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Messages - toodeep

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13]
Hmmm, what if Jim is pulling a "sixth sense" kinda thing?  What if Mortie is dead already and Harry's ghost is talking with his ghost?  We never saw Harry interact with the cookie jar, but maybe the reason Mortie could physically interact with the door he came in and out of was because it was painted with the ghost stuff to make it solid to him.  Thus a ghost can turn the handle and open it and walk through and close it, appearing normal, compared to the other walls that Harry can't actually touch.

For this to be true though, I got nothing on what is going on with the cookie jar.  Why would he paint a jar with the ghost paint, and even if he did, how would he eat a cookie if he's a ghost...?

imagine the effect of third eye on all those minor talents, the WC trying to deal thousand of dark mini warlocks.

I like this as well.  Keep in mind, it is people like the formor who are taking the mini-talents right now, and they are experts at modifying creatures.  So take someone with a little talent.  Modify them up to be like a mini-denarian in shapeshifted form (to make them tougher) and then amp them up on some kind of magic increasing juice and you get some serious warmachines that can think (depending on how mind-bent they are by the formor as well).  Or even worse, mind-lock them, alter them in virtually invisible ways, amp them up and addict them, and return them to society as internal sabatours.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: May 19, 2011, 10:58:19 PM »
Oh, I would soooo take him out to dinner in Ann Arbor, MI if he came here!  Like I would need to be convinced!

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: May 10, 2011, 12:45:52 PM »
Ann Arbor, MI!  He did a signing there two years ago that was awesome!  I missed him last year :'(

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