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Messages - RinA

Pages: [1]
No, I didn't mean either of the new compression formats.  I mean the DRM (digital rights management) that Sony has been putting on all the disks they make.  It won't play on our DVD player at all.  Liongate is the studio, I don't know if they press their own disks or not.  Quite a few studios use Sony to make their DVD's and those are the ones that I can't view. So, I have to wait for Dresden Files to come out and read the back label... which means I can't preorder.  I'm not sure how much preorders of Season 1 are weighting the decision on Season 2.  I hope not much.


I really hope it isn't Sony's new format because then I couldn't play the discs. We have a projector system hooked up to computer and our dvd player *hates* the Sony format.  At least I'm not alone, Netflix says numerous customers have the same problem I do.  The studios have gotten so paranoid that they're losing revenue. *sighs*


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