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Messages - tpurcell

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Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim in Chicago (Skokie), IL - June 4
« on: June 02, 2014, 04:18:53 PM »
I'm going to this. Driving down from Wisconsin. It will be a long day, but it will be worth it. I may be up for meeting up with you fine forum folks beforehand.

1.   When addressing what Nic is trying to get a hold of, we must think about what Hades has in his possession. As a god of wealth, it’s possible that Hades has any amount of coinage. Perhaps he has a collection of the Blackened Denarius and Nic wants to recover them; however, I feel that is unlikely. I think it is important to note that Jim has established that mantels or masks can be taken up or cast off and in some cases changed. When I think along this line of reasoning, I feel it is likely that Hades is a mask or mantel that can be taken up by other major league entities of the Nevernever. Let’s consider that Kringel, Odin, and Donar Vadderung are the same entity. I think it’s possible that Hades may be a mask of the Erlking (or vice versa). I think this because the myths connected to Hades connect him to being associated to the spirits of the dead and the change of the seasons as his possession of Persephone indirectly causes the passage of the seasons. Also the binding contract of Persephone’s release and return are based on her eating food he gave her. All of it strikes me as very “Sidhe-like” and in similar spheres of influence to the Erlking.  Persephone herself may be a mask or mantel of one of the Summer Queens. From this perspective, I think it likely that the item Nic wants to steal is likely a symbol of power connected to Summer/Seelie Court.

2.   My idea as to Nic’s plan for using Harry is based on the guess I put forth above that Hades is connected to the Summer Court in some manner. If I’m right, and Hades is somehow connected to Summer then Harry will be VERY useful as his mantel of Winter Power will be very effective in assaulting Summer powers.  Nic will not admit to needing any of Harry’s powers as Nic would never tip his hand in that manner. If Nic allowed Harry to know which of Harry’s Powers he needed then he’d be handing Harry a bargaining chip to withhold. Nic is scheming to have Harry bring his powers of Winter to bear and his deductive reasoning—it’s a Labyrinth after all.

3.   Nic’s recruits will be:
Deirdre: (They’ll get along like gas and sparks, and Harry will attempt to get her destroyed)
Mavra –Only because it’s been awhile since we’ve seen her: (Harry will try to destroy it)
Anna Valmont, and/or Elaine Mallory, and/or an Unnamed New Character: (Harry will find himself getting along with Anna or Elaine or the Newbie and will attempt to save him/but more likely her from their association with Nic, perhaps Anna/Elaine/Newbie is now a Denarian that can be redeemed. Ultimately Anna/Elaine/Newbie puts Harry in an even worse position and by Harry’s choices to attempt to try and save them. Sanya or a New Knight is killed due to this complication causing Harry to remain custodian of two or all three swords)

4.   Obviously Murphy is going to come along. What else does she have to do? She's also the person Harry trusts the most. However; whenever the Denarians show up, so does Johnny Marcone. It’s my bet that Harry additionally turns to Johnny Marcone to help him in some way. The objective of the mission is to pull a heist with untrustworthy elements; and as such Johnny Marcone is best suited to help Harry. Marcone also seems intimately connected to the NAMES: Demeter (Helen Beckitt) & Persephone (Amanda Beckitt – Side note: Amanda means: deserving or worthy of great love), and seems to be real world metaphorical association of Hades. Hades wasn’t evil, but was thought of negatively due to his status as lord of the Underworld, and I think the same could be said about Johnny Marcone. Who knows, it’s possible that Johnny Marcone may become an emissary of Hades in one manner or another  (but that’s a longshot).

5.   Sanya, Murphy and at least one of the Carpenter Family, most likely Michael; but possibly Molly and Daniel too. Murphy is the sub-custodian of the Swords and as such she must be on the role call if The Swords come into action. I have a bad feeling and for some reason don’t think Daniel Carpenter would survive taking up a sword—so, I’m guessing it will be more sad days for the Carpenter family if he tries to take up a sword (I hope I'm wrong). Basically Daniel “wants” to be a Knight instead of being called to be a Knight.  The Swords are there to redeem the Denarians, and as such whoever is serving as a Knight will try to redeem one and likely put the group in an even more compromised situation resulting in more bad things happening, like a death of a Knight(s).

6.   Mab’s reasons for wanting Nic to come to an unhappy end will be multiple and diverse, but among them I think keeping the balance of Summer and Winter intact will be a primary motivating element.

