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Messages - Mickey Finn

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 52
Please stop acting like you're ...x

This gets used a lot by various folks. On the surface, the wording looks like an innocent plea, but the way it gets used, repeatedly, suggests it is not. It's the passive aggressive version of snark. Snark is fun unless directed at another board member or a colleague of Jim's*, in which case it's not allowed.
So...please stop.

*The reason for the powers that be wanting people to be respectful to other people in Jim's field, and anything he gets associated with, is  because it can cause backlash against him, even if he has nothing to do with it, because these are his official boards. To the best of my knowledge, it hasn't, but certainly has with his peers, so the powers enforce a high dose of decency and respect not found elsewhere on the net.

"So where's the bit where Harry sits down and meditates? "

Strangely, there is a series of stories regarding yoga and murder mysteries. The Matt Bolster series.

I am not making this up.

"This is a perfectly true point.  It is also COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT as an argument in this context. "
"Or maybe, just maybe, I'm looking for ways the flaws might be fixed and opinions on possible solutions.  Nah, that's just too crazy."

Do we need to host a seminar of what is and is not appropriate on these forums?
Hint: You've replied to many posts, and most of the replies were well written. The above two are inappropriate to the forum.

One thing to remember...Jim and Fred go way back. So while Jim wasn't writing with a game in mind, I'm guessing (key word there...please don't assume I know Fred or Jim's mind, I'vemet Fred in person once and see Jim infrequently and fleetingly) Fred runs mechanisms by Jim enough...even pre-DresdenRPG ... that some of that percolates through. And Jim's a gamer in his own right.
I've noticed that gamers tend to devise rules for their fantasy that lend themselves to being able to play them in a tabletop game. Brust. Sanderson.* Jim. This doesn't detract, mind, from the "author wrote it as a story, not a game" argument, but rather augments it. All the solid authors write for the story, not the game potential (RPG-inspired tie ins excepted, of course).

*Hell, Mistborn and Stormlight series have magic rules that scream video RPG, let alone tabletop.

 If we don't call spades spades, then we'll slowly be inundated with liars and idiots, won't we?

You want to rephrase that in a way that's not being insulting?
Warning One.

Ack, sorry. My bad on not checking this thread. There's a yearly fee.

New President is Michael Burnstein, old hand at these things.
I barely use FB. I had to join for another group.

DFRPG / Re: 1st time DM questions
« on: November 22, 2013, 05:51:02 PM »
This post is getting back on keel; don't tip it over again in the future, please.

WOW, so you had to buy a badge to get into the con, AND you had to purchase tickets to get into venues?

Hmmmmm ... I'm going to have to rething this going to conventions thing.

Writing classes are usually an extra fee. Most panels aren't.

Thanks to Creation Cons, a lot of major guests will charge for an autograph. I don't think Jim normally does...I could be wrong...but he was very specifically brought in for this con by Murder By The Book (who had the tables next to him)...and they're a small mom & pop store that fiances bringing authors into Houston with the one requirement that to get a sig, you need to buy a book of the author's from them. They never charge for you to see the author talk at their store, so this is how they recoup their money. In this case, the "store" was the table at the con.

They sold out of the large stacks and stacks of comic hardbacks for the Dresden by Saturday afternoon, btw.

Well loved store in Houston :)

So did you have to pay for tickets or what? I didn't find out you needed a ticket til it was Sunday morning and he was about to start.

That's due to RL time and not lack of interest in the boards. ;) I used to work help desk and would habg out on the boards, now I have to break away from analyzing metrics for helps desk to check in :)
(Luckily, if something needs a mod attention, we get emails.)

Ok, to find Jim at his table, next to the awesome Hickmans, he's in the center of the dealer's room...main entrance, turn right, go down hall, enter artist alley, say Hi to the Manapunk table on the right, enter the door on the left past the Yelp table, and find the center of that room (past Gil Gerard)

I'll be at the Mana Punk booth (and likely several of Jim's things if I can break away). I hear we're off the artist alley in the main building (Marriot), to the right of the entrance, if anyone wants to say hi ;)

Author Craft / Re: winning ecstatic sales
« on: April 24, 2013, 09:50:00 PM »
Verified as real! Scott will come back and fix.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: April 19, 2013, 12:44:47 AM »
I don't like Christina for Lea.  I still think Milla Jovovich would make an outstanding Lea.

Jessica Rabbit.

So, a certain lawyer from Angel should do it.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: April 17, 2013, 07:48:53 PM »

My post was a legit one, taking him seriously, I can't understand the picture of Cristina, as it seems some of her body is missing.

Caught that, it wasn't directed at you.

FZ, stop it with the baiting. Llama or otherwise.

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