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Messages - laura_be

Pages: [1]
DF Reference Collection / Re: Questions for Jim 2012 style 2
« on: July 19, 2012, 02:48:17 PM »
My question is in my sig, but anyway

Murphy's role in the story, has it been planned since the beginning or has it evolved naturally over the course of the series? Is her future planned now?

The Bar / Re: Edumacation And Enlearnment
« on: September 26, 2011, 04:54:33 PM »
This is such an interested thread, don't know why I never visited ir before.

I'm not sure how to traslate exactly to the USA system, but I think this is close: I started a college degree in Accounting, I was really good at it, and it was where the money was, but it wasn't really something that made me happy. So I dropped out in the 3rd semester and went to persue the one thing that I have always liked, art.

So now I'm finishing the 4th year of what is a BA in Visual Arts (is kind of general knowledge of a lot of stuff art related but with more emphasis in conceptual art and history) and at the same time starting to work on my disertation. Honestly, I'm starting to panic because it's art you know. Here at least, has always been an under-developed sector. But, it's what I like *shurggs*

Currently, my disertation tutor is trying to hijack (I think that's the word) me to his side of the force, which is specialization in Art theory and critism. I'm considering that, there's only, I don't know, maybe 4 art critics around here and it's really interesting. Plus, I think I might not the artistic type after all, more the one that talks about it type.

I studied some english in elementary school, did a super fast 5 months course when I was in highschool, but most of it I learned it on the internet and actually talking to people with the dictionary at hand. I know a little of Italian, I spent a month there studying it (ok, more sightseeing *wink*). But I really want to keep learning more of that when I have the time, and German too. I'm a grammar freak in my native language, which is Spanish.


Did you mean the SENIOR Council (seven)? Because there are hundreds of members of the White Council, and the majority of them are probably NOT a match for Harry.

Yeah, I was thinking about them when I wrote that, not the whole Council, 'cause you know, there's all kinds of wizards there, though Harry was apparently the youngest ever accepted until the vampire war. But yeah, the Senior is the key word.

Because somewhere it was mentioned that the Council feared Harry. Here's my take on it :)

Personally, I think most people in the White Council could beat Harry if it was about raw power or skill, or both combined. You don't live more than 100 without learning a lot, and you don't make it to the White Council without being a badass in some form. That said, I think what Harry is, is well connected (Mab, his godmother, etc.). And having connections is important, it has save him more than once.

I think what the Council fears about him is not his raw magical power, is his personality. And that he's like a child with matches. I mean, think about it, aren't you scared when you see that? A child playing with matches will hurt himself, his little friends playing with him and he might probably set the house on fire. If they fear something about him, I think that is it.

And I'm thinking here... It could be that the bringing of Outsiders into the mortal world would also bring more of the magic into it. I'm thinking how in the "old world" magic was far more present, through history the belief in it has dicipated or replaced with other beliefs, maybe at some point in time it got banned away with the Outsiders, for reasons I wouldn't know to name, but Maggie's idea could be that bringing the Outsiders who would bring that old magic back, could translate into making a more fair distribution of power between mortals and supernatural, allowing the benefits you've cited, and really just leveling the field, give everybody fair opportunity.

So... I don't think is nuts at all, I think it's brilliant. Really. It's very well put and explained. I really need to reread to make some contributions here to your idea, I haven't paid that much attention to all the details in the books. But what you expose here is a sound theory in my opinion and thematically very interesting.

Was anyone else bawling when he was not saying goodbye to Karrin and visiting Maggie and Mouse?  Holy crap. Tears are running down my face but I could not stop reading.  Ah.  Totally cathartic though, I really appreciated that, I felt it well done.  Thanks Mr. Butcher.

Hi, and welcome! :)
I was right there with you, crying my eyes out at that end. I felt it was so difficult for Harry, so painful to say goodbye.

I didn't hear the nails on that coffin either. Maybe GS opened the posibilities for Molly/Harry but it did not closed them for Karrin/Harry. I agree he was flirting with her and she knew it well, remember "patrick & demi" comment. And the way he was hurting when he saw her again, the window, the crying *sigh*

I don't see Karrin completely out of the picture.

What she's going to do when he's back? Who knows, maybe she'll finally realise all the time she's lost already and makes up for it to Harry ;)

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: The new spoiler display sucks!!
« on: July 31, 2011, 10:14:28 PM »
For a moment I thought maybe my computer went crazy on me, LOL.

