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Messages - knightedbishop

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DF Spoilers / Re: Christmas Eve and Peace Talks theory (spoilers)
« on: July 09, 2020, 01:26:37 PM »
A few people wrote how if Murphy was a Valkyrie or Einherjar that Kringle would have brought her along. I’d caution against that belief. As Kringle said, Odin and Kringle are two legal entities with one body. We’ve never seen Gard, the ravens, or any of Odin’s trappings when he’s in his role as Kringle. If Murphy was in Odin’s employ that doesn’t mean he’d bring her along when traveling as Kringle.

I’m in the Murphy for Einherjar camp. It’d be my preferred ending for her. She was a great foil and police liaison for Harry when his work was primarily local. He’s grown beyond the regular interactions with mortal authorities in the main series. Not only has she lost her way as a character after leaving the force, sh’s also lost her original purpose to the plot. She can’t swim in the same water as Harry now. So either she becomes a damsel in distress (which I’d hate and she’d hate), she gets written out somehow (death, moving away to start up/manage a new Fellowship of St Giles deal as an offshoot of the Paranet maybe), or she gets beefed up. Of the beef up options I like Einherjar the best. She can die and that death would be incredibly meaningful to us and to Harry if done right. Then she can come back to rescue him at a key moment in the BAT.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 6 Drop
« on: July 07, 2020, 05:43:08 PM »
Mab was referring to the favor Harry received from the Summer Court that he then used to get Eldest Gruff to fetch him a donut. That stopped Gruff from having to give Harry a beat down. Harry got away with his life.

I think Harry of the present would likely be crafter and not have been in that situation to begin with. He basically squandered the full value of the favor. Clearly Lara is getting full bang for her buck.

Mab always has a plan. Well, Mab has a three dozen plans going on at any one time. She is fond of Harry on some level. Whatever purpose she had for Harry is not fulfilled. She does not intend to throw him away. But she also has no use for him if he can’t fend for himself.

When Mab first brought Harry to Arctis Tor she subjected him to rigorous physical training. I think these jobs she’s giving him serve multiple purposes. They fulfill an immediate need Mab has. They increase Harry’s stature. They also serve to train Harry’s mind just as she trained his body.

I want to know who the heck set the svartalves’s embassy on fire. Anyone powerful enough to pull the trigger knew the can of whoop *** they were opening.  And if it was to get at Maggie? Well...yeah. Sucks to be them.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 5 Drop
« on: July 04, 2020, 05:36:08 PM »
My vote is still for Murphy being an Einherjar. One, it’d be badass. Two, it allows her to live on while still dying and causing Harry to have loads of guilt. The Einherjar have been on screen for a long time, so I personally don’t feel her death would be cheapened by her ultimately coming back to fight in the BAT.

About the Shroud: I still don’t think it’s purpose is to heal. Remember, Hades’s exchange with Harry. The vault was an armory, and it exists to contain weapons of terrible power when they are not needed. I like the idea of the Shroud destroying the Nemesis infection. Healing, but in a way that hurts the Enemy.

I’d wager good money that Nicoodemus and Anduriel know Harry is the Warden of Demonreach. Anduriel is too well informed not to know. And there is no way the Denarians are going to step foot on Demonreach now that Harry has awoken it. If they think the coins are confining then they definitely won’t like a crystalline cell. The artifacts are safe until needed.

Speaking of Demonreach, Hades word choice with “containing” sparked my interest. Demonreach has the same purpose. To contain dangerous beings. As Alfred said, they are always dangerous, but locked up they have the least ability to act. Not saying there is any direct connection between Demonreach and the artifacts...but we know an apocalypse is coming. I suspect those locked up beings will get out somehow. And the weapons to fight them are now in circulation.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 5 Drop
« on: July 03, 2020, 03:54:54 AM »
I still maintain Marcone is not the one pulling Rudolph’s strings. Marcone is an honorable crime baron. He gave his word when he took the weregild to leave the heist gang alone. Also- Murphy was in the hospital when actual heist went down. She didn’t leave any finger prints anywhere in the bank. She wasn’t there.

I don’t think the Shroud is meant to heal Murphy. With these relics of Christianity intent seems to be a huge deal in their power. Wield a Sword for the right reason and it is a capital S Sword with the force of God Almighty behind it. Wield the Sword of Faith with the wrong intent and it is a sword of steel and nothing more. Murphy found that out the hard way. Harry has been thick headed about it, but has gotten smarter. I think he knows the Shroud isn’t for Murphy.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 5 Drop
« on: June 30, 2020, 11:46:22 PM »
I don’t think Marcone is behind this. He accepted the weregild from Harry with the agreement that he would leave the heist gang alone, Murphy included. Marcone is a crook, but he is an honorable crook and he doesn’t go back on his word. And even if he was inclined to, I think he is recognizes that people who go back on their word in the supernatural world are not looked on kindly.

I would have a harder time figuring out who might not have bought Rudolph. He’s a scumbag with naked ambition and poor impulse control. Whoever is pulling his strings, I doubt he even knows their true identity. Anyone using Rudolph would not see him as anything more than an expendable tool.

I think Murphy dying and coming back as an Einherjar sounds likely. Like the faerie mantles, she has been trained and built a relationship with the Einherjar over time. I can see her dying heroically, and Gard being there to escort her to Valhalla. She’ll be out of the picture for a while, and then return for the BAT, Murphy the White to turn the tide.

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 4 Drop
« on: June 27, 2020, 12:31:42 AM »
Wow, we’ve really gone down the rabbit hole with this whole deal around citizenship and child welfare involvement!

