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Messages - knightedbishop

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The Sword definitely burned Harry. It also temporarily disable the WK mantle so he get all of his aches and pains. It was a warning- if he was truly evil the Sword would have cut him.

When the mantle kicks back in Harry’s aches and pains subside. Except the pain of the burn the Sword inflicted. Mab noticed the Sword burn and was jealous- mourning her lost humanity, I think.

DF Spoilers / Chapter 4?
« on: September 22, 2020, 07:14:50 PM »
Are we going to get chapter 4 before the release?

DF Spoilers / Re: Now THAT's what I call a Sample Chapter!
« on: September 15, 2020, 05:00:44 PM »
So, I think this makes it clear that Mac is (or was) one of the angelic watchers talked about in the Book of Enoch. Retired? Fallen? Did he have a Nephilim child? More to be told, I’m sure.

I wonder how Dresden figured out the power of the placard. Seems pretty specific. And interesting. And small scale thinking if he gave it to Mac. He could have given it to Marcone and hustled many more people into the BFS castle.

DF Spoilers / Re: Sample Chapters on TOR
« on: September 02, 2020, 05:00:11 PM »
To change gears, I was the most interested in Molly swooping in during chapter two. The description of her in particular: “Molly wore one of those surfer’s wet suits, with patterns of deep purple and pale green on it in the streaks and rings of a highly venomous sea snake, her mouth stretched into a madwoman’s grin. Her hair, luminous silver in the weird light, spread out around her head in an otherworldly aura.”

Her mouth stretched in a mad woman’s grin. This sounds a lot like Maeve when she was overtaken with battle lust. I worry for Molly. That lady’s mantle is an order of magnitude more complex than the knight’s. It’s changing her, and she may be too headstrong to realize. I remember Harry when he gave into the knight’s mantle in Cold Days on the island. Primitive. Wanting to hunt and screw Maeve. That’s Winter at its core: wanting to kill (Winter’s enemies) and make babies (so they can kill Winter’s enemies). Giving in to the mantle gives you a lot of raw power, but it’s easy to get lost. Is that what’s happening to Molly? If so...I hope she finally comes clean to her family, and they turn out to be a critical anchor that helps her stay her.

DF Spoilers / Re: About Bob... (Spoilers All, Spoilers today's AMA)
« on: August 24, 2020, 07:29:01 PM »
My money is on Merlin (the original) and Mab.

Bob is incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to mortal magic (see chapter 15 of Cold Days, where Bob says to Harry "I'm conversant in the course and application of the Art since the golden age of Greece"). We know the original Merlin was a magical genius. He learned from Odin (according to Ebenezer). We know he time traveled to build Demonreach. Plus there's a potential familial relationship (or more likely a master to apprentice relationship). Ebenezer has masters' journals going all the way back to the original Merlin. It would be only fitting that a spirit of intellect born of Merlin would end up in the hands of his penultimate protege. Heck, it may have even been intentional.

As for why Mab, his two key characteristics fit. Bob is about intellect and doesn't much understand emotions. He is horny as hell. In Cold Days, Titania talks about how her sister follows the mind and logic. From Cold Case, we know the creatures of Winter are filled with a hunger to procreate.

DF Spoilers / Maeve and Cait Sith- what happened?
« on: August 20, 2020, 05:31:54 PM »
Mab said Maeve got infected via Lea. But Molly said there’s a hundred or so year backlog on the Winter Lady’s duties. Am I missing something? How was Maeve able to deny her purpose and Mab for a hundred plus years if she was only recently infected? If she was only recently infected, what exactly did Maeve and Mab mean on the island when Maeve said she wouldn’t lift a finger in the battle to come and Mab said co-opting the a Winter Lady was one of the adversary’s more effective ploys?

We know at least one, if not the major duty of the Winter Lady and why she is so close to the mortal world- she conscripts Winter's children to keep Winter able to man the Gates. That’s what I assume Maeve was shirking. How did she do that for a century or more and not lead to a severe troop depletion?

Is the reference to the Winter Lady’s strength also referring to her pure magical horsepower? Lily on Demonreach and Molly in Alaska proved they have serious magical might. But it doesn’t seem direct battle is the purpose of the queens. Like most powerful beings, the battle is probably going to the dog house if they have to throw down- the point is to win before blood is ever shed.

With Cait Sith- he’s incredibly strong. We know he was infected. Harry must have told someone. What happened? Is he just lurking out there?

