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Topics - JosephKell

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Okay, so I accept that non-mortals can't break a circle, even if they throw something across (Bob threw Dresden a squeeze bottle of "GTFO" potion in Storm Front, and it didn't end the circle).  So shouldn't a non-mortal with a gun be able to shoot across the perimeter?

DFRPG / How to handle Cooperative Magic?
« on: August 15, 2010, 09:41:13 PM »
In Storm Front it is mentioned that up to 13 practitioners can work together to do a spell.

I assume this would only apply to Thaumaturgy, Evocation just seems too "quick and dirty."

Things for sure.
1.  Each participant must be involve for the entire act from the first Discipline roll until all shifts of power have been gathered (and the spell goes off).

Idea #1.
1.  Each participant must be involve for the entire act from the first Discipline roll until all shifts of power have been gathered (and the spell goes off).
2.  Each participant can add their own Lore to the complexity.  (This seems too good though.)
3.  Each participant can make their own declarations and invoke aspects to add to the complexity.
4.  Each can gather shifts of power to add to the spell.

But that taken all together means that 13 moderate Wizards can easily pull 40-50 shift thaumaturgies without skill declarations or fate points (assuming Lore ratings of 3 or 4).

Idea #2.
1.  Each participant must have an aspect similar to the purpose of the spell (e.g. Hell Hath No Fury and Left at the Altar are similar to a spell meant to curse an unfaithful man).
2.  Each participant must be involve for the entire process from the first Discipline roll until all shifts of power have been gathered (and the spell goes off).  Some declarations may be allowed to occur prior to the gathering of shifts.
3.  Pick one participant to be the leader, use that character's Lore to initially try to meet the complexity of the spell.  Only that character can gather shifts of power.
4.  Each participant can make declarations and invoke aspects to increase the effective lore to try to meet the complexity.
5.  Each participant (but not the leader) can do maneuvers to give the leader tags for the control rolls or to treat the leader's conviction as 2 higher for one control roll.

This aspect requirement is to reinforce the fact that cooperation requires a strong common belief.  While normal thaumaturgy doesn't require it, normal thaumaturgy doesn't require cooperation (and in Storm Front Dresden said that cooperative magic requires a shared belief in the purpose).  Also it means that each relevant aspect will probably be invoked (so each assistant can be expected to provide at least +2 from an aspect).

I think Idea #2 is better than Idea #1.

Thoughts?  Improvements?

"The Catch (YS 185) is silver.  Silver is so dangerous for therianthropes that touching it burns the skin (resulting in compels against high concept), and if it gets into the blood (such as from a penetrating injury) it acts like venomous claws with a Fists score equal to the initial stress of the injury."

For instance, if the character was hit with a silver club (say someone alloyed silver metal onto a bat), it would ignore the toughness and recovery powers.

If that same character were stabbed with a silver knife (Weapon:1) with 1 effect, he would have to make Endurance checks against a Fair attack every exchange or take a physical stress equal to the effect.

Yes, this obviously can mean that a silver poisoned creature is almost "insta-gibbed."

I have read the SotC Fate 3.0 rules and in it PCs "refresh" to 5 when a new story begins, unless they have more than the 5 (i.e. they don't lose extra points).

In the Dresden Files can characters store up fate points beyond their Total Refresh Level?  I.e. can a character with a Total Refresh of 1 be compelled into having more than 1 fate point?

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