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Topics - yakoaohw

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DFRPG / DFRPG Character Manager v2.0
« on: March 31, 2012, 06:01:17 PM »
The Dresden Files Roleplaying Game Character Manager v2.0.3 is now available for download at the following link:

Version 2.0.3

(The file is hosted on Mediafire. I have found other mirrors of my program floating around the internet, which is fine, but I have no idea who put them there or if they have been modified in any way. Please be careful running any executable files you find on the internet.)

My thanks to the following people who helped me with testing: (in no particular order) Soulless Mystic5523, lordoracle, devonapple,
Malraza, Zindaar, Jerry Luca, Steven Phelps, Geoff Williams, AJ Long, Christopher Smith (if I missed someone, I apologize.)

Without them the program would probably be paralyzed with bugs. Any errors remaining in the program (and I know there are some and I'm sure there are others I'm ignorant of) are the result of the programmer, not lack of input from the testers.

System Requirements:
-Windows XP or later (Vista or later is required for IE 9)
-Microsoft .NET framework 4.0 or later (available from Microsoft)
-Internet Explorer 9 or later (even if you don't use it regularly. The Character Sheet uses HTML5/CSS3 and the embedded browser is always the current IE install regardless of other browsers available. If you really object to having IE installed, you can "Export Character Sheet" instead and open it in your browser of choice. The sheet will still open without IE 9, but it will look terrible.)
-Sorry Mac people. I have nothing against you, i just don't have the kind of time it would take to learn a cross-platform programming language or to write in two different ones.

There is no install file. Simply place the files in a directory (you must extract them, not run them from inside the zip file) where a user will have write access and run them (also included is a customization program, more on that later.)

Included in this release is a customization program. It will create custom templates, powers, stunts, effects, magical traditions, etc. By default each item is placed in a separate dfcm file in the "resources" directory. The program will read all dfcm files in the directory at runtime and those items will be added to the program. If you add another custom file to the directory, you will need to restart DFRPG-CM for it to appear. These files are XML files (as are the character save files). If you know your way around XML, you may combine multiple custom files into a single DFCM file and all entries in it will be added at runtime, but you will not be able to edit the file with DFRPG-Custom.exe.

Old Characters:
Old character files will work, though there may be some hiccups in loading them. Please back up your old characters before converting them, just in case. I would hate for you to lose a lot of time and effort you put into a character because of a single typo in in over 15000 lines of code.

If/When you encounter bugs, you may post them here or message me, though if you post them here, you may help other people who are having the same problem you are or may get feedback from another user. When you post a bug, please let me know what you were doing and what happened (this is often more important that then huge list of text that accompanies some crashes.) For example: "I was selecting a template and the program crashed" or "I named my character Paul Neil Milne Johnstone (bonus points to anyone who gets the reference without using the internet) and he reached through my monitor and slapped me.")

That is it for now. Good luck. I hope this is helpful to other Dresdenites.

EDIT (4/11/2012): Updated link to latest version. Release notes available in the program.
EDIT (4/28/2012): Updated link to latest version (2.0.2). Release notes available in the program.
EDIT (4/29/2012): Updated link to latest version (2.0.3). Release notes available in the program.

DFRPG / DFRPG Character Manager v2 beta
« on: March 12, 2012, 09:52:42 PM »
Greetings fellow Dresdenites,

I have been working on version 2 of my character manager program for a while now and the time has come to try and squash all the bugs I've not found and test the features I've not tested. If you've used version 1 of my program, this will be very similar to that only I hope that instead of making the same mistakes of the past, I've made entirely new ones.

That being said, I need some volunteers. Probably about 5ish to 10ish or so to begin with to take a look through the program. There are a few requirements (nothing onerous, I think).

  • You must be using Windows (sorry Mac people. Nothing against you, but this is how I program)
  • You must have .NET framework 4.0 or later (you can find that here:
  • You must be willing to have odd and potentially horrific things happen to your character file. (I cannot stress this enough. Back up your character files. They should work just fine, but I don't want to destroy something you've put time into due to one typo in 15 thousand lines of code)
  • If you want to view character sheets the easy way, you must have IE 9 installed (even if you don't use it. The character sheet uses HTML5/CSS3 and IE 8 and earlier will ignore those parts. You can still view the sheet, it just looks terrible. The other option is that I included an "Export Character Sheet" option that will save an HTML files you can view in Firefox, Chrome, Opera or whatever you normally use.)
  • You must be willing to tell me about whatever errors you run into, or they will never get fixed. (I'm aware plenty of errors never got fixed with version 1, I'm hoping to do better this time.)
  • I also ask that you not pass the program around yet. It will have bugs and I'd prefer to limit the exposure until I can kill most of them. I'm not saying you can't share it around, but please don't yet. It is easier to troubleshoot a little at a time.

My hope is to get feedback and have a released version by the start if next month, depending on how much needs fixing. Just post in this thread if you are interested in testing and this evening I will send out links to the program (assuming of course no power outages or cooking catastrophes)

DFRPG / DFRPG Character Creator/Manager
« on: September 29, 2010, 02:11:37 AM »
Greetings to all you Dresdenites... Dresdeners... Dresdenees?

Since the Dresden Files RPG came out I've wanted a way to track my character sheet without erasing and scratching out. I tried the PDF versions of the character sheet but they really didn't do all I needed them to do. So I wrote a program that would track all the things I needed, check that the character was valid and print out in a useful format. That done, I let my RPG group give it a try and then, not wanting to get sued, I e-mailed the guys at Evil Hat and asked if I could distribute the program.

And they said "yes."

So, here it is. I hope its useful. You can find the program here There is no install file, but you will need the latest version of Microsoft.NET. Just unzip the files anywhere you want to run them from and make sure they stay together.

If you run into bugs, let me know and I will do my best to fix them.

If you want some feature or another and I think its a good idea, I'll try and put it in.

If you think my program sucks and feel the need to bash it with abusive comments... go make your own program.

I made a blog to track changes to the program at (I know it looks cheesy. I'll get to improving that eventually.) I'll try and check both there and here for feedback and I'll keep the links up to date as best I can.


EDIT 11/7/2010: Updated link to version

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