7.   The Shadow of Lasciel, aka Lash, became a separate element split from the coin in White Night. During the showdown in the depths Lash took a mental bullet for Dresden; HOWEVER, as Lash is connected to Harry’s brain/physiology (resides in his mind) it stands to reason that if Harry can recover from any injury over time that so could his brain and by extension Lash as well. When bones heal they ache, when cuts heal they itch, when a brain heals perhaps it causes migraine headaches. Lash once recovered will want out of Harry’s head as being attached to Harry is not a good way to stay alive as Harry always puts himself in harm’s way. I’m reminded strongly of Athena’s birth from Zeus. Athena leaped fully armored from Zeus’s skull when Hephaestus, a godly craftsman opened his skull, to alleviate the headaches. I think it’s likely that in the year Harry has been marooned on Demonreach that he followed through on building a new vessel for Bob. Harry swore on his power to do so, so I think Harry would have done it.  Considering that Bob is in Chicago and Harry is on the island, it is possible (and even likely) that even though the new vessel is complete, that Bob hasn’t taken up residence yet. So at the end, I think Molly will assist opening Harry’s skull (à la Hephaestus) and the newborn Lash spirit will be given an element of air and spirit (Winter associated to the Air Element) and will take up residence in the new vessel. Lash will become Harry’s new or additional lab assistant. One other option is that Lash will be extracted by Molly and Harry will have Demonreach imprison her, thus allowing her to continue to interact with Harry from “behind bars”.  Either way Lash becomes external to Harry and he’ll still be able to interact with her and seek her advice in future books.

8.   Final Twist: an inmate from Demonreach will be able to help Harry get out of what looks like certain doom for him and his crew, in return for freedom. Thus Harry will release a potentially REAL BAD GUY (Probably somebody with an British accent).

9.   WAG 1: Amanda Beckitt's cure will be identified or her safety or well-being will be brought in as a sub-plot point. Every Denarian book, the sub-plot of Amanda Beckitt's shooting get's further defined. I expect that in book 20 Amanda Beckitt will actually be cured by Harry which will firmly seal Johnny Marcone as Harry's ally for the big Apocalyptic Trilogy.
WAG 2: Murphy will either get a “power up” or will get hurt, and we’ll get a sign foreshadowing her eventual death. Murphy is getting old to be operating on the adventure level that Harry is on. She’s awesome, but she’s still just a Vanilla Mortal and is closing in on age 45. By association, Randy Couture one of the all-time greats of MMA made his final title run at age 46 and needed to hang up his gloves after that. Unless Murphy gets a permanent “power-up” she’s going to be closing in on the time when she starts losing fights, and losing fights at the weight-class Harry is in will mean something pretty grim.
WAG 3: Molly and Harry start to become more related as peers and will signify the start of an expanded affection outside Master/Apprentice that will continue to grow. Harry will need to have loving sex with Molly sometime soon. I say this because Harry will need the touch of True Love prior to, or in response to his next throw down with the White Court, otherwise the White Court will be able to affect him. Most likely, there will be a set up for a future story that allows Harry and Molly to be falling in true love and that before Harry and Molly consummate their bond of love, that Harry will actually get ensnared by Lara or a White Court vamp and that at some point Molly will need to break the snare by consummating a True Love connection.

10.   Harry will use his Oak Wizard’s staff as a Thaumaturgical connection to the island of Demonreach as the staff was cut from the oldest oak on the island. That connection will allow him to channel more power or effects that are associated with the island while off the island.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: April 01, 2013, 07:35:13 PM »
First, let me say that these details have been super valuable to some work I've been doing for building a Dresden Timeline. Thanks to all who put forth details and edits. Well Done!

Moving on: I've been doing some research into Dresden Timeline as I've been trying to build an accurate timeline for the Dresden Files Role-Playing Game I'm running. I've always figured that Storm Front took place somewhere around 1999-2001 and that worked for the most part, but while doing research I decided that being able to track the moon, and seasons would be valuable information for running the game. One of the primary NPC's in the game is type of Lunar cycle Theriomorph. Thus, part of my research led me to build a timeline/spreadsheet of every Solstice and Equinox, in addition to every full moon and blue moon (two full moons in same month) and every total lunar eclipse from 1950 until 2015. Thus when I started to flesh out the details for Harry's birth date I knew I was going to arbitrarily place it on Halloween somewhere in the years 1974-1976 for the purposes of my game. When I cross referenced October 31st with my newly updated Full Moon Calendar I found that in 1974 Halloween was also the day of a Blue Moon.

Again, while Dresden details aren't specific for time frame, I'd say that this detail jumped out at me as potentially important detail. I personally think it is reasonable to suggest that Harry Dresden's birth date is October 31, 1974.

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