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Messages - Glorificus

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Author Craft / Re: Killing Characters
« on: May 12, 2011, 06:57:27 PM »

The best way that I can think of to describe my feelings about the death of a major character (minor characters are a whole different story ) is that I don't like it if it feels frivolous. If you are going to kill off someone that I have grown to know, it better be for important plot or character development not just because someone thought that it would make the story more "realistic".

The only time I really considered this was when listening to Joss Whedon on the Serenity commentary talking about killing Wash. The only foreshadowing WAS no foreshadowing. I think it was done just to shake up the audience. While the loss of Wash allows new paths for Zoe and the crew, it was a downer for me.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Something Important
« on: May 10, 2011, 09:54:55 PM »
  Please implement some sort of control over the postings so no one posts drunk anymore  :o thanks  :D


And deprive us all of Ms Duck's theories?

And poetry?

You must have posted this when you were drunk.  8)

Author Craft / Re: Killing Characters
« on: May 10, 2011, 07:54:14 PM »
I never forgave Whedon for killing Buffy's mom, not because he did it, but the following episodes were so... boring!

An interesting perspective. Not that I share it, I don't; I believe Joyce's death allowed Buffy to go dark. SpikeSex would not have occurred with Joyce in the picture.

I truly believe my life was changed by the DoubleMeat Palace epidode(s), which Joss said were the only episodes to receive protests. No protests from the the anti-supernatural folks about the witches or demons or vampires, but from big fast food companies. If it's all about the values, I'm annoyed.

DF Spoilers / Re: This is an ON TOPIC discussion board
« on: May 09, 2011, 08:30:15 PM »
So me commenting on threads that were here before I joined is frowned upon?  :-\

Sometimes people re-animate threads in ways that can:

1) cause topics already beaten to dust to make like (supposedly) Harry in Ghost Story;

2) because of new members, cause new battles on old topics, which makes the mods homicidal; and

3) generally re-invent the wheel in annoying ways.

So if there's an ancient topic you feel you'd like to comment on, a winning strategy might be to wait until Ghost Story comes out and insert it in the millions and billions of new threads that will pop up.   8)

Author Craft / Re: Killing Characters
« on: May 07, 2011, 05:05:06 PM »
I think it's some kind of human condition. For whatever reason, society generally expects that sad endings are more high brow than happy ones. You can even trace this back to Shakespeare, where aside from his histories, he wrote two kinds of plays. The happy-ending comedies, and the far more serious and highly-regarded tragedies, with their sad endings. This has been a common format for theatre even going back to ancient Greece.

This makes a good point - sad, meandering films by Swedish directors or Woody Allen are considered sophisticated and important while films more easily accessible (comedies, etc.) are considered light weight. Iirc, this switch occurred in the Oscars around 1977 when Saturday Night Fever received only one nomination - not that SNF is high art, but before then the Oscars went to popular movies, not movies very few had heard of. It's somewhat of a cultural shift, and I am sure cultural anthropologists have done many studies on it.

Author Craft / Re: Killing Characters
« on: May 06, 2011, 05:42:37 PM »
What I hate is when a character is set up just to be killed and it's very obvious.
A sacrificial lamb. 

aka Red Shirts?

Why are they all on the East Coast? Isn't Jim going to Houston this time?

Author Craft / Re: Fighting with keys--how would it work?
« on: May 03, 2011, 05:43:14 PM »
^ ^ Thank you for the point-by-point assassin lesson, B!!!!  ^ ^   8)

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: paying up for the forums
« on: April 23, 2011, 09:54:25 PM »
Truly, what you need is a connection thru PayPal to eBay.

Big moolah would be yours!

Author Craft / Re: Fighting with keys--how would it work?
« on: March 23, 2011, 06:15:18 PM »
Okay, this is going to sound stupid, but in one of JB's books, Harry says that you can take a bunch of keys and toss them at a milk carton, and chances are the milk carton will crack.

I tried this on a milk carton.

A paper carton could have a hole punched in it if the point of the key had enough force behind it, with "toss" doesn't suggest to me. If the milk was in a glass bottle, there are higher odds of breakage, imo.

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