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Messages - Elegast

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  And I still don't know why she had to be pretending there was a summoner bringing the fetches.

That was in Mab's plan. She had to convince Harry to use a redirection spell to bring Molly. And at that point Mab didn't know that Maeve was infected.

See here my thoughts on PG.

I see only 4 options for the myrk at Splattercon!!!.
 - Maeve was there, and cast the myrk to cause further disruption and chaos for the fetch.
 - The fetch itself cast the myrk, just like the hobs in SmF did.
 - Mab cast the myrk remotely from AT.
 - TTH, as the WK, cast the myrk to slow down the phage's attack.

I would add Sandra to the list. And we have no proof that the myrk in SmF was cast by the Hobbs.

There's a few things I like to point out about that particular attack.
 1) The fetch presumably manifested in the room itself, based on Harry's observation at the end that the fetch came through Rosie's compact mirror.  So who wrenched open the door with enough strength to rip it off its hinges?
 2) The myrk cast by the hobbs in SmF wiped out all light, including Harry's amulet, but did nothing to impede his progress physically.  But the myrk in PG allowed both Harry's amulet and staff runes to glow enough around him to see up to 15 feet, yet there was a physical ward included that impeded his ability to navigate toward the theatre.
 3) Harry observed (once again) that the magic seemed familiar.  But Harry hadn't experienced a myrk yet in the books, and hadn't felt any magic of Maeve's, other than her come-hither trick.

1) That's a really good point. It really strengthen the TTH theory. But as I'm stubborn, I'm still going to counter : Maeve didn't want to kill a lot of people (Mab says somewhere she never kill without purpose). She cast the ward to make Harry think there's a sorcerer calling the fetch, but she didn't want to let the whole theatre die:
Quote from: PG
“A summoner,” I said. “Given that someone actually threw a ward in my way the last time the phage showed up, that seems to be the most likely of the three.

2) That's really problematic. Two possibilities: Mab was the one doing the job in SmF, hence the superior power. Or maybe the hobbs create their own myrk. There were hundreds of them, so their combined power would be significant.
3)Harry saw Maeve using her power in SK. And it leaked too.

I was recently looking at Elegast's theory index and was surprised to notice that the Gatekeeper is no longer up as a suspect for fixing Little Chicago. This surprised me, as I seem to recall that he was the original suspect.

I'm sure many theories are missing. Added the Gatekeeper.

I'll make a longer answer to our OP when I'll have the time.

       Does this sound a death knell for the idea that Time Travel Harry fixed Little Chicago?

No. TTH would not change the past as LC has already been fixed.

So….is it possible that Mab’s reaction was a built-in autoimmune response to the possibility of a contagion? Is it possible that Nemesis is a blood born contagion?

I wonder if the blood given to DM was also a test to check if Harry is infected.

Blamp Exceptions

The biggest issue I've found so far with my own hypothesis is that there are two additional descriptions I found of Blamps that fit the Outsider descriptions.  In both cases, it was describing the magical essence of the Blamp, since neither were casting spells. 

BR-pg. 20 (Black Court Vampire)
BR-pg. 123 (Black Court Vampire)
For these, it's reasonable to assume that the words are simply favorite of JB to describe dark magic in general, and have no bearing on Outsider infection.  OR, there's a tie between Blampires and Outsiders.  I find the latter unlikely, since Blamps are tied to Necromancy, which was described in detail in DB, and was lacking from Cowl and Kumori.  Grevane and Corpsetaker both had some key words in their descriptions, but it's far more likely at that point that the words are favorites.

There are some highly speculative theories that the Blampires are linked to the outside.

  • both are linked to unlife
  • the BAT seems to be the ultimate consequence of the fall of the Black Council
  • Typo in White Night? (missing WOJ)

MsDuck on the subject: here.

Proven Guilty
To your case about PG.  If the greasy affect is a side-affect of some-one wielding dark magic, and Maeve cast the myrk spell, then we should expect it.  But since I'm still not convinced it was Maeve casting the myrk, I'm not convinced that's proof against the theory.

I don't want to derail the thread, but I found another clue that Maeve was at Splattercon!!!.

In CD we have a description:
the kind of look that gets girls that age in trouble with men who should be old enough to know better.
colored in all glacial shades of blue and green and deep violet,

Now let me quote the keyword analysis with earlier material:
I give you the official descriptions of Maeve:
The young woman who entered the bar could have been Lily’s sister. She had the same exotic beauty, the same canted, feline eyes, the same pale, flawless skin. But this one’s hair was worn in long, ragged strands of varying lengths, like a Raggedy Ann doll, each one dyed a slightly different color from frozen seas—pale blues and greens, as though each had borrowed its color from a different glacier. Her eyes were a cold, brilliant shade of green, almost entirely darkened by pupils dilated as though with drugs or arousal. A slender silver hoop gleamed at one side of her nose, and a collar of black leather studded with silver snowflakes encircled the graceful line of her slender throat. She wore sandals and cut-off blue jean shorts—very cut-off, and very tight. A tight, white T-shirt strained across her chest, and read, in pale blue letters stretched into intriguing curves, “YOUR BOYFRIEND WANTS ME.”
She looked young. Young enough to make a man feel guilty for thinking the wrong thoughts, but old enough to make it difficult not to. Her hair had been bound into long dreadlocks, each of them dyed a different shade, ranging from a deep lavender to pale blues and greens to pure white, so that it almost seemed that her hair had been formed from glacial ice. She wore leather pants of dark, dark blue, laced and open up the outside seams from calf to hip. Her boots matched the pants. She wore a white T-shirt tight enough to show the tips of her breasts straining against the fabric, framing the words OFF WITH HIS HEAD. She had hacked the shirt off at the top of her rib cage, leaving pale flesh exposed, along with a glitter of silver flashing at her navel.

