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Topics - arthurfallz

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Harry - Blasting Rod = Him Not Casting!?!
« on: January 27, 2012, 04:19:21 AM »
When I was reading Blood Rites, Harry was afraid to cast his spell in the basement of the homeless shelter because without his Blasting Rod, he had too little control to make sure his magic behaved as he wanted it to. He consistently seems to be afraid to use his magic without his blasting rod, which in the novels is a great plot device.

In the game, the Blasting Rod does not provide such a staggering mechanical benefit that his magic is so crazy without it. Now, in the spirit of assuming that the game could simulate the novels, is this an example of Harry's Aspects being compelled (can't cast recklessly because you might hurt people), or just something lost in translation between books and games?

DFRPG / Removing Stunts for Refresh / Powers
« on: December 22, 2011, 05:23:50 AM »
Here's the situation, to put into context the question. My character in the game (which we are running troupe style) is a battered, abused and bitchy street goth with Ghost Speaker Power. She 4 Stunts as well, most of them reflecting her sarcastic attitude and her streetwise vibe.

Her Trouble is that a faerie lady has put a very potent curse on her - she is rapidly aging backwards, diminishing from her twenties into her teens, and at current writing six years old in body. This is part of the character's natural progression - she is learning to trust, to love and forgive and forget by being forced to be helpless and be helped. It's all good drama.

What our group has discussed is that this character, when she bounces (there's a plot planned for this), will end up with the potential to become a Wizard. Already the ghost of a wizard has taught her Channelling, which is planned to slowly overtake her Ghost Speaker power, and eventually she will become a full Wizard (if she makes the right choices). But she's left with these 4 Stunts which are making less and less sense. To make the conversation topical, the four Stunts are Hairpin Maestro, Resilient Self-Image, Takes One to Know One, and Infuriate.

I want to remove some or all of these Stunts. But according to the system, you can only swap Stunts. Is there no means to evolve a character such to remove Stunts as the character progresses? We are, of course, totally willing to just ignore the system to suit our game. But for the purposes of interest, is it possible to carve Stunts back for Refresh and / or Powers?

DFRPG / Did You Discover the Books Through the RPG?
« on: December 08, 2011, 04:27:31 AM »
I was looking in the Book section of the main forum, and saw a thread asking about people who may have discovered the books through the TV show. I myself picked up the Dresden Files RPG because I thought it looked like an interesting game using a character intensive system. I knew not one shred about the books, or even that there was a book series. Never heard of it.

I'm slowly working my way through the books (I'm a fast reader but have way too little time), and have been playing the game for 4 months now and am still only on Summer Knight. So I'm curious - has anyone else come to the books through the game?

DFRPG / Psionics in Dresden
« on: September 04, 2011, 04:42:40 PM »
They're touched on in the book, but I was curious how people would handle more full-fledged, telekinetics and the like? Would they just be magic powers copying spells and magic, or something else?

A little lost on what to do. I don't want to just make them "like magic", as they don't come with all the inherent limitations of magic either.

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