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Messages - Shannon

Pages: 1 [2]
Announcements / James Marsters to read SUMMER KNIGHT Audio Book
« on: July 06, 2006, 06:23:13 PM »
We just got word from the ladies at Buzzy that James Marsters has agreed to read SUMMER KNIGHT!  He's done such a great job with the first three books and we're thrilled they were able to get him again.

I'm not sure when the audio will be avalailable for preorder, but when it is, you can get it here:

Author Craft / Re: Writer Promotion
« on: June 18, 2006, 11:49:01 PM »

You're a new romance author...are you feeling the pressure to go promotion crazy?

I'm going to get some bookmarks printed up as long as I like the cover art, but I'm probably not going to be big on the promo-stuff either.  I know that a lot of romance authors do work hard on self-promotion and if that makes them happy, then that's great, but I don't think it's for me.  I could always change my mind because it's my right as a woman, but that's how I feel about it right now.

Feel free to ask me about this again when the first book comes out in Feb.  I might see things differently then.  ;D

Author Craft / Re: Writer Promotion
« on: June 15, 2006, 05:57:07 PM »
I try not to speak on Jim's behalf too much since I know people would rather hear it from Himself, but he's so busy right now I thought I'd cover this one.

Jim doesn't do a bunch of promotion for his work.  He usually has some kind of give-away for people and of course, there's the fabulous website Fred designed.  He goes to conventions and talks to people online, but other than that, there's not really too much.  He's a strong believer that if you write a good book and put your energy into that, eventually word of mouth will do the promotion for you.  Seems to be working pretty well for him.  :)

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