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Messages - Mira

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The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
  Harry admits to having little faith, save in his magic... 

  I could be wrong, but I seem to remember the quote "the center cannot hold,"  maybe in Death Masks or one of the earlier books.  Yeah, I think you are on to something. Also "The ceremony of innocence is drowned;"  Could that be when the Red King tried to sacrifice little Maggie?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Morgana Le Fay (includes CD spoilers)
« on: December 18, 2012, 04:48:14 PM »

  According to Bulfinch's Mythology Morgan Le Fay was the fairy sister to King Authur, she was also known as Morgaine or Mogana.  Morgana was known as an enchantress and identified with the Lady of the Lake in Orlando Furioso. 

DF Reference Collection / Re: Why was Molly taken to Arctis Tor?
« on: January 23, 2012, 07:56:11 PM »

  I think it was a possible ploy by Mab to get Harry to witness what happened at Arctis Tor and report back to the Council about the use of Hell Fire etc.  I also think that Summer may have also played a part in it, I think that both Summer and Winter do not want the Denarians messing around in their affairs.

DF Reference Collection / Re: A Fallen scorned (GS spoilers)
« on: December 15, 2011, 03:48:22 PM »
All the examples of whispering Vairelome posted happen after White Night. After Lash has sacrificed herself. After Lasciel's coin was dug up from its place in Harry's basement. Lasciel found out what had happened either at the moment the circle was broken (since Lash is still there she'd have had a link, albeit a weak one) or after she was recovered by Nicodemus (if she was).

But we do not know if Nick recovered Lasciel's coin, so it is all guess work.
JB is referring to the proverb, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."  The clear implication is that Lasciel has discovered that her shadow has failed in its mission--to get Harry to claim Lasciel's coin--and is furious at Harry's rejection of her.  IF she is aware that her shadow not only failed, but also switched teams and is not "dead," then Mira is right in that Lasciel would be furious at Lash as well as Harry.  (There's a chance that Lasciel was told that her shadow had been somehow destroyed, and has not yet found out otherwise.  Certainly, once she discovers the truth about Lash, Lash will be right at the top of Lasciel's hit list.)
Exactly, added to that, one of the shadow's fears until she became Lash was death.  She openly admitted, Harry dies she dies as well, part of trying to get Harry to take up the coin in White Night was for her own survival.  And yes, Lasciel would maybe want to wipe out Lash even more than Harry.  Because Lash was part of her, and she betrayed her by taking up Harry's interest over hers.  Also, Lasciel might know if Lash wasn't completely dead, even if Bob thought she was.  We do have that quiet whisper in White Night that says that Lash might have survived.
I don't see why Lasciel would want to destroy Harry in the first place. She's the Web Weaver, the Deceiver, she's been around since the dawn of time. She isn't human, in any sense of the word. All that Harry has done so far is proven himself to be more powerful than any other host that she has ever dealt with. Keep in mind the sense of scope we're talking about here: Since the dawn of time, Harry is the only one to have not taken up the coin already.
But she is totally pissed, her own shadow betrayed her, her own shadow was changed by Harry, by her love for him.  Lasciel doesn't want any part of Harry any longer unless it would be to twist the knife in his gut and cause him more pain.. However she cannot do that unless he agrees to take up the coin.  If that was her aim, the time to seduce him with that was when he was flat on his back with no hope of saving little Maggie.  However she didn't go for that, she went for, "and it is all your fault.."  Best revenge Harry crippled with the knowledge he daughter died and he was helpless to save her.. Or she understood the spell that the Red King was going for, and figured Harry would die anyway, with the agony that he couldn't save his little girl on his mind.  She underestimated Harry, he did figure a way, I do not think she figured on Uriel taking counter measures when she whispered those words.

DF Reference Collection / Re: A Fallen scorned (GS spoilers)
« on: December 14, 2011, 02:42:51 PM »
     Why would it induce a sense of despair or self-destruction if it was trying to seduce Harry?  Besides, the fallen had already implanted (imprinted?) her shadow into him.  The angel has been alive since the beginning of time, it can wait.

