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Messages - Eleyctra

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DF Spoilers / Re: The Nine Billion Names of Harry Dresden
« on: August 18, 2020, 05:30:12 AM »
What about that girl Lydia with the prophetic vision Cassandra's Tears from Grave Peril? She gave Harry a vision that by now we know implies the kickoff to the BAT (there's even confirmation by Jim she helps kick it off. Though I'm not sure where it is...)

Chapter 4

"Fire," she whispered. "Wind. I see dark things and a dark war. I see my death coming for me, out of the spirit world. And I see you at the middle of it all. You're the beginning, the end of it. You're the one who can make the path go different ways."

"That's your vision? Iowa has less corn."

She turned her face away. "I see what I see."

How much do you guys think that plays into the theory?

Why not Goodman Grey? We don't know his full motives, but he has stated doing things for a 'good cause'.

Does it have to be a fully human mortal?

In Skin Game, we saw Nic giving a coin to Blood on His Soul (aka the Genoskwa) and offering one to Grey.

Could River Shoulders take up the sword for a bit?

Now I'm imagining bigfoot wielding a glowing toothpick.  :o

Can't be his dad, as Harry got a genuine spirit visit from Malcolm in Book 7 while unconscious after being hurt, and in Christmas Day short story where Santa/Vadderung gave Harry his dad's coffee gift by some implied powers-that-be.

Further back in the line would make more sense.

DF Spoilers / Re: Sue's Reappearance (a tiny problem)
« on: September 05, 2018, 03:55:16 AM »
He's lagging a few years behind at this point, he'll be fine.

But that's the thing: If Butcher keeps to matching our years of rough book publication to Harry's book-to-book timeskips, at what point (if any) will Harry's world and our world line up. (Except for the obvious 4-5 years since the last book to the next one, that'll get merged down to about a year in Harry's world.)

I realize this could be ridiculous. Butcher can handwave the exhibit change away, and the Dresdenverse Field Museum never changes.
I've lost track of the rough number of years that have passed up to Skin Game in Dresdenverse. Has it been 13? 15 years? Harry mentions in Ghost Story after meeting up with the dead cop (Rawlins?) that 'more than 10 years' have passed since he saw him last.

(Its been awhile since I read the facts might be skewed.)

DF Spoilers / Sue's Reappearance (a tiny problem)
« on: September 04, 2018, 04:25:25 AM »
So Harry is going to have a grand time finding and getting Sue the T.Rex out of the Field Museum in the future book(s). She is in the process of moving into her own suite at the end of the Triassic Era exhibit deeper in the building...

In the month of June 2018, I visited the museum only to be slightly disappointed that instead of Sue, there's now a Titanosaur taking up half the back lobby (which apparently just finished it's move there in May). I finally found her suite, but unfortunately it was still under construction, and I could only see her partial skeleton through a peep hole.

I'm not sure how long the whole switch-over has lasted (and is scheduled to unveil in Spring 2019), but if Harry times his visit for Sue's resurrection, it's hopefully before 2018. And if he visits the Field Museum past 2018, I'm going to enjoy Harry's antics in getting a massive T.Rex through the hallways like a wrecking ball...

I wonder also if Harry will be more capable in the future with necromancy and just resurrect the rest of the dino bones.

Being a natural born Floridian, the subtleties of layered winter clothing necessary for living in a place like Chicago are rather abstract to me, but it certainly looks like that sequence of events included some implausible redundancies. 

I added a link to your post that goes like this:

The repeated coat removal coat removal

Darn you Serack! I clicked your link and became confused. Then I clicked again and again. Then I realized what you did... -.-

This does a better job of following the spirit of this point in my OP than I was capable of while in the mindset of coming up with arguments

Thanks for doing such a great job of keeping our pontificating grounded.  ;D

I do have trouble catching up at first often times, so I always try my best to stay within the rules  8)

Or he could say he learned a little more after Storm Front from Bob about the rules surrounding hair know, while writes down his case files after every book. ;)

Oh good, a discrepancy theory thread. I've been sitting on one for a while now that I didn't want to spend all on one thread post. It was pointed out to me by my IT Director at work (whom I have converted among many over to the Dresden Files  ;)), and he caught it in his first read-through. In my read-through to write this I found another discrepancy (I'll list it after).

In Storm Front, Harry is apparently living in a time warp. (Most likely a typo.)
-Wednesday night, Victor Sells (AKA The Shadowman) uses a ritual curse to kill Jennifer Stanton and Tommy Tomm.
-Bunch of investigating Thursday thru Saturday...
-Late Saturday night, the demon frog attacks and Linda Randall is dead. Harry is called into the scene a short few hours later.
-After leaving the crime scene Harry takes a walk and gets attacked by Gimpy Lawrence and loses some hair. But on Ch16, page 207, "I sort of sagged when he stopped hitting me, and he threw me to the ground. We were at a well-lit gas station, just before midnight on a Friday night, and anything he did was in full view of any cars going by."
-Later in Ch18, Harry walks out of a ruined Varsity after confronting Marcone, "So I walked. It was pretty stupid, in retrospect, walking around Chicago late on a Saturday night."

The other thing I caught on the re-through:
Ch17 page 214-215, "Then I walked back into the parking lot to consider exactly what I had at my disposal. A bracelet on each wrist. A ring. My blasting rod. My staff."

No Mother's amulet? This is the only time in the book and series he has two shield bracelets. Maybe he needed the extra foci at such an early stage in his career?

DF Reference Collection / Re: Mouse's Origins
« on: June 17, 2012, 05:37:29 AM »
Harry only briefly mentions in the book, Blood Rites, that it took him a week to hunt down some punk wannabe sorcerer that kidnapped them and wait until he/she left to get food so that Harry could paralyze his/her flying monkeys and get out with the puppies.
I always wondered why the kidnapper never followed up on revenge through the book Blood Rites, or the series so far...

DF Reference Collection / Re: Mouse's Origins
« on: June 15, 2012, 01:53:54 PM »
I don't think everyone's heard of "The Wizard Of Oz"...or at least watched it. I loved the reference.

Sometimes I have to look up certain pop references when Jim uses them in the books.

Display Case / Re: I bet you can't ____________
« on: April 04, 2012, 08:51:59 PM »
I bet you can't get the Heey Macarena! dance relevant somewhere in the series (preferably related to magic)

For a book wherein a big bad gets lose and eats people – Soul Food
Happened in Ghost Story, the people were ghosts. Even Harry was almost devoured.
I love Ladies Knight as a title though. Could refer to Murphy and Molly. (Well, Molly would be more warrior-woman than a Knight, but the pun could still stick.)
And heck, she could be the one to take up Amoracchus(sp?) in the future instead of her brother (I wouldn't put it past her father to teach her some skills, or Murphy and Harry at their gym - before Changes.) She'll possibly be capable enough at the end of the case files to do so.

Fake titles, eh? ...  ;D

The Bar / Re: Edumacation And Enlearnment
« on: February 19, 2012, 04:13:07 AM »
I completely missed this thread!  :o

I have a Bachelor of Science in Media Arts and Animation.
I have a career job not exactly pertaining to animation, but certainly in the creative field.
I am working to get into graphic novels, and/or animation storyboards.  8)

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