Interesting theory! I like it much better than believing Jim was sloppy.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab's Voice in Peace Talks
« on: August 06, 2020, 08:45:21 PM »
While it’s fun to notice those kinds of subtle details, I hope not. I get annoyed when there are clues present only in certain mediums. The book makes no reference to any change in Mab’s voice when she and Lara are in the Munstermobile. Harry describes her voice as “calm and precise.”

When Harry awoke at the end of Ghost Story on Demonreach, Mab was described as bordering on inhuman- sunken huge eyes, skin stretched over bones. I assume she was drained from exerting her power so constantly to keep Harry summertime, away from her seat of power. When she was furious in earlier books her voice was clearly a big deal. Here the only comment Harry makes at all is that her eyes were too big to be strictly human.

I was disappointed. I’m hoping I can chalk this up to Jim’s long break and as he gets back into his groove the writing will improve. I expect Battle Ground will be about the same quality given they were originally one book. I’m still grateful to have the books. Not every book can be amazing, especially given how many he’s written. I will read as long as he keeps writing them. I enjoy the characters and visiting them in each story Jim tells.

I liked many of the free standing scenes that didn’t seem to advance the main story. Harry’s talk with Maggie exposition on how he prepared for her care if he died. The practice fight between Sanya and Butters and the revelation that angels are likely bound to the nails of the Cross. Harry summoning Molly and their conversation.

I liked Ethniu’s entrance and the response it garnered. I liked Harry binding Thomas.

The whole titular idea of the peace talks was amazingly underwhelming, as many have said. Few participants, no actual talks. The lack of any revelation about the why behind Thomas’s assassination attempt.

DF Spoilers / Re: Intention vs natural operation
« on: July 21, 2020, 09:26:45 PM »
I didn’t love this answer from Ebenezer. First off, it’s too vague to draw many conclusions from. Second, it goes against what Harry has said before: Effects created by magic behave just like the same effect created by mundane means. Fire summoned by magic is just fire once it’s there and subject to all the same laws of physics as normal fire. It constantly comes up in Skin Game when Harry talks about how good Ascher is with fire.

Fire laced with soul fire is something else. Fire worked into a summoning circle is something else. They are something else because there is still magic involved in infusing the fire or directing it. Maybe that’s what Ebenezer means. When Luccio and Ebenezer summon tight, extremely hot flames, they are continuing to use magic to confine and direct where it moves. By contrast, Harry pretty much shoots flame like a blowtorch and doesn’t seem to do a lot to shape its area of effect. He sometimes modifies the fire with soul fire or power from Winter’s well. I can agree that is different since magic is continuing to be invoked beyond the fire’s creation, but the vast majority of the fire we see Harry use seems identical to what comes out of a flame thrower.

I get it, Harry can be an unreliable narrator. But there’s an intrinsic coherency to his statement, which Ebenezer’s both lacks that coherency and sufficient explanation.

DF Spoilers / Re: Thoughts on Peace Talks (spoiler heavy)
« on: July 18, 2020, 07:22:22 PM »
Things I enjoyed:
* The scene at Michael's house when they test the lightsaber of Faith and conclude there are angels bound to the nails, just the opposite of the Fallen in the coins. This was a nice reveal. It is well set up, to make sense (I immediately thought of Uriel saying he is only allowed to respond in a mirror of the original offense). Now as I re-read the series I will look at the Swords differently and wonder what the angels bound to them are thinking.

* Harry summoning Molly. Their conversations were great. Veered from metaphysical (the Lady's mantle and how it meshes with Molly being human) to the power dynamic between them (negotiating a favor), to Harry pushing Molly to talk to her family. As a gay man who was terrified to come out to his parents, even though I knew they would love me, I understood Molly's fear.

* Mab getting sucker punched. You can be a big shot and still be caught off guard. I would argue the political effect of creating doubt about Mab's power was far more devastating than the physical act. Ethniu is going to pay for that in spades later. Based on the Christmas Ever story Mab is still around and Ethniu is not. Mab will enjoy seeing Ethniu get screwed, and at the hand of her knight.

* Seeing the Accord signatories come together under Marcone's leadership to defend Chicago. In the end, the fate of the mortal world rests with mortal choices. Marcone's choices to remind his guests of their obligations made a difference. I could otherwise imagine the group fracturing. While brief, hearing Ferro and Vadderung say that in short order they could lock Chicago down between the two of them is a tangible way to show how powerful they are. 