  The point is she failed.  Her shadow fell in love with Harry and took his side and helped him..  The moment Lasciel's shadow truly becomes Lash, not just Harry's nickname for her, she says pointedly, softly, shaking her head, "She doesn't deserve you.."  So not just Harry scorned Lasciel, but her own shadow did.  Also remember what distressed Lasciel/Lash so much was when her host Harry died, she died.. So the fallen angel's revenge wasn't just on Harry it was on her shadow, Lash as well, both scorned her.
How do you know this?  We've presented a reasonably compelling argument that Lasciel had in fact been whispering to Harry over a period of time before he broke his back.  There were certainly several other large factors that contributed to Harry's very painful overall situation, but I don't see why you're assuming that Lasciel's whisper was a one-time event when there is evidence to the contrary.
No, we have no facts, it is never said that it was, those are merely guesses.  Since Lasciel's shadow had been doing all of the whispering and she got transformed back in White Night, she also got transformed into Lash by her love for Harry.  She became independent of Lasciel, there is evidence shortly after in White Night when she says "all that I can my host..." after Harry plays and just before he digs up the coin and gives to to Father Forthill, that Lash whispered to Harry.  That wasn't Lasciel, we also have the WOJ if you believe him that the only appearance of Lasciel after that was in Changes.

It sounds like you are making an argument here that Lasciel wasn't the whispering shadow.  If that's your argument, and if you're right, where did Lasciel appear in GS?
Oh Lasciel did appear in Changes and was the whispering shadow we see in GS.  My argument is she is not the one who is whispering anything to Harry in Turn Coat.. There is no evidence of it.
     Why would it induce a sense of despair or self-destruction if it was trying to seduce Harry?  Besides, the fallen had already implanted (imprinted?) her shadow into him.  The angel has been alive since the beginning of time, it can wait. 
  Except back in Death Masks through to that point in White Night, she was trying to seduce Harry to take up the coin.. He didn't, in the cave in White Night, her shadow tried desperately to get Harry to take up the coin, to save both their lives.  Harry refused.. Then Lasciel becoming Lash, says " she doesn't deserve you."  At that moment the fallen angel Lasciel became the woman scorned.  Not just by Harry, but by her own shadow because of Harry.  At that point she wanted them both dead.  And yeah, revenge is a dish best served cold.. She waited, till Harry reached his lowest point, along with facts he could not argue against.. 1] he was helpless. 2] He was little Maggie's father, while how she got into trouble maybe wasn't his fault, the fact that she was in the world, was.  "And it is all your fault.."  Those are not the words of seduction, those are the words of revenge. 

DF Reference Collection / Re: A Fallen scorned (GS spoilers)
« on: December 14, 2011, 06:12:48 AM »
The underlined phrasing is consistent with the description of the examples Salacia gave in the original post.  "whispered a quiet voice in my head," "a voice somewhere within the storm of my chest whispered," "whispered a voice in the back of my head," and "said the little sane voice in my head" all have some combination of the specific phrases "whisper[ed/ing]," "voice," and "in my head."  In each case, the content of the whisper is something that would induce despair or self-destructive action on Harry's part, consistent with the eventual effect of the whispering shadow's seven words.
  Except that in the final page when he buries the coin, he talks about what he is doing to combat the whisper, there is also a sense of determination to bury the coin.  If it was inducing despair or self destruction, it wasn't at that moment.. On the contrary, we see the character and strength with in Harry that ultimately lead to his rejection of it even in the face of madness or death in White Night. 

That isn't to say the Lasciel didn't show up to whisper those seven words to Harry in Changes, or that she didn't know the right buttons to push in her the intended victim of her revenge..  However it was outside influences that brought Harry to this vulnerable state, not any continued whispering of Lasciel.  Harry fought against the odds as he always does, trying to get a coalition together to try and save his little girl, it wasn't till he was paralyzed with a severed spinal cord, on a back board in Father Forthill's back room with no more options left, that he gave into despair, that is when evil pounced as evil always does, "and it is all your fault..."   

The words were malevolent, with no other intention than to destroy Harry, to drive him to suicide.  The past influences of Lasciel or her shadow was to manipulate Harry into accepting the coin, to do her will to do evil to others not himself.  Harry had thrown that off he had rejected her and she was pissed.  It may be that just because the coins are taken out of circulation, it doesn't mean the fallen trapped within is still without some ability independent of it. 

