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Topics - chrislackey

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / My Group Hates the System
« on: January 29, 2011, 04:47:52 PM »
I just got done running The Dresden Files for my group here in Leeds, UK. The game itself, went well. They liked the story and their characters, however the didn't like the mechanics. And seeing them in play, they left a lot to be desired from my stand point. Maybe I was doing something wrong or just not understanding. So here are my main issues and maybe you can point out some things I can do to make this game go smoother.

1) Hard to give the PCs fate points - They use them quickly and it's hard to give them some kind of inconvenience every scene so they can get them back.

2) Having to use fate points to gain bonuses - So one of my characters wants to take cover in a fire fight but he has no fate points to tag the aspect 'crates.' As I understand it, you can't use an aspect unless you have fate points. Seems very counter intuitive.

3) Complicated magic system - anytime the wizard wanted to do something, it took a while. And I have to admit, I often got fuzzy on how if you succeed on a evocation, do you add in the power to the success of the casting? I just felt like it could have been made simpler.

4) Looking up powers - it was tough looking up stats for villains. there was sort of a little cheat box at the bottom, but I had to go to the other book to look up what powers they used. I ended up making my own monster sheets with power descriptions included.

I'm really not trying to start a flame or anything, I just want to try and save this system for my group. they want to ditch it and go with something like primetime adventures or wordplaly. I feel kinda bad thinking I dropped almost $100 bucks for a game I'm gonna play 3 times. Ugh.

DFRPG / The Nevernever in Other Parts of the World
« on: October 03, 2010, 10:57:54 AM »
The Nevernever is very euro-(if not Anglo)centric as it's described in the books. I was reading up on middle eastern mythology and in some of the reading I found that the djinn have a very similar kind of thing to the fairy courts. In some myths they seem to have another world that they live in that is close to ours and they organize themselves in hierarchal structure, but more tribe based.

Anyone read anything about this? Or know of any good books on the subject?

DFRPG / Audio example of play?
« on: July 01, 2010, 05:01:23 PM »
This may be a strange thing to ask, but I would really love to hear so folks playing TDF:RPG! With all the aspects and tagging and Fate Chips being thrown around, I would love to hear how it's intended to be played. I mean, I have an idea, but I don't feel very confident about it.

Nothing really long, just a scene or something.

I would do it myself (I'm the co-host of the H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast), but I'm not sure how to play this game. I don't have any conventions going on soon and I live out in Yorkshire, UK!

Seeing (or hearing) examples of scenes being played out would really help!

DFRPG / Looking for a group in Leeds/Bradford Yorkshire area UK
« on: June 22, 2010, 10:14:29 AM »
Any Dresden and RPG fans out here?

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