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Messages - LDWriter2

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Author Craft / Re: 1st vs 3rd
« on: June 29, 2012, 08:28:44 PM »
If you haven't you probably should read Jim's live journal post on first vs 3rd person

The other thing I wanted to say is that I remember recently reading about an important literary workwhere the author split the book up into 3 or 4 sections that were each had a different perspective.

Dangit, I'm trying really hard to remember what the book was, but the best I can do is that one of the perspectives was from a mentaly defficient character.  It might have been set in the great depression but I'm not sure.  I hadn't read it, just the wikipedia article.  The point is there is an important literary book from the 20th centry that switched, but only as seperate sections of the book.

Has he added anything new there lately? Last half a dozen times I checked the last post was from months ago. But the last time I checked was about three months ago.

Author Craft / Re: Hi i am new and an aspiring author
« on: June 29, 2012, 08:26:34 PM »
No worries i have the same problem and with spelling, and my A.D.D will auto correct everything so it takes a few re-reads before i notice an error.

First of all: Welcome--some interesting writers hang out here...even some ghosts I hear.

Second of all:  Interesting book, sounds kinda like some of the mainstream novels I've seen.

 Third of all: I do that auto-correct thing when reading and I don't have ADD.

Author Craft / Re: Fanfiction: Is It Real Writing?
« on: June 28, 2012, 04:49:57 PM »
Fair enough, I suppose I was assuming that the new material would remain faithful and/or up to par.  This would be easier to do with an invitational type of situation, as opposed to a tribute situation where the Original Author has little or no input.  If, for example, one of Jim's Beta-Foo were to do an Alera spin-off, Id forsee them having a good perspective on the material from their involvement in the original publishing, as well as enough open communication with the Author that they could conceivably do it fair justice.

Along a Similar vein, I thought the Idea of Brandon Sanderson taking over the WOT could have been a trainwreck, but he has guidance from Jordan's editor/wife, and his additions to the series are at least as good as the originals.  Granted that is swinging pretty wide of what Id call "Fan-fiction"

If you are doing fanfic online than you can pretty much do what you want. But if you do it with the permission of the copyright owner they can control what you put in. Star Trek-universal-was strict about canon and what made up canon, and I assume David Weber is also. Of course if you opened it up too wide you would need readers to watch for any uncanon scenes or anything new that took the storyline in a direction the creator doesn't want since they wouldn't have time to read all the stories. Star Trek being its own special case. And they did have an editor watching for that.

Nice going you guys.

I still haven't done much real writing, too busy with revising. I have a chapter and three fourths to finish tonight and tomorrow to beat my own deadline. In one novel. Of course I should add that I am adding scenes, clarifying others, and adding more with the five human senses so I am doing some real writing but very little.

But I will have to go back over it to add a few touches here and there. It takes place In Boulder and I need to add a couple of streets and malls, plus go back and introduce a couple of items I thought of later in the novel.

By the way it is a UF novel and unless I change my mind which I might since it's not set in stone yet, I will be publishing as a E-book and POD.

Tomorrow I hope to work on two other partial novels and a story I need to revise.

Author Craft / Re: Fanfiction: Is It Real Writing?
« on: June 27, 2012, 05:01:26 PM »
Well from my crass commercial viewpoint, how much are you getting paid for it? Grin.

My wife and I write in a shared universe, but we are paid pro rates, that is SFWA qualifying rates in a qualified market.

I think it all comes down to the quality of the work, if you are wondering about a story, file the serial numbers off (make it not conflict with the owned, and copyrighted plot or protagonists) and submit it.

There are lots of markets out there and they buy stuff on surprisingly regular basis.


I was going to say something similar to Kevin's comments...except the shared universe with his wife. But I had a Fanfiic story published legally. Sometimes someone will allow it. Star Trek did it, Dr. Who did it, I think a couple of games have, David Weber has but you had to be specifically invited in his case. I wish Butcher would. I understand why he doesn't but I still wish he would work something out.

Author Craft / Re: Tools for Writers
« on: June 27, 2012, 04:56:56 PM »

Thanks MClark

I wouldn't have recognized the S from Farscape, I've only seen one episode. And I don't recall ever seeing the sonic screwdriver up close like that. Oh well.

But I believe the Enterprise is the Original one. That is a standard drawing of it.

I believe there is another thread for books, but don't have a link handy.

To get you started:
On Writing by Stephen King
Techniques of the Selling Author by Dwight Swain
   (Jim's blog posts are the free 15-20 page condensed version)
Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

Paynesgrey sig:

C - Deathstar
O, E - Enterprise - Constitution or Galaxy class, I can' tell.
X - x wing fighter or maybe a starfury from B5
I - sonic screwdriver from Dr Who
S - from the S in the Farscape logo.
T - Firefly / Serenity.

Author Craft / Re: 1st vs 3rd
« on: June 27, 2012, 03:08:15 AM »
I'm having trouble deciding how to write my story. It's easier for me to write in first person, but I like being able to bounce around in 3rd person. Any way to combine the two?

