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Messages - butwhat about dragons

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DFRPG / Re: ideas for a character
« on: October 08, 2020, 11:00:44 AM »
the idea of the aura sounds cool  that sort of thing might work great for an aspect as for the power level we are starting with 10 points
so i was think taking the aura as two point power that gives can be invoked to give an aspect with two free tags and taking supernatural toughness  with a catch of weakened will  for 4 points and a supernatural recovery power with catch of eltriclty (common catch) i am aware this is kind of weak for the grand son of a titan but fluff wise he has just started  healed after surviving  a fight with Zeus a couple of hundred years back and isn't at full power 

DFRPG / ideas for a character
« on: October 06, 2020, 10:14:05 AM »
so i have just been invited to join an Dresden files game taking place after the events of battle grounds where the players play a bunch of minor supernatural players banding together to try to gain some power and control in Brisbane Australia and i was plaing on playing the grandson of Prometheus my main question is this  since the only titan we have seen seemed to  be almost the embodiment of hate does it conflict with the established  canon to have Prometheus be a force of primal creation and how would I reflect a small portion of this inherited power in the game  like is there a way to skin a form of magic or another power  to reflect that   ( this is using the original  three books)

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