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DFRPG / Water Magic Brainstorming
« on: March 24, 2011, 11:48:14 PM »
As the fourth installment in my series of evocation I've decided to focus on the element of water! I'm not totally bulloxed on ideas for this evocation but it isn't the easiest for me by any means, so please feel free to spitball any and all ideas. Once again, please don't go into other elements as there are other threads for those discussions.  Also please don't debate legality of spells, it doesn't matter to me if its black, white, or polka dotted magic. I'm only after ideas so I and other spell slingers don't have to go with the same look each and every time.

Water, is possibly the strongest force on the planet. It crumbles mountains, destroys homes, snuffs fires, drowns the strongest beasts,  and can bring even the mightiest structures on the planet to their' knees. Whether it be a might river smashing its ways over a damn, the riptides of the ocean, or the slow moving destruction that is a glacier water is a force to be reckoned with, respected, and feared.

1. What is a non-combat interesting way to use water magic?

2. What is a single target interesting way to use water magic?

3. What is an area of effect interesting way to use water magic?

4. What is an interesting way to block using water magic?

5. What would be an interesting way to impede someones movement with water magic?

6.Can you think of anything else that would fit the Dresdenverse and be really neat in a game for water magic?

DFRPG / Air Magic Brainstorming
« on: March 22, 2011, 12:41:11 AM »
As a continuation of the previous threads I'm starting the third in a series of 6 brainstorming sessions! As on the previous threads please do not debate the legality of a spell, I'm only looking for thematic uses that I haven't come up with myself.  Please attempt to not repeat the same thing over and over again, yes a hurricane is great and powerful but I don't want the same thing for every entry.

Air magic is one of the more subtle but one of the strongest elements. Whether the air is wearing down a mountain one grain at a time or whether its a tornado destroying some poor trailer park in Kansas air magic is always a force to be respected. This also happens to be one of the elements that I have the most trouble with. Thanks for all the help you guys have already given myself and other wizards in coming up with neat, interesting ways to describe the use of our magic.

1. What is a non-combat interesting way to use air magic?

2. What is a single target interesting way to use air magic?

3. What is an area of effect interesting way to use air magic?

4. What is an interesting way to block using air magic?

5. What would be an interesting way to impede someones movement with air magic?

6.Can you think of anything else that would fit the Dresdenverse and be really neat in a game for air magic?


DFRPG / Earth Magic Brainstorming
« on: March 11, 2011, 11:43:12 PM »
Hey guys,before you go and try to answer my questions in this post please don't go into the other elements. I intend to do a new thread for each but I have the most trouble with this element so its where I wanted to start. Everyone has their favorite spell flavor and hopefully this will help anyone out who casts spells.

I don't know how many of you have the same troubles I do but when I use magic I don't want to use it the same way over and over again. I have rotes for getting reliable results and not being inventive. I keep thinking about parts of the books where Harry obviously hasn't got the spell he is doing as a rote and he still gets some kind of amazing, flashy result. In an effort to help myself and all my other spell slinger buddies I want to spitball ideas for ways to use each of the elements in evocation.

EARTH MAGIC is where I want to start. It is the magic that taps into the ground beneath your feet, the subtle, slow course the continents follow, and gravity itself.  If you are going to respond please fill out each of the questions below and try not to repeat yourself (while throwing a rock with a density of a billion is nice, using it for every entry defeats the purpose of the excercise).

1. What is a non-combat interesting way to use earth magic?

2. What is a single target interesting way to use earth magic?

3. What is an area of effect interesting way to use earth magic?

4. What is an interesting way to block using earth magic?

5. What would be an interesting way to impede someones movement with earth magic?

6.Can you think of anything else that would fit the Dresdenverse and be really neat in a game for earth magic?

By any means if you come up with a field I missed or you just have a great idea on some way to improve the game please post it. I'll respond to this so you guys see what I mean.

DFRPG / Questions on Denarians....
« on: February 08, 2011, 11:34:55 PM »
I am playing in a game set in post Katrina New Orleans. One of our pc's is heavily linked to the Order of the Blackened Denarius and as such we have run into them finally in the game. Problem is, they have taken over one of the other PC's mothers...

That being said I am in a bit of a tight spot. We need to beat the denarian but we don't want to kill the host. Thought on the subject?
I'll tell you right now I'm the WC Wizard of the group and I'm leaning towards a bit of subterfuge to get the job done. I'm wondering if one of those triple ringed circles might hold a fallen angel since in one of the books it is said that these can be used for an archangel. If so they should work on a fallen angel right? Anyway, I'm thinking we could reason with the host/angel with the terms "surrender the host or when we kill her we drop you into a volcano/space/unreachable spot and let you rot for eternity where humans more than likely won't get to you" and "give up the coin so we don't have to kill you". Remember we don't want the host dead but I don't see another forcefull enough threat than death to get them to part. If you have any clues on the situation please post so I can think on your lines.

*as a side not, do you guys think that a circle could be fashioned to take the being held within and funnel all energy used to try and escape towards the next spell the warder casts?

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