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Messages - Grifter

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« on: July 17, 2020, 01:25:30 AM »
mister was living at murphy's house3 last I heard,
Until Peace Talks.  Assuming everyone here has read it...
(click to show/hide)

« on: July 16, 2020, 11:49:17 PM »
Ok .... What happened to Mister? Did I miss something?
What do you mean?  Mister was living with Harry and Maggie, and they took him to the Carpenters' house.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks - Continuity Notes [Spoilers]
« on: July 16, 2020, 10:13:13 PM »
  You misunderstand, I mean when Nic beat up Murphy in the first place in Skin Game, she did have cuts and abrasions from hitting the sidewalk...  Who knows what microbes were on the cement, everything from animal poop and urine to what ever anyone passing by had on the soles of their shoes, also the stuff they spread to melt ice.. So in these days of antibiotic resistant microbes, Murphy could have gotten one hell of a drug resistant infection, she might be lucky to have come out of it with all her limbs..  Since frequently doctors are forced to amputate to keep the patient alive.
She may not have developed the infection until after the doctors gave their 90% recovery.  Doctors can be wrong, and she wouldn't be the first nor the last patient seemingly doing well suddenly go south..
Huh, I don't know what happened but my reply wasn't meant for your post that I quoted.  That one was about Lara and Harry.

DF Spoilers / Re: Ebenezar and Harry (peace talks spoilers)
« on: July 16, 2020, 10:09:26 PM »
It does make you wonder if a lot of Council talent was culled in the Kemmler wars, followed by the Dresden wars, leaving only the most powerful (and by default aged) wizards capable of surviving.  Was it all strategy to weaken them across a century in preparation for the BAT events?

« on: July 16, 2020, 10:01:00 PM »
Dresden11 - Just because you dislike the portrayal of what happened to Mab doesn't mean it didn't happen. Mab got her ass kicked. Ethniu wasn't even trying to kill Mab because she didn't even consider her a threat. She was making a point. Mab isn't Winter, Mother Winter is Winter. Mab is out of her weight class with something like Ethniu. And I saw no evidence in the book that the comments that Corb made robbed her of her mantle's protection. Corb's comments were purely psychological tactics to try and rile her up and not see the sucker punch. Perhaps you missed the general message Mab has to all her creatures: if you get beaten it's your own fault. She wasn't prepared enough. Mab is certainly strong in magical raw power, but she is no Goddess. Often described as a demigod, she is several levels below something like Ethniu. Consider this - Ethniu masked her presence so that all those divine beings didn't even sense her. Molly could sense Vadderung just because he was in a bar near her (in Ghost Story) yet none of them sensed the massively powerful being that was about to walk through the door.

Jim has said Mab would be loathe to take Ferrovax head on (due to his sheer raw power). And Ferrovax was freaking terrified of Ethniu. Hell, he wasn't even prepared to throw down with Vadderung (who is quite possibly not even as strong as Mab in Vadderung guise - although I suspect he fights dirty, like Dresden). As Morris said, Mab's real power is her armies and connections. Her Queendom.  Mab's strong, but she's a long way from being the biggest bully on the playground.

I'm not so sure the theory that Mab being emotional didn't suppress her mantle the way Harry being rational suppresses his is wrong. Ethniu was making a point. A point killing Mab would have put a fine point on. Why have Corb speak at all? It seemed that most of the members weren't paying any attention to her at first.
I think there can still be a middle ground here, where we can acknowledge that Ethniu's power and skillset exceeds Mab's in certain ways, but it doesn't mean they're in different classes.

Mab is weakest in mid-summer, and this occurred in July.  Mab is limited on Earth, because her power unrestrained warps reality.  Mab was passionate, which is the opposite of her way, per Titania in Cold Days. Mab can't act directly on Earth without inviting an equal reaction from Titania. Mab's power is elemental and not brute physical.

Ethniu being a tank that is powered up with a bonus power armor and eye with no known limitations on her use of power in reality... If she didn't mop the floor with Mab, she would have been laughed out of the room.

I think saying Ethniu is out of Mab's league because she laid her out with a single hit is like saying the Genowska is out of Harry's league because he laid him out with a single hit. Harry bounced up quicker than Mab, but I think the circumstances were very similar.  Mab likely would have bounced back quicker if it'd mattered, or if it were earlier in the year, or she weren't acting so humanly passionate.