I like the new look :) I don't mind the spoiler thing, what gets me confused are the quotes, but I'll survive :D

Your Harry/Murphy feelings are *obviously* clouding your judgement!  :P

Oh, well, probably I'm the one living in denial then  :D

I think Molly is great, now. I mean, for the first time she actually felt like a real person to me, thanks to this book. I finally felt empathy toward her.
The whole teacher/apprentice thing does rub me the wrong way, but not as much as the fact that he knew her since she was a little girl. And I get it, now she is a woman, or at least, she's getting there and I love that. She's kick ass, she touch, she's sexy, etc.

But even if I try to forget all the supposely "issues", I still don't see how all the good parts automatically make her a match to Harry.

I don't feel a natural flow in the story that says to me: yeah, it's going in that direction. It feels forced to me.

But again, maybe I'm the one living in denial :D    I'm cool with it :)

3. Am I the only one who saw this book as definitely putting the kibosh on Harry/Molly? p. 442: "...and crushes probably didn't last for years. Did they? They faded. Molly's feelings hadn't, but I didn't reciprocate them. I loved her to pieces but I was never going to be in love with her."  That seems pretty definite to me....

It seemed that way to me too. But people in this forum make you think about that one. So, I went back and read, then I got confused because maybe he was just in denial. But (maybe I'm just too much of a "shipper" and I just prefer him with Murph and that's clouding my judgement because I'm so not seeing what most people are seeing now regarding the Harry/Molly thing) I'm back to: it seemed pretty final that Harry just doesn't love her that way.

Not to be mean or anything but the Harry at the moment didn't know that he had set himself up to go boom. And yeah I was never a Harry/Murphy shipper, alway be more frineds then girlfriend. lol, but I think this prob but the kobosh on it EVER happening. Just hope it doesnt destroy their friendship as well.

And as for everyone that complaining about the way he did Molly. He knows how messed up what he did is. At a moment in his life when he was thinking about only one thing, he hurt many of the people he cares about. But what eating him the most, from my pov, is how close he come to destroying Molly.

Oh, I get it that Harry didn't know, or more precisely he didn't remember setting up his own murder. But him planning such a thing, not thinking about his friends, etc. That would make Murph feel betrayed, I think. But eventually, she would understand it. I think their relationship will be threaten but more because of the bad place she's in right now, more than for the implications of what he did. She knew him well enough to know and understand his motivations at that point. I honestly, don't know if they will or won't end up involved. I ship them (have no shame in admitting that) but I value their frienship so much more. Like you, I hope what's happened doesn't brake that. I think it will strain it, yes. But not break it.

About Molly, I agree, he knows what he did to her, and he feels terrible for it. Molly was his big concern in this book, like his daughter was in Changes. He feels responsable for everything that happens to her. And he should, to some degree. She agreed to it, after all.

Karrin - How do you all think Murphy is going to react to finding out that a) Harry is alive , b) Harry arranged his own murder and all the consequences that came from it, and c) that Harry used Kincaid, possibly the only other male romantic interest for her other than Harry, to do it. Personally I saw this novel as the death knell for any possible romantic hookup between Harry and Murphy. It reminds me of Harry's reaction to Susan not telling him about maggie. "We're done, you knew it when you didn't tell me about my child" or something to that extent. I can't see Murphy forgiving Harry for what he's done to the city, his friends or her, regardless of him having the best of intentions.

Well, first of all, I think Karrin will feel betrayed. I mean, when they were talking in his appartment in Changes, when he told her what was happening, she put herself in the line for him, she promised she would be there to the end with him to get his daughter back, she compromised. But when the time came, he did not tell her of his suicide plan, that would be the motive she would feel betrayed, him hidding things from her. I think she could actually understand his motives for doing so, though. She knew what was at line.

What he did to the city? I don't know, the city went to hell because the Red Court was killed and yes, also because he was gone, but mostly because of the power vacum. I don't think she would hold it against him. Again, she knew what was in line when she set up to the mission with him.

I can't imagine her reaction to the shooter being Kincaid. I just can't. But mostly, I think she will be angry at Harry, and would probably rule out a relationship in the next couple of books, but I don't think it would be the same as what happened with Susan.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: September 22, 2010, 05:10:40 PM »
Last night there was nothing on tv except Mercy, which I found more interesting than writing my History paper, and it struck me that Taylor Schilling, if she were shorter, could totally play Murphy. What do you think?

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