivy bigtime M x2 (marker with Kincade too)
  • TC: Establishes Sanctum with Demonreach RP,A?
  • Changes: Gains Winter Knight mantle RP
  • Changes: Gains his Mother's Legacy (access to the ways) K
  • GS: Gains Wisdom about the consequences of his actions, and the utility of not immediately acting on his rage K

More to come. (and some filling in)

Site Suggestions & Support / FAQ
« on: June 03, 2011, 10:00:35 AM »
I just noticed there is a FAQ section on the main website.  Since we have a "FAQ" section on the boards, I would like to suggest that a link be added to it in a topic in the Non-Spoiler Answers forum.  If that were the case I mighta found out about it a long time ago and coulda appreciated all the effort that went into it all the earlier :)

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Goofs
« on: May 10, 2011, 10:19:54 PM »
Since the Goofs thread has seen some activity lately, I was reminded of these goofs about Chicago that could be included

In Blood Rites, Wrigley Field is described as being surrounded by acres of parking lots, which is not the case.

Edit:  I was also going to write about some other issues with Chicago geography, but since I'm not particularly familiar with them, I skipped them, and then forgot to go back and change the plural usage "goofs" from earlier in the post.

Site Suggestions & Support / DF Spoilers Child board: Theories
« on: January 21, 2011, 11:10:19 AM »
This suggestion has 2 parts.

The first would be the idea of a child board dedicated to newly proposed, rather mature theories rather than just general spoilerage discussion.

The second part of the suggestion is that each theory thread would have a built in binary poll of "Likely" or "Unlikely" and the result would somehow show up beside the title of the thread so that new visitors can see which theories have been deemed most likely. 

Site Suggestions & Support / PM Mailbox
« on: January 20, 2011, 03:58:25 PM »
I understand that last year the servers were pretty heavily bogged down from an undiscarded archive of years worth of posts and stuff that have since been shed, and that unlimited or large PM mailboxes could easily contribute to similar problems.

When I was a new poster I never even realized that I couldn't use a personalized avatar until after I hit > 100 posts.  Now I am wondering if it is possible to give members of higher tiers slightly expanded mail boxes?

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