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Messages - Paynesgrey

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Author Craft / Re: Where does the inspiration come from?
« on: September 04, 2013, 05:02:08 AM »
General reminder... criticizing works based on disapproval of their political themes is a No-Go.  Touchy Topics are every bit as verbotten lieb as they were in the past.  That hasn't changed, it's no different from complaining that a genre or book has too many/too few gays/straights/republicratiarianologists.  Socio-political aspects are still not acceptable in this forum.  It's fine to criticize things on craftsmanship, originality, technique, creativity and such is pretty much talking politics.  For example, the criticism of works that are sci-fi re-enactments of historical periods or incidents is fine... but leave the politics at the door.

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: August 30, 2013, 11:36:41 PM »
"An' you best take them as preachin' words!"--Finnienne Fenn Finnegan

That first pass is going to be drek.  You're just getting the story-- ideas of scenes, sketches of conversations down on paper.  I've come to accept it.  It's the second or third pass where you'll be able to look at those cludgey paragraphs or jumbled sentences, and distill from them the line that really snaps and sings.  Those redundant lines, the cludgey bouts of exposition serve a purpose.  They're raw materials, like ore or an over-saturated solution that the clarified idea emerges from.

Glad you were able to salvage your work!  Dropbox + Scrivener is your friend.  Scrivener backs up every 5 seconds and you can set it to save straight to Dropbox.  Had a power outage a week or so ago that would have cost me a couple thousand words and a heap of revisions/corrections, but all I had to do was open the archived file in dropbox. 

Cleaning up a short before sending it back to the subbing pits tomorrow, and finished up the 1st draft of a 5K short.  Going back to the WiP this week while I let the short simmer for revision.

Check with Priscellie on that.  Last I heard, it was a No-Go at least in these forums.  But maybe check with her in case something changed.

Yeah, I watched last year's lecture series, so I've not seen a lot of new material, but it's serving as a source of useful reminders.  Now, the website does have a handy peer-critique format I've gotten some useful feedback on, so even if one just listens to the lectures with half an ear to refresh the memory, those critiques are pretty handy. 

That would be a No Go, I'm afraid.  Same reason we can't have fan fiction here... It creates a legal jeopardy for Jim.

Author Craft / Re: Question on Beta-Readers
« on: July 28, 2013, 12:42:43 AM »
No NDA's for me.  My betas are all friends, I pay them in beef jerky, kind words, and promises of a t-shirt if I ever sell enough books to have a few t-shirts made.  In some cases I have the pleasure of providing my own rudimentary attempts at being beta for their work.

For storage, I use laptop, email, and dropbox as well as the odd flash drive.  And my betas have copies in their emails should I ever have a total crapocalypse.


He's allowing his lectures and assignments to be posted online, and the site basically lets people follow along at home, submitting sections of the piece they write for the class.  Good way to gain some critiques, and he's got a good many interesting things to say about the processes of writing genre fiction.  Be advised Sanderson isn't participating in the online portion, but those lectures have some good stuff, and I've received a few valuable critiques.

Broke 100K today on the WiP.  This year, I've written about 140K total between the WiP and two completed novellas.

The Bar / Re: The Brewmaster is in.
« on: July 09, 2013, 10:19:32 PM »
Good find!  Thanks for sharing that.

First draft of The Terror of Twevlety Town is done.  40K in just under a month.  Proofing and beta feedback in progress.

I shall now make gooey, brain-melted noises.

22K on The Terror of Twelvety Town.  Works out to a bit over 1K a day... not bad for being squeezed in around the day job.  A current scene to finish, a big finale, and then the conclusion, and the first draft'll be in the jug. 

9K this week.  Wasn't happy with the way some events and characters in the central narration went, so I'm doing a side piece from another character's PoV.  Her narrative only brushes against my protagonists in a few places, but she's key in some major events.  It's helped me round a number of characters out, as well as build some better motivations and more realistic action/reaction sequences in the main work.

Author Craft / Re: Help. Thoughts?
« on: April 11, 2013, 05:38:06 PM »
I think you need to consider the nature of the dialogue.  Technically, dialogue is "action."  People tend to home in on quotatoin marks when reading.  What I would wonder is the dialogue interaction between characters, or is it leaning towards Silent Bob style monologues and soliloquys?  Those can be engaging, but run a great risk of being Exposition In Quotation Marks.

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