So "young enough but old enough" is now used twice to describe her. This keyword is used a third time in the DF:
Two girls, both too young for me to think adult thoughts about, sidled by in black-and-purple clothing and makeup that left a lot of skin bare, their faces painted pale, trickles of fake blood at the corners of their mouths. One of them smiled at me, and she had fangs.



I liked the OP a lot, especially the tracking of keywords. After a few days, here is my reaction:

Basically you make two statements:

1. There are some keywords associated to outsider-magic/infection: oily, cloying, greasy, slithering, nauseating

2. Elaine is infected

I'm only half-convinced about the first one. Firstly, greasy is linked to all vampires, so using it to identify infected characters would lead to a lot of false positive. Secondly, while I agree those keywords are linked to the Outside, I'm not sure they are linked to the infection.

Case in point : I tried to use your technic with the scene in PG where some unknown person is using magic behind the scenes.

Here is the description of the magic.

The murk:
“What the hell,” he said, and shook the light a few times. He had his hand on his gun, the restraining strap off, but he hadn’t drawn it yet. Good man. He knew as well as I did that the hotel was going to have far more panicked attendees than potential threats.

“We’ll try mine,” I said, and got the silver pentacle on its chain from around my neck. A gentle whisper and an effort of will and the amulet began to emit a pure, silver-blue light that reached into the darkness around us, burning it away as swiftly as it pressed in, until we could see for maybe fifteen feet around us. Beyond that was just a murky vagueness— not so much a cloud or a mist as a simple lack of light.
The ward:
struggled to ignore the sounds of frightened people in the dark and focused on my magical senses. I reached out to the cold and the gloom, and found it a vaguely familiar kind of spellworking, though I couldn’t remember precisely where I’d encountered it before.
I nodded once at him, turned, and plunged into the darkness, Rawlins at my back. Screams erupted around us, sometimes accompanied by the sight of stumbling, terrified people. Rawlins nudged them toward the walls, barked at them in a tone of pure paternal authority to stay near them, to move carefully for the exits. The gloom began to press in closer to me, and it became an effort of will to hold up the light in my amulet against it. A few steps more and the air grew even colder. Walking forward became an effort, like wading through waist-deep water. I had to lean against it, and I heard a grunt of effort come out of my mouth. “What’s wrong?” Rawlins asked, his voice tight.

We passed under one of the hotel’s emergency light fixtures, its floodlights only dim orange rings in the murk until my amulet’s light burned the shadows away. “Dark magic,” I growled through clenched teeth. “A kind of ward. Trying to keep me from moving ahead.”

We see some keywords, but not the ones linked to Nemesis according to the OP.

So that would mean that the caster was not infected.

The way I see it, if my theory about Maeve at Splattercon!! is true, then yours is false, as Maeve is infected. So that weakens a lot yours as mine has 35% chances of being correct.

Now let's assume that your theory is right. Then it helps us a lot to understand that scene.  Who are the candidates? Maeve, Elaine, Sandra, Mavra. Maeve can't be the one. Probably not Elaine, as she's linked to the keywords. So it's Mavra and Sandra. I would say it's not Mavra as : the keyword empty is not there, she was not in Chicago, she doesn't care about the event in PG. So that leaves Sandra.

So that would mean that it's Sandra. Guess we'll have to wait for a WOJ to be sure.

Concerning Elaine, I agree that she becomes quite suspicious.

To conclude, I would guess that the keywords are linked to all outsider-based magic, but not to the infection. So I still believe that Cowl is infected, and that Maeve was at Splattercon!!!.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Suggest Topics Here!
« on: February 09, 2013, 06:13:50 PM »
Um, not sure on the correct protocol here, but I'll second the nomination of this thread.

There's no protocol as the DFRC is still quite new. Anyway, any input is appreciated.

So you're saying that Cowl and Kumori are not infected?

Hmm, don't know why that is.  From my screen, this particular post is 1001.  Either way I'm happy to join the halls of the McPostingtons ;D

I was trying to make a joke, as any attempt to contradict this statement would have increased your total to 1001.

Not really funny I admit.

Also, the Redcap doesn't get his name from strawberries.


His hat must be infected. And Harry kept it at the end of CD... (I'll have to check to be sure.)

So….is it possible that Mab’s reaction was a built-in autoimmune response to the possibility of a contagion? Is it possible that Nemesis is a blood born contagion?

Quote from: Fool Moon
I turned my back on the image, deliberately-before I could see it change into the Elaine that I had last seen-naked, festooned in swirling paints that lent a savage aura to her skin. Her lips had been stained brilliant, wet red, curving around twisting, rolling phrases as she chanted in the midst of her circle, its sigils meant to focus pain and fury into tangible power that had been used to hold a foolish young man helpless while his mentor offered him one last chance to sip from a chalice of fresh, hot blood.


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