* Binding Thomas. It was unique way to use Demonreach. I thought it was well-written and added richness to the island. I am wondering though how in the heck six thousand uber baddies got brought to the island to be imprisoned. I can't imagine them docile and chained up, riding a barge to the island.

I didn't enjoy:
* A lot of what others have said. It was short for a novel. It's unfortunately that the story was broken into two parts. It leaves Peace Talks with a lot of set up and no where to go...except wait.

* The bickering between Ebenezer and Harry. A little was fine. Eb turning into a raving mad man everytime they talked got old and seems out of character for someone as intelligent as Eb. Though maybe family is just his blind spot.

* Conjuritis. I don't know what the point was.

* The lack of actual peace talks.

* Murphy cutting off her casts and then voila, being able to catch a Valkyrie off guard with no problem at Chateau Raith. This is beyond credulity. Murphy herself says at the start that the doctors hope to get her back to a portion of normal functioning, not to athletic function. And she's walking and throwing down after weeks in casts? Either this is poorly written or there is something going on behind the scenes. Maybe a Faustian bargain was already made and she doesn't remember (intentionally). Maybe someone powerful hitchhiked into her body and is fueling her without her awareness.

And a theory or two:
* Now we know Starborn happens every 666 years. Anyone done any astronomy deep dives yet to see if there is a comet or some constellation that comes up that often? So who is hanging on, waiting? Rashid is the immediate first choice, given how old he is. Maybe Listens-to-Winds. I'm not sure how old he is. I don't think the Merlin or Ebenezer are old enough.
* I think Demonreach has a grudge against Rashid because he was the last Warden and he abandoned his post to become the Gatekeeper. I wonder if this will be Harry's path too. In the BAT the island is destroyed, the banefire is released, the baddies escape setting off the apocalypse. Since they are immortal they cannot be killed, but to win the battle they are exiled outside of reality. Rashid passes on the torch to Harry, and he becomes the new Gatekeeper. He writes the case files while manning the Outer Gates.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac Kineely
« on: July 18, 2020, 06:05:56 PM »
Ya. Balor and Ethniu are from Irish/Celtic mythology as far as I know. Not Greco-Roman. How she has the title “the last titan” is a mystery to me. Though my theory is this is another example of mantles and masks- perhaps she was a Greek deity/Titan originally. When that religion faded she picked up a new mask in the Irish mythos.

Given the commonalities between some religions- mainly a Sky/Thunder god as head of the pantheon, I wonder how many different identities Vadderung’s had over his life.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mac Kineely
« on: July 18, 2020, 05:27:52 PM »
Mira- where did you get that the titans are older than Mac?

I didn’t realize we knew his age...or really anything apart from he makes amazing beer he’s out, Sharkface called him watcher, and Odin and Mab show him respect.

I’ve been wondering where the Tuatha de Danann are in all of this. The Formor are linked to that mythology. So is Balor and Ethniu. I was going to pin Mac for Goibniu because of the brewing and I love the Iron Druid Chroincles. Odin stayed “in the game” but Mac bowed out and gave up his power to stay on the sidelines. Heck, maybe he was one of the gods who shaped/dumped power into the fae.

I was really, really surprised to hear McCoy refer to Molly as a warlock when talking to Harry in one of the Peace Talks pre-release chapters. As Mab said to Harry when Molly became the Lady: the Council may howl all the want about a warlock, but the Winter Lady is beyond their reach. Carlos acknowledged the same in Cold Case when Molly asked if Carlos was there to bring her in and he said that he understood she was now the executive of a sovereign nation.

The Council cannot possibly be dumb enough to be snide about Molly openly. And Carlos, well, he decided to try to sleep with the Winter Lady on his own. From the Council's perspective he made a bad decision. It's heartbreaking for Molly (and sucks for Carlos) since we know first hand what happened and their mutual intent.

Mab will not tolerate any disrespect to Winter. She'll also expect Molly to clean up her own messes. If there is any blow back, it will be subtle/off the books and it will be Molly's problem.

DF Spoilers / Re: A Hypothetical Diplomatic Incident
« on: July 09, 2020, 02:11:47 PM »
Politics would take precedence here. I don't think the White Council would be dumb enough to piss Titania off by sending the Wardens to arrest Fix. There may be some posturing, and a hot head Warden could certainly cause a diplomatic incident if he caught Fix in the act and didn't stand down.

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