 Notice also that when Uriel showed the playback, the image was beside Harry whispering, if it came from inside his head, I do not think he could have seen anything, nor do I think if Lasciel had remain an influence at all, that Uriel would either have appeared to Harry or give him Soul Fire. 

DF Reference Collection / Re: A Fallen scorned (GS spoilers)
« on: December 13, 2011, 11:10:20 PM »
I remember there being communication on some level, though, because Harry found it difficult to bury the coin due to Lasciel's influence.  I'd have to re-read the scene to sort it all out.
  Actually if you read the end of Death Masks, Harry had no trouble at all burying the coin.  The coin did whisper softly, "Harry," but Harry sang songs to himself to counter it as he chipped away the concrete to dig the hole to bury it, then he put a magic ring around it and the whispering was cut off.. However it wasn't as effective as Harry thought it would be, because in Dead Beat, Lasciel had broken through as Shelia..

DF Reference Collection / Re: A Fallen scorned (GS spoilers)
« on: December 13, 2011, 04:24:02 PM »
Hmm, I seem to have phrased my point poorly.  I didn't mean that the content of the italicized part was telling, I meant that its description was telling.

Because you need your brother to be all right, whispered a quiet voice in my head.

Given the significance of mental manipulation in the series, and specifically the nature of the Lasciel/Lash plotline, we should not quickly dismiss "a quiet voice whispering in Harry's head" as merely being part of Harry's normal internal thought processes.

I don't remember examples from Storm Front (or other books) where we're told "a quiet voice whispered in Harry's head," and we were meant to conclude that this was Harry thinking to himself.  Can you provide examples from the text?

  I can, but that will have to wait a while, I am up to my arm pits in holiday baking.  However I will point out that Harry also had whole dialogues with himself when asleep and when injured, even an alternate Harry appearing in his vision before Lasciel ever became part of the picture, Fool Moon comes to mind.  So even though I hear what you are saying about the image of the "quiet whisper" I do not think it is as straight forward.

DF Reference Collection / Re: A Fallen scorned (GS spoilers)
« on: December 13, 2011, 04:27:54 AM »
This was from the first post in this thread, and it's part of Salacia's theory that the whispering shadow revealed in GS wasn't the first time Lasciel had whispered in Harry's head, it was just the time with the biggest effect.

And the voice causes Harry momentary despair.

The italicized bit is rather telling, I think.  Salacia searched for similar phrasing, and only found that line in TC and a few specific lines in Changes, which would fit the timeline I suggested above.  Re-read her post at the beginning of this thread; it's quite well done.
  I respectfully disagree, I believe you are reading too much into it.  Actually there are examples all though the series, going back as far as Storm Front where Harry talks to himself in exactly that tone.

DF Reference Collection / Re: A Fallen scorned (GS spoilers)
« on: December 12, 2011, 02:13:57 PM »

  I do not recall any whispering in Harry's head in Turn Coat.  The last whisper Harry hears from Lash comes at the end of White Night, after supposedly Lash was dead.. That is when he dug up the coin and gave it to Father Forthill.  The coin was rejected, end story, because if you go on that theory, Sanya should also still be under the influence etc, because he actually took up the coin and worked under the influence till he rejected it and became a Holy Knight.  We have the WOJ that Harry changed Lasciel's shadow, she became Lash.. So she was no longer there to take over in Turn Coat, the shadow had been changed and the coin rejected. 

I find it troubling that a shadow of the Fallen could turn up on Holy ground to begin with, I thought that was impossible.  People like to point to Lasciel's shadow, but when she was there before it was in Harry's head, not independent.  If the coin was close by in protected so no one could get to it, I think it is possible that Lasciel still could project herself, especially since Harry had been in contact with her before.  Remember her shadow became Sheila and then took up residence in Harry's head while still buried and in the circle that Harry tried to shut her up in. 

Now one has to ask the question, if that was indeed a projection of Lasciel whispering to Harry in Changes, why did she push for his suicide rather than try to get him to take up the coin?  Harry was desperate enough to become Winter Knight, was he also desperate enough to trade his soul to save little Maggie?  If so, why not offer?  Or was Lasciel rejecting Harry now as a host, going instead for revenge because she was so soundly rejected.

