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Topics - RobReece

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DF Spoilers / The Strand interview dated july 2018
« on: October 09, 2018, 12:04:48 AM »
Hi all, has anyone else read the interview of JB on The Strand?

in it it says  "Peace Talks is slated for an early 2019 release"

I hadn't seen this before and thought I'd ask...

DF Spoilers / Mirrors
« on: April 17, 2018, 05:03:38 PM »
If I remember correctly, MM takes place in a Universe that split at a decision in GP.  I wonder if we'll ever see glimpses of the universes where Harry chose the Coin or DarkHallow over taking up the Winter Knight mantle.

But on a side note, I think that Jim's posturing over how he didn't know which route Harry would take in Changes is just that, posturing.  He already had the series outline and I think it would have been much more difficult to stay within that original story line if he had made any other choice... but it's a nice line to hear in his interviews...

DF Spoilers / Black Gate Magazine, interview w/ Jim Butcher
« on: March 01, 2018, 08:33:58 PM »
I was looking in Utube to see if there were any panels from Pensacola and came across the one listed in the subject, dated 6 days ago.  Haven't listened to it yet, but thought I'd let you all know about it...

DF Spoilers / Did anyone from here go to the panels in Pensacola?
« on: February 28, 2018, 03:32:34 PM »
Just thought I'd see if anyone went and if there was any new information.

DF Spoilers / The blood of Immortals
« on: October 27, 2017, 07:06:23 PM »
Harry has mentioned the power of peoples blood, I was wondering if Demonreach acquired any benefit from the Immortals blood that was spilled on it.  I know that the Ladies Mantles went to Molly and Sarissa, but like Harry is more than just the Winter Knight Mantle, wouldn't there have been more to Maeve and Lilly than just their mantles? 

Just a curious thought.

DF Spoilers / Mouse vs. Anduriel
« on: October 27, 2017, 03:03:30 PM »
I'm sure it's been discussed before, but I couldn't find it.  Why is Nic/Anduriel so terrified of Mouse?  In SmF, Anduriel places himself between Mouse and Nic, ostensibly to protect Nic.  Not to mention that Nic, with all his knowledge and experience, didn't even recognize what Mouse is... Then at the end of SG, Anduriel freaks out when Mouse approaches, granted if Mouse approached me growling and glowing I would too, but I'm not a freaking fallen angel either...


DF Spoilers / Ares' Wood Shed... now with a Poll
« on: October 09, 2017, 02:41:18 AM »
I just watched the Salt Lake City video and have a couple of questions/observations

1)  at one point (24:10) when talking about future books, Jim says that the wrestling book will come about because Harry has come to the gods attention when he "knocked over Ares' woodshed"... ok I'd always assumed it was when he had his interview with Hades... when has/is he intruding on Ares' territory? Assuming he hasn't already, will it be PT or MM?

2) timeline for the next three releases, @ about 21 minutes in he says that Brief Cases should be released "Junish" and PT about 12 weeks after that then the next Cinder Spire about 6-8 months later.  So let's look forward to possibly three releases within a twelve month period. 

3)  a question was raised about Thomas wielding one of the Swords again.
    A) I'm trying to remember when he wielded one the first time...
    B) Jim says "maybe, if he still has his fingers?  That this book is being rough on Thomas..."  with the healing he gets from his demon, what would keep him from regenerating fingers, assuming they get removed in the first place.


DF Spoilers / Brief Cases
« on: August 21, 2017, 03:03:34 PM »
Not until next Summer?
I have to admit, that's a bit disappointing...
Does anyone know why it's going to take so long?  Every story except one has already been published, so there isn't much for an editor to do...

DF Spoilers / PETA Protest
« on: August 11, 2017, 02:57:09 PM »
I keep expecting PETA to put up a banner across this website.

DF Spoilers / Lara-Nemesis-Oblivion War
« on: May 23, 2017, 04:11:12 PM »
If this has been discussed elsewhere, please accept my apologies...

If Lara were to become nemfected, would that give Nemesis any advantage given her involvement in the Oblivion War?  Would Jim want to use that to bring that conflict into the main book series?

If I remember correctly that he doesn't plan to have Harry involved in the Oblivion War, is this a clue to show that Lara won't be nemfected in order to keep it out?


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