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Topics - EldritchFire

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / City Advancement - Some Questions
« on: June 22, 2011, 08:28:17 PM »
YS93-96 talk about city advancement. However, there are a few things I'm still lost on.

First off, it talks about promoting a threat to a theme. If it's left alone too long, sure it's going to get worse. However, I'm not seeing anything on "demoting a theme." Sure, themes can be lessened, inverted, or get worse...but nothing about changing a theme to a threat so that it can be resolved.

Second, we know that you can promote a threat to a theme, adding to the Theme half of "Themes & Threats." But how do we add to the other half of the equation? What if I want more threats in the story? Is that just one of those "talk it out with the table" issues?

Thanks in advance!


DFRPG / Demonic Co-Pilot - Too Cumbersome?
« on: June 02, 2011, 01:38:15 PM »
Last week or so, I statted up a template for my next DFRPG character. You can find it here.

Anyway, from the source material, many different versions could have Demonic Co-Pilot. However, it seems to be a really "bean counting" power. Every time you use the +1, you have to roll to avoid stress? That seems like too much work! Why oppose every roll you make?

Do y'all think it'd be alright to change it to a Consequential Contest instead (YS193)? For those AFB, it's one roll that instead of inflicting Stress, it goes straight to the consequences. You have to absorb the shifts by your consequences. So for DCP, you'd roll once at the end of the conflict you used it in, vs the highest skill used (with the +1 bonus, of course). If you succeed, you resist the influence of the co-pilot. If you fail, it deals mental damage in the form of consequences.

This does a few things that I think are good:
  • Reduces the number of rolls
  • Makes using it an all-or-nothing choice (in for a penny, in for a pound)
  • Gives lasting...uhh....consequences with dealing with the devil

I don't know, I guess I just find it "off" to be rolling twice for one action--once for the action, once against your own action. Does this sound like a good houserule?

Thanks in advance!


DFRPG / Non-spellcaster Using Enchanted Items
« on: May 26, 2011, 09:49:58 PM »
How would you go about rating an enchanted item--or potion, for that matter--that was given to a PC?

Also, would it be possible to for a PC to take Refinement for the sole purpose of getting a ranged attack? I would just use Breath Weapon, but it's such a restricted power, having only a range of 1. Or would it be better to just make up a new power to make up for the lack of range for Breath Weapon?

Thanks in advance!


DFRPG / Speed Powers and Footwork
« on: May 24, 2011, 06:56:25 AM »
The footwork stunt says to use Fists instead of Athletics to dodge. The speed powers give you a +1 to Athletics when dodging. If a character had both, would they get to dodge at Fists +1?



DFRPG / Feeding Dependency & Modular Abilities
« on: May 16, 2011, 07:24:27 PM »
I've just started in a game of DFRPG, and have a question. My character's high concept is Gaia's Park Ranger, modeled off of Bernard from Codex Alera. To represent being able to be strong, tough, etc as needed, I took modular abilities (-6, so 4-refresh worth to play with). To show the strain on him (and to sort of mimic mental stress from spellcasting) I linked it to feeding dependency.

Me and the GM are going off of the idea that the feeding attack I take is 2 (the surcharge from FD) + however much other refresh I use. So if I only do inhuman strength, that's a 4-shift attack. We're assuming the attack isn't the full 6 (unless I use all 6).

Also, what if I use modular abilities twice or more during a scene? Would I take multiple hits? Or just one based off of the highest refresh I use?

Thanks in advance!


P.S. Here's a link to my character.

DFRPG / Vampiristic feeding question
« on: June 03, 2010, 06:26:13 PM »
Both the blood drinker and emotional vampire powers talk about being used to sustain you. How does that work, exactly? From the descriptions, both powers can be used to add more stress done to the target.

However, without a feeding dependency, there's no "sustaining oneself on blood/emotion." It's only to do more damage.

Am I reading this right?


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