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Topics - Belmonte

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Magic and Overflow
« on: April 09, 2010, 12:22:14 AM »
It seems to me that Overflow should have an impact on magic.  The base rule is you can use Overflow for another action, but it cannot be an extra attack or anything.

Would it work by RAW for the GM to say, when a magician tries to cast a spell and they get overflow, allow the player to apply that overflow to duration?  You can 'extend' a spell effect by re-casting it as per the Spellcasting section (Prolonging Effects), so basically you'd be doing a secondary roll to prolong the effect rather than re-attacking or such.

So, example: Carlos is casting his Water Shield and spends 5 Shifts.  He rolls Epic (+7).  The shield goes off, and with the Overflow of +2, it'll last for 2 more rounds.

Viable?  Not viable?

DFRPG / RPG Hilarity
« on: April 06, 2010, 08:30:08 PM »
I Pre-Ordered this and have to say -- the banter in the margins is hil-ar-i-ous!  Did you have Jim help you out with that, Iago?  I swear, a lot of the comments 'feel' like Harry and Bob.

I'm kind of hoping someone here starts a PbP or PbChat game. :)

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