I think only if you change POVs every so often. Some writers have done that.  Usually it's 3rd but every so often they throw in a 1st POV for a certain character.

But stretching yourself is suppose to be good.

Author Craft / Re: Fanfiction: Is It Real Writing?
« on: June 26, 2012, 08:40:41 PM »
I haven't read all the other posts but in my opinion I would say yes it can be. I know from personal experience that writing using other people's characters or universe, can be just as hard as using your own. But at the same time how many fanfic writers try to get better or work at making their stories the best? I know some do. In fact some pros writers started in fanfic. But other fanfic writers just write what they have in mind. They either don't care or don't know about the rules-guidelines-better techniques of writing. So I'm not sure what they do is real writing.

Much fanfic is illegal even though some published writers don't care if you write in their universes while others do. 

I would love to write in Butcher's Dresden universe, without his characters though. Come to think of it, that could be harder writing because you have to keep in mind his rules and any "canon" he wouldn't want changed.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: June 26, 2012, 08:29:45 PM »
Jim doesn't drink.  I'll take his mojitos.

Now that fanazero mentioned it,  That would be a good ideas

except I was thinking my house and he could bring some of Mac's beer. But if he doesn't drink-actually I don't either-we could go to Starbucks for something cold.

And everyone else can sit in their corner and talk about alcohol in drinks. Him and me got important things to Dresden and writing.

Author Craft / Re: On the Utter Drek we write and Show verus Tell
« on: June 25, 2012, 01:46:38 AM »
Caught myself falling into the "Tell Instead of Show" trap just now.  Current project is first person, and the character's narration is on the zesty, chattish sort of thing.  Problem is, I realized that I've been neglecting everyone else's dialogue.  So my narrator is telling rather than showing, so to speak.  I couldn't put my finger on what my most recent section was lacking until just now.

Hmm, Here is a link to a discussion on this subject on another forum. The first post is by a Sam Hidaka, the first note on the page. He is a pro editor and I believe a writer so he has some experience with this. This is a very short discussion of Tell and Show.

 I tried to link it to just his post but evidently I can't but you should be able to read it without having to register for that forum.

Having just finished my tenure at Google, I am now without much to do. I would look for more work, but I have the dreaded degree, "Interdisciplinary Studies".

So rather than try to get a job in insurance that will crush my proverbial soul,  I've decided to take some time doing what I've been putting off because of work: Writing.

Well, writing and learning some 3D software packages. And proactively going to the gym for the first time in my life.

But, so far....not much writing. I know I can do it. I've done it before. I've churned out a buttload of pages in a few days...

And I'm sure I can do it again. Now is the time for self-development. For blazing a new trail. For finding what I want to do. Maybe now I can see if I have what it takes so-to-speak.

That sounds good. Writing can improve and exercise your mind and be a chance to learn to new things and meet new people.  New things not just in writing, but you can find interesting by research and chatting with follow writers. 

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: June 24, 2012, 05:22:32 PM »
The Library of Congress' National Book Festival. I think it would be an awesome opportunity for all your fans to come experience this great event with you. :)

Actually that wouldn't be a bad idea, it would be open to everyone even though some of us would have to travel a far ways.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: June 24, 2012, 05:21:33 PM »
LOL!  I hear you.   ;)

I never seem to have enough room for new books either, so I go through them every so often and try to get rid of a few old ones, but I hate to part with a lot of them.   :-\

Most of my DF books are paperback, since I just started reading less than two months ago, but I did find hardcopies of TC and GS at the local used bookstore because I couldn't find a paperback anywhere.

Sounds like you've got your writing work cut out for you.  Good luck!

There are some books I know I want to get rid of. I have around ten of the Shadowrun series. It's based on a video game evidently but the books tok off on their own. They had various writers with some sub series. Plus I know I have three duplicates and probably a few others I could find I wouldn't mind selling. I may try Craig's list.

Most I want to keep and some I may read again some day pre has if there is a lull after some of my favorite series end.

Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: June 23, 2012, 05:00:52 AM »
That's why I said "a presursor to steampunk", though it really is in a class by itself.  The technology is steam era, with locomotives, and airships, and wireless telegraphy in a 1950s time period, where the Plantagenets still ruled England, and never succeeded in colonizing the Americas, and magic was the core power source of governments and medicine.

I didn't recall the airships but I know they had a magic telephone and a couple of other devices.

Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: June 23, 2012, 04:59:32 AM »
Michael Kurland is pretty good, and blends seamlessly into Randall Garrett's universe with the novels A Study In Sorcery and Ten Little Wizards.  Kurland also has another series all his own, featuring Sherlock Holmes' nemesis, Professor Moriarty, as the protagonist.

Hmm, thought there was three or four...maybe I made them up in my mind.  :)

That is a universe I would love to be able to write in. I wonder if there is any fan fic anywhere online.

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