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Topics - Crimson Overcoat

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Evil Outsider Cultists and Creative Uses of Evothaum
« on: July 16, 2016, 10:05:23 PM »
Still putting together details for my Gencon event, and I would like to crowdsource some ideas for evothaum attacks made by genre savvy, nothing to lose Outsider cultists. They have a form of sponsored magic that allows for evothaum when breaking the 7th law, as well as for transformations and biothaum that corrupts or distorts reality. It's a one shot end of the world sort of game, so I'm not worried about horrific long term consequences for the PCs. They need to be afraid and in over their head. Any thoughts on what type of effects to throw around?

DFRPG / The Baba Yaga
« on: July 07, 2016, 06:13:25 PM »
Is she established in Dresdenverse canon? And if not, is she just a powerful witch or fae?

DFRPG / Help building a powerful kitchen witch
« on: June 25, 2016, 04:35:57 PM »
I'm running a DF game at Gencon this year, and one of the characters is an ex-KGB Kitchen Witch in the vein of a terrifying Martha Stuart grandmother figure. I want her to have powerful thaumaturgy abilities, but I'm not sure how to best model it mechanically. She is a 10 refresh character. The game is a one shot stop the apocalypse type game, so the more powerful she is, the better. Suggestions?

DFRPG / Turning Oneself into a Vampire
« on: August 31, 2014, 10:18:24 PM »
Through careful (careless?) use of thaumaturgy, what steps would you require for one to convert themselves into a Red Court-esque vampire? I believe that you would have to take yourself out and bind a demon to your body, but what other specifics do you think would be needed to add in the ability to procreate your vampiric line? This is more of a thought experiment for use on specific NPCs, rather than actual PC shenanigans. I have a Freeholding Lord in my current game that runs a megachurch who also happens to be a self made red court vampire.

DFRPG / Dresden File LARPing
« on: August 13, 2014, 09:01:36 PM »
So I'm working on a LARP for next year's (2015) Gencon, and I'm planning on it being a Dresden Files game, hopefully using the new Dresden Lives! rules. If those aren't ready, I'll wing the mother. Anyway, I was hoping for some thoughts on LARPing the Dresden files with about 25 PCs running the power gamut from a horny Satyr winemaker/follower of Dionysus to an ironkissed pixie mercenary(Aspect: You will fear the name...Dewdrop Sparkle). The plot runs for one night for about six hours of game time. I'm a super experienced con LARP event runner, so the little details about game management don't concern me. What I really need are opinions and ideas on how to bring the full feel of Dresden Files to life.

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