It was a sucker punch. And we have every reason to believe that one could beat the other in certain circumstances.  Ethniu could likely burn Mab right out of her host with that eye of hers, and Mab could likely freeze Ethniu's blood in mid-Winter in the Never-never.

DF Spoilers / Re: What if Harry's Assumptions are Wrong?
« on: July 16, 2020, 09:34:19 PM »
But it doesn't begin with "s" does it?  S'Junngh?  Does that even remotely sound like Justine? More
like Sungh or something similar.
The "S'" might have been a slur.  Or he might have segmented the name into two exhalations because he couldn't speak "Juh. Stine"

Or he was trying to say another name.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why, Thomas, Why? (Peace Talks Spoilers)
« on: July 16, 2020, 09:31:06 PM »
I prefer overwhelming force.  ;). Because I had to google it, BPRD is Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense.

The surmountable problem with Thomas trying to warn Harry about Justin is Thomas shouldn't recognize Justin. Justin could have ignored the Evil Overlord List and taunted Thomas by revealing information.
Or a young Thomas saw Justin at Raith's house after Margaret left. They were supposedly contemporaries, and there are theories that they were all plotting together.  No reason to think that came to a stop after Margaret left.

DF Spoilers / Re: NOT FAIR!!!!!!
« on: July 16, 2020, 09:20:52 PM »
Wow, really? Sorry if this is heresy here, but I actually like him a bit more than Jim, though I do love Jim a lot. But Sanderson's Cosmere is just the most impressive bit of world building I have ever come across in my life. It almost blows Tolkien out of the water in terms of its depth and attention to detail.

Every one of his books is set in the same universe, the magic is different and follows different rules on each of his worlds, because God split itself into 16 different shards, each being an aspect of its 'personality' with the magic in the world being related to the shard that ended up on that world. In Mistborn there were 2 shards, Preservation and Ruin, 2 diametrically opposed shards that cause the conflict through their fighting. In the Stormlight series there were originally 2 shards, Cultivation and Honor, but Honor was shattered by the Shard that basically got all the negative emotions of God, called Odium, who has been trying to destroy the Shards for some reason.

There is a network of short stories and novellas, 11 novels (can't remember the exact amount right now. 6 I think in the Mistborn series, 3 with the 4th on the way in the Stormlight series, Elantris, and War breaker. I think that is all of them.) and a series of graphic novels. There is also some unpublished stuff in Brigham Young University library that isn't very good, according to Sanderson, because it is the first stuff he wrote, but fills in more gaps in the cosmology of the universe.

I would highly recommend giving it another shot, and/or visiting the fan site called The Coppermind where sleuths do much the same stuff as here, and try to put the pieces together.
Edit - correcting some of my comma splicing. Sorry.
I'm not sure why, but his stuff just didn't resonate with me.  I'll probably give it another try at some point, but I'm not sure if it'll change.  I'm not a huge fan of too many narrators/viewpoints, so I've struggled with others like Martin as well.

DF Spoilers / Re: PEACE TALKS SPOILERS Rashid/Starborn Theory
« on: July 16, 2020, 09:17:08 PM »
From the semi-official timeline:
I think that was the original guess, but it changed over time with new data points.  Later in the second post we have:
Quote from:,1592.msg28576.html#msg28576

0 ASF, March: Storm Front.  Harry is 25, according to Jim, and he's been wizarding professionally for two years.  We can reasonably place the year 0 in the timeline within a year or two of 2000, and there's a fair amount of evidence indicating that it could be 2000.

That's at least supported by the line in SF about it being past the dawn of the new millennium (although not definitive, since it was all written sometime later).  I think there were other things mentioned in the thread about years with full moons in certain dates and events corresponding to SF being in 2000, but I don't recall all the specifics.