DF Reference Collection / Re: A Fallen scorned (GS spoilers)
« on: December 11, 2011, 01:03:47 PM »

That doesn't mean that Nicodemus/Anduriel would know about Lasciel's revenge plot against Harry.  At the end of SmF, Harry told Nicodemus, "Lasciel's shadow doesn't live here anymore."  We find out later that Harry was wrong about this, but it was what Harry believed at the time, and I'm quite sure Nicodemus was able to note Harry's sincerity.  I think it's pretty likely that if Harry actually had found a way to permanently remove Lasciel's shadow, that would have the effect of breaking his connection to Lasciel's coin, possibly by severing the principle of contagion permitting Lasciel's whispering communication.  If Nicodemus compromised Church security (...again...) and stole the coin, Lasciel may well have decided not to tell Nicodemus that her line of communication with Harry was back open--we're told that Lasciel and Anduriel generally don't work together.

  Harry was right, Lasciel's shadow didn't live in his head anymore, she had become "Lash."  She had changed, and even if she was still there, at that moment she was still gravely wounded..

DF Reference Collection / Re: A Fallen scorned (GS spoilers)
« on: December 07, 2011, 05:27:03 PM »
Depriving Heaven is a great motivation, but wouldn't it be better in the long run for her side to turn Dresden? The delicious pain from having him lose everything he holds dear, from constantly forcing him into having to choose between bad and worse, and of him having to watch helplessly as he slides further and further away from what make him Harry is a far better punishment. It'd be like Vader Syndrome, in reverse.
Except she didn't succeed, Harry dug up the coin and had Father Forthill take it away.  Harry resisted the shadow and rejected the coin successfully, we have the word of Uriel on that.  That is why he was gifted with Soul Fire.  There was a female voice sometimes in
Storm Front, Harry thought it was his mother.

DF Reference Collection / Re: A Fallen scorned (GS spoilers)
« on: December 07, 2011, 01:51:07 PM »
To me, if Lasciel were really behind those voices, she would want to turn the knife in his belly for decades at least and really make those decades absolute torture for him for having the gall to think he could not only defy, but in a way defeat, one of the witnesses to Creation itself. Dresden is a wizard, and with their enhanced lifespans, she could stretch that torture out for centuries if she did it right. Nicodemus was hesitant to give Lasciel to Dresden, not only because she didn't always follow his lead, but because she was at least powerful enough to oppose him if she so chose. That would put her probably in the top 5 of the most powerful Fallen. With great power usually comes great ego, and for an affront to her like what Dresden did, the only viable solution for her would be a very long period of very awful torture. Not a few whispers of despair to convince him to kill himself a few short years of relative peace afterward. Actually, given that the words usually galvanized Harry into taking necessary actions, it almost seems like the work of Lash, taking on the role of that drill sergeant/high school football coach who likes to call people maggots and worthless and weak as motivation to prove him wrong.

I have to disagree, if that shadow was Lasciel goading Harry to suicide, while she didn't prolong his torture, she did twist the knife in the most painful way.  Knowing Harry as she does, through Lash, and just knowing her subjects, she understands Harry's over active sense of thinking he is responsible for everything, his quickness to assume guilt where none exists, though he dances with the darkside his desire to avoid it..  There is nothing she could do to him that would cause greater pain than to say, "and it is all your fault.."  Accomplish two things or maybe three depending on how you look at it.  1] Cause great pain and suffering for Harry, to the point where he wishes to end his life.  I do not buy it was just to avoid becoming Mab's monster, but to punish himself for what went down.  We have evidence of that in GS. 2] To rid the Denarians of a very powerful foe, revenge also may be a factor. 3] To deprive Heaven of a soldier in the up and coming battle.

DF Reference Collection / Re: A Fallen scorned (GS spoilers)
« on: December 07, 2011, 05:32:53 AM »
You don't treat Bob's reaction at the end of SmF - directly warning Harry that Uriel is not a nice guy - as relevant information, then ?

  Uriel isn't evil, but he is an archangel, powerful beyond comprehension if he chose to use it.  Bob was merely warning Harry of that fact, you might say like Michael warning him about Mr Ferro.. 

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