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Topics - ThereWolf

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / White Court family
« on: August 11, 2010, 11:46:12 PM »
I'm making a (small) family of White Court vampires for my setting, and I want to give them an emotional diet outside of the Malvora, Raith, and Skavis set. They live in LA, and the patriarch pretty much runs the entertainment industry as a legitimate front, so I'm thinking they feed off of vanity. This, however, raises an unsettling point, that the counter to that would be true confidence, a la lust vs. love, despair vs. hope, and fear vs. courage. I'm tempted to just leave it at that, to make it that much harder for the PCs, citing that in today's beauty-obsessed society basically no one has true confidence anymore. Do you think this is too subjective a Catch, and if so, can you think of anything that would fit better as a counter?

DFRPG / Psychics
« on: August 08, 2010, 06:52:38 PM »
Two-fold question. One, do you guys think it's possible to have an honest to goodness precognitive character running around the Dresdenverse? Like Cassandra's Tears, but without the disbelief. I suppose Abby would qualify, but her's was only a few seconds into the future, and I'm talking about big stuff. I honestly don't see why not, except that it might qualify as violating the Sixth Law of Magic.
Part two to that is, how would it work mechanically, if so? Maybe as a form of thaumaturgy, or even sponsored magic? Perhaps it could be a power that could only be compelled by the GM, not activated by the player, or only could be activated by spending a fate point? I'd love some feedback on this.

DFRPG / Oath on Power
« on: August 08, 2010, 03:46:46 AM »
Does anyone know if a spellcaster making an oath on their power has any mechanical effect, should they break it? Looking through the books, I couldn't find anything, but I might've missed something.

DFRPG / Stunt for an NPC (Help Please)
« on: August 08, 2010, 01:53:50 AM »
I'm creating NPCs for a game I'm going to be running, and one of them is a police captain who's grizzled and weathered and all the things that a police captain should be. I want him to have a stunt called Barking Orders, which would give him a +1 to using Presence to make a social attack under a certain circumstance, but I can't think of a good circumstance. I've thought maybe against subordinates, but that sounds a little limiting, and also against people he has authority over, but that's kind of free form. I'm still leaning towards the latter, but any thoughts would be much appreciated.

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