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Messages - Darla

Pages: [1] 2
DF Books / Re: Shirt Quotes: Buy Dresden Stuff!
« on: March 01, 2010, 02:11:33 PM »
I want a nightshirt or pajamas that say "Sleep is god.  Go worship." 

Not that I need any encouragement--just time. *yawn*

Author Craft / Re: Back cover faux-pas.....
« on: February 28, 2010, 10:17:33 AM »
Some authors--and I believe Jim is one of them--are really picky about which books they write blurbs for.  Others just do it whenever they're asked. 

Of course, even if you know an author is careful, sometimes the publisher will use a blurb for a previous book on a new one. 

So mostly, I just ignore them.

Except when it's an author who writes under a couple of pseudonyms and one pseudonym blurbs another--I find that hilarious and will buy the book simply because I appreciate the humor.  But then, I'm a bit of a book slut.  I've been known to buy books for less reason than that.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Is Jim ever likely to visit the UK?
« on: February 17, 2008, 12:19:24 PM »
Aye, but unless there's a Burger King on the Royal Mile, don't expect him. ;)

There are plenty of Burger Kings in Germany.  And since I'm going to be here for another 3.5 years....  Seriously, Shannon deserves that European vacation.   ;D

Author Craft / Re: Easier Way to find a good plot?
« on: October 23, 2007, 04:20:56 PM »
If all else fails, you can always try this plot generator.

Author Craft / Re: Readers Block?
« on: September 13, 2007, 08:58:33 AM »
Whoops.  Sorry.  TBR = To Be Read.  Refers to the giant stack o' books in my bedroom that remain as yet unread.

And WOS (What Orissa Said) about reconnecting with whatever it is that you love and have been ignoring, especially if you haven't been feeling yourself.  The comics may help, too--just something light to feed your reading need without triggering the readers block.

Or, if something temporary is going on that's making you feel not yourself, stick with the comics and don't sweat it.  That happened to me when I was pregnant with my 2nd child--I absolutely could not read anything new.  So I re-read all my Rex Stout and Agatha Christie books. 

One last thing--I've spoiled a few books that I normally would have loved by plodding ahead and forcing myself to finish them when I really didn't feel like it.  Just food for thought. 

Good luck.  :)

Author Craft / Re: Finding an Editor
« on: September 13, 2007, 08:49:19 AM »
Anyone have any advice for an unpublished author about how to get a quality, reliable and trustworthy editor?  I've already posted to Craigslist and looked around on myspace and facebook for English majors at the University.  I got a few hits, but nothing solid yet.

Like Dom said, you're looking for a beta reader.

I don't think you could do better than to follow in Jim's footsteps.  Sure, he knows a couple of his betas in real life, but the rest of them he met online. 

Hang around in a forum (email list, whatever) long enough, and you'll get an idea of who's smart and savvy and has good grammatical skills.  If it's dedicated to the genre you're writing in, so much the better.

And don't be afraid to approach them, rather than asking for volunteers.  Sometimes somebody who's just willing to try will do a better job for you than somebody who thinks they've already got it all figured out.

Author Craft / Re: Readers Block?
« on: September 12, 2007, 02:08:28 PM »
I used to do that all the time.  I'd pick up book after book from the TBR pile, and just didn't feel like reading any of them.

I finally realized that I'd kept picking the same books over and over (and overlooking the same ones).  So they all felt stale.  Since I started a random system for picking books, making sure not to read two similar books in a row, and some goofy TBR challenges (things like "pick a book with gold lettering on the cover") to shake things up a bit, I hardly ever have the readers block anymore.

Ah, yes.  Making OCD Work For You.  I could write a pamphlet.  ;)

Of course, if you don't have a TBR pile, that makes the challenges a little more risky--picking up the first book at the library that you find with a verb in the title might net you something really odd.  But then again, that might just be what you need to break out of the readers block.

In another group, we have a quarterly reading challenge, which I've found really helpful for getting out of a reading rut, too.  Summer's was a book that won a Pulitzer; Fall's is a banned book. 

Mostly, in my experience, anyway, readers block is the result of being in a reading rut, so anything that gets you out of that will help.  Non-fiction is good, because it doesn't feel the same as reading a novel.  Or maybe ask for a recommendation for a really good read in a genre that's completely new to you.

Something else we were discussing elsewhere is how reading things you think you should read can really kill the desire to read.  I spent decades avoiding anything remotely resembling good-for-you reading after a period of time when I was trying to read what I thought I should read, or what people who I thought were smart recommended, and I ended up not feeling like reading at all. It was only a few months, but it affected my reading for a long time.

I've only just recently started picking up non-fiction and lit-fic again, very cautiously, making sure the recommendations come from people whose taste I tend to share, rather than people I think I should listen to.  So far, so good.  And I'm definitely mixing them in with fun reading.

Once reading = medicine, you might as well forget it.

Author Craft / Re: Creative Writing Contest and Possible Publication
« on: September 06, 2007, 12:45:04 PM »
Because the name Pat is so gender-specific?

Author Craft / Re: Dealing with Rejection thread
« on: April 03, 2007, 12:01:29 PM »
Well, here's one way of dealing with it:

I wouldn't necessarily recommend it, though.   :D

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: What, do we have leprosy or something?
« on: April 03, 2007, 11:04:51 AM »
Yeah, that's what I thought.  ::)  It was Disease and History.  I think maybe they meant that sometimes one was mistaken for the other? 

It was just odd that I saw this thread immediately after I'd read that, so I had to share. 

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: What, do we have leprosy or something?
« on: March 30, 2007, 10:21:27 AM »
What, do we have leprosy or something?

Vastly OT, but the book I'm currently reading suggests that what used to be called "leprosy" was actually syphilis.  Puts a whole new slant on the thread here. 

Author Craft / Re: Succubus Blues
« on: March 06, 2007, 11:56:26 AM »
I ordered it from B&N last week--B&N's website calls it "contemporary fantasy," so I'd check there first.  It's a trade-sized paperback, so that might help you find it on the shelves--IOW, it wouldn't be in with the regular-sized ones, depending on how your store shelves them.

Author Craft / Re: Labels
« on: October 13, 2006, 01:21:19 PM »
"This is just like Buffy, only mixed with Terminator."[shrug]

Oh god. Anyone who descirbes their work as something meets something else should be dragged into the street and shot. I remember I was at a small writing conference a few months back when someone told me that their work was like "Jaws meets Dances With Wolves" Needless to say, I cursed him out and threatened him with bodily harm.

LOL!  I thought that was "high concept" and what everyone was looking for as a way to sell their work. 

Author Craft / Re: On-line writers groups
« on: September 24, 2006, 12:36:53 PM »
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned the Cherries.  The email critique list is closed and has a waiting list, but there's a lot of good writing chat & advice on the BB:

Author Craft / Re: Favorite Words?
« on: July 24, 2006, 09:56:57 AM »
oh, no way, that is so cool, what part of germany are you in?
Heck, I've got to have something to show for 12 years (so far) in Germany besides a taste for Jacob's Kroenung coffee and Broetchen with Nutella.  And a lead foot.
Sorry it took me so long to reply--we've been in Italy.   ;D

I'm currently in Miesau (near Homburg).  Also lived for 5 years in Landstuhl (near Kaiserslautern), 3 years in Heidelberg, and 2 years in Seybothenreuth (bitty town near Bayreuth).

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