DF Spoilers / Re: What if Harry's Assumptions are Wrong?
« on: July 16, 2020, 09:02:10 PM »
Do you mean Justin enthralled Elaine?
Oops, yup.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks - Continuity Notes [Spoilers]
« on: July 16, 2020, 07:12:14 PM »
It isn't mentioned, but there could be complications such as infections that could destroy tissue that cannot be replaced.  Nic wiped the pavement with her, several nasties walked upon it just before, who knows what nasty microbes got into her wounds.  Again, hate to harp on it, but her age, not that she is so old but she has been doing athletic things for over twenty years with some real heavy weights that puts wear and tear on joints, crippling osteoarthritis may have set in.  We've seen many a "youngish" newly retired NFL Football player walking with canes because his joints and body just wore out.  Not saying that did happen off page, but it is a realistic/ plausible explanation for her recovery going from 90% down to 50%.   
But he was covered everywhere but his hands and head and neck in their dojo duel.  I'm not sure any part of him touched her, did it? 

DF Spoilers / Re: What if its not Thomas
« on: July 16, 2020, 07:10:36 PM »
Yeah, she was feeding him on the boat. You think she would have known if there was something weird about his aura/power.

DF Spoilers / Re: Ferrovax [Peace Talks Spoilers]
« on: July 16, 2020, 07:07:12 PM »
Historically, the Romans identified their god Mercury with the Germanic Wotan/Woden/Odin. Jupiter (also identified with Zeus) was made equivalent to Thor.

This is preserved in the English weekday names, which are equivalents/translations of the Latin ones used by the Romans; "dies Mercurii" (day of Mercury) became Wednesday (Woden's day), while "dies Jovis" (day of Jupiter) became Thursday (Thor's day).

Yes, Odin is the ruler of the pantheon, but Thor is the thunder god so he got the identification with Jupiter. The Mercury/Odin connection is their roles as gods of knowledge/secret knowledge/magic.

Odin isn't really primarily a sky god anyway. Knowledge/wisdom, secrets/magic/writing/runes, war/battle fury/victory, and to some degree death ("god of the hanged" and collector of dead heroes in Valhalla) are more central.
So for the sake of this parallel, Odin to Hades would be more of a death god opposition than sky versus underground.

So we've got Winter Hunt King versus Summer Hunt King, Norse warrior death god versus Greek all death god, and mercenary CEO versus lazy treasure dragon who seemed to be squared off to each other just like Summer and Winter were squared off.

DF Spoilers / Re: Ferrovax [Peace Talks Spoilers]
« on: July 16, 2020, 05:09:13 AM »
If Ferrovax is the Midgard Serpent, then note that he probably killed Odin's son Thor in the DV's version of Ragnarok. (Which didn't quite go down by the book, since Odin was supposed to get killed.)

That's a pretty good reason to hold a grudge.
Seeing as Jörmungandr was supposed to die as well, I don't think we can go precisely on that.  If Ferro is Jörmungandr, then Thor might still be around, at least as a mantle, if not a wrestler.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why, Thomas, Why? (Peace Talks Spoilers)
« on: July 16, 2020, 04:59:10 AM »
I also strongly feel that Justine is behind/in on it.
1) Eb makes a big deal about someone stabbing Harry in the back.
2) Someone is leaking information from the White Court.
3) Niall001's last sentence is a credible interpretation, especially within the context I provide below.
4) All the interest in Justine. She's more important than just Thomas's baby mama.

Counterpoint:Thomas never said Justine. I think the quote is "Justin-" and "J". Harry responds he's going to look out or take care of or already has taken care of Justine both times. Thomas responds with sobs or something similar both times. If it was Justin Dumorne, then mind magic and an f-you to Harry is a good explanation for why Thomas did it.

We really don't have any suggestion as to why Thomas did it other than someone threatening Justine. Harry does hint that maybe Thomas failing to kill Etri was intentional. We also don't have anything in this book as to why someone was trying to kill Etri.
In the case of Justin, or any other nefarious actor, the target wouldn't be Etri dying.  It'd be ideal, but the true win would be Thomas killing Etri, the Svartalves killing Thomas immediately, and Harry flying off the handle a la Red Court on the eve of the peace talks.  If it'd worked, The Wamps would not be working with the Svartalves and vice versa, Harry would be pissed at the Svartalves and in turn they'd be suspicious of him and Winter, the Council would continue to assume the worst and see Harry going off as a sign he's going warlock, and the whole thing would have fallen apart even before Mab got her teeth adjusted by Ethniu. 

I don't see it as part of the Fomor plot, but I see it as a chess move by Cowl/Black Council to ensure maximum chaos.

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