I was adopted at birth. My biological parents were Colombian. I was born on American soil so I was an American citizen. Citizenship is either by blood or by soil in the US. Proving it is a whole different matter, and that may be easy or hard for Harry. He has a lot more friends to ask for help these days. If he asked I’m sure he’d get what he needed to demonstrate Maggie’s US citizenship.

As for child welfare involvement- I am a court appointed special advocate for foster youth, and I’ve worked with the foster system in multiple states. I can tell you that child welfare only gets involved when someone reports abuse or neglect. And then they only care about that issue. Not a child’s citizenship or immigration status. As long as Harry has Maggie’s basic needs met, no foster system is going to spend time and resources taking her away when they are a tragically high number of other cases where there is a real safety concern.

And woe betide any social worker who tries to remove Maggie from Harry’s home.

And as a shameless plug: court appointed special advocates (also called guardians ad litem in some states) are sorely needed. Maybe Harry would have had a better experience with someone advocating to the court on his behalf. It is super rewarding and low time commitment. I think everyone should do it and I’d be happy to point anyone to the organization for their local area!

DF Spoilers / Re: Chapter 4 Drop
« on: June 24, 2020, 01:32:34 AM »
A lot of shading of Ebenezer's character that I enjoyed. Which I wager ups the likelihood of his death being imminent. How and its impact are up in the air. It will be the second senior council member lost in a short span (as far as wizard life times go), and the Blackstaff at that. The Council will go into upheaval as wizards jockey to fill the power vacuum left behind. This may be the beginning of the end for the White Council as it has existed. Losing McCoy and/or a vote to expel Harry are more than enough to lead to a schism.

McCoy is old and set in his way. He reminds me of my grandfather. He was a product of the life he lived, which is very different from mine. He spouted horribly racist things, but hired a lot of Black people to work for his company at a time that was not the norm. He spouted horribly anti-gay things, but came to love my husband like his own son. McCoy thought he was doing the right thing. To have his judgment questioned by someone else- probably when he's questioning it himself, is sure to ruffle his feathers.

Old prejudices die hard. And McCoy has had multiple lifetimes from a mundane perspective to develop them. Whampires, svartalves... I think McCoy has a human-centric perspective, where Harry is much more willing to take allies and make friends where he can get them. McCoy spent his whole life protecting humans against supernatural threats. I think any supernatural race had plenty of time to cross him and get on his naughty list. Not surprised he has issues with the svartalves. At this point I'd be surprised to hear of anyone McCoy doesn't have issues with.

I also think this showed Harry's growth too. He expressed himself clearly and without devolving to shouting, shooting, or storming off. Sure, the exchange got heated, but there was no actual fire summoned. And ultimately he's right. It's his choice how to raise his child. And as others have pointed out, he destroyed the entire species of the last villain who tried to harm his daughter. He's killed multiple immortals. Only a fool thinks coming at Maggie is a good idea- like Nicodemus, who was goaded to rage by Harry after murdering Deirdre. And look how well that ended for Nicodemus.

DF Spoilers / Re: New Drop Chapter Three
« on: June 23, 2020, 11:33:46 PM »
From Uriel’s discussions with Harry, I think the soul is bound to free will. If angels labor to protect free will and choice, and they also are concerned with saving souls, I therefore think free will, soul, and the soul gaze are linked.

Jim implies, as many story tellers do, that greater power limits ones’s freedom to act. No mortal wizard holds a candle to the ladies, who are the least of the queens. Uriel is incredibly powerful, and is similarly incredibly bound on using his power.

At the same time, Uriel gives that thoughtful nugget: you are a soul, you have a body. I can’t see that Molly or Lily’s souls vanished because they took their mantles. They still have will. They are bound in their ability to exercise it. I can see their soul somehow suppressed as their free will to act is similarly suppressed. Lost? No. Obscured? Yes. I think that ties well into the soul gaze too. The soul gazes of mortals we’ve seen have revealed who someone is or who they may become. We don’t see immortals in a soul gaze, but the Sight shows who they are in terms of power and intent, like the vileness of the nagloshii or the sheer scope of Mab and Titania when they were creating a battle ground. In short, the soul gaze depicts the sum of a mortal’s choices to date and where future choices may lead. When a being has little or no free will to choose, there is little or nothing to see from a soul gaze, but the Sight can show their power and intent.

Give up the mantle and you are free to choose again. Mortality can be lost because it is a status bound up in free will. It can be regained by giving up the power that bound your will. The soul gaze (or lack of it) reflects a being’s status at the moment.

DF Spoilers / Re: New Drop Chapter Three
« on: June 16, 2020, 11:41:41 PM »
I’m confident these are the full chapters, not snippets. I think last time we got a total of five chapters before the book release.

DF Spoilers / Re: New Drop Chapter Three
« on: June 16, 2020, 09:50:15 PM »
Whelp, I got that guess wrong.

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DF Spoilers / Re: New Drop Chapter Two
« on: June 13, 2020, 06:06:41 PM »
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From Skin Game, chapter 51:

“Marcone is not someone to cross lightly,” I said. “Not only that, but he’s a member of the Accords.”
“I’m not,” Nicodemus said. “Not any longer.”

Nic declared he is not a member of the Accords. He didn’t say we, which would indicate all of the Denarians. Clearly he and Tessa were on the outs over this mission- Tessa didn’t want to lose Deidre (though it didn’t seem to be out of any sense of love, but rather unwillingness to lose the asset she had cultivated).

The Fallen are big deals on their own. I wouldn’t be surprised if the smarter ones who have been active since the Accords came into being signed on individually. They certainly have the chops to do so.

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