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Messages - Electric MacButters

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Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: January 26, 2011, 06:09:19 PM »
Any thoughts about making an appearance at Gencon in Indianapolis?  The Evil Hat guys were there last year, and I'd love to play and talk about the RPG with the guy who created the source material! :D

He may show up, but he has stated that it is in everyone's best interest that he never play the game because he would be a GM's nightmare, think 'Day Off'.  In one of the MarsCon videos he says that him playing the game would go something to the effect of:

"It works this way!  I don't care what the rules say, I want to do it this way.  You know what?  I'm going to write  that it works this way in the next book, so there!" 

Yet another reason to apreciate the honesty and humility that is JB.

The rates said something to the effect of: '+$6.99 for each additional person.'

This was also the Motel 6 next door.  Sorry for any confusion.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: A Member's Library thread
« on: January 25, 2011, 01:30:47 AM »
As an extention of this idea, how much addition work would it be for the mods and/or the site itself to create a child board for book suggestions?  All these great suggestions keep getting double posted every time any of us forget there is a stickied thread (I myself am guilty on this count.)   Also, it would allow the suggestions to be better indexed buy giving each thread a genre so we don't have to go searching for that one book thread that started with Sci-fi suggestions, then moved to High Fantasy, followed by vampire romance before turning to the complete works of Julia Childs trying to find that one suggestion from page 7 that you can't quite remember.

I completely understand if the idea is cost prohibitive, I just thought I would throw it out there.

Should this child board be created, I would be willing to go through the existing threads and copy the posts into their respective genres. :)

What Serack is neglecting to mention is that he forgot to get a reservation anywhere.  I let him use the second bed in my room (a double being cheaper than a single for some reason) and when I went to pay the extra $15-$20 nusiance charge, being a fine upstanding citizen (stop laughing!), the lady working the desk just stared at us with her mouth agape and said:

"Nobody's ever admitted to adding a person before.  Let me get you an extra key.  No charge."

So I gave her a beer as thanks.

No, but the frat brothers did.

Nah, I was up till 6am trying to find a girl who bailed out of a moving vehicle. (spoiler free version)

I have a story about why I don't drank Tequila anymore... but it's not for PG rated threads.

Display Case / Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« on: January 21, 2011, 02:24:06 AM »
Am I the only person who pictures Bob Newheart as Father Forthill?

It was great meeting everyone, I hope to see you all again! (Jim especially)

I managed to snag a pic of the Za Lord and his guard:

Priscellie, will you be signing Your Story and/or Our World at MarsCon?

Awsome!  I'll bring 2-3 cases then.

A question for the con:

I am an amature brewer who is always looking for new subjects tasters; would anyone be interested in trying some Oatmeal Stout or Blueberry Oatmeal Stout?  They were bottled in mid December.

How bloody?  Are we talking punched him in the nose and ran off or slit his throat to get the ultimate costume part?

Author Craft / Re: Hero vs. Heroine
« on: January 04, 2011, 05:16:26 AM »
[rant powers activate!]
The question I would ask is which gender are you more comfortable being flawed?  One of the big reasons I like JB is that male or female, all his characters are are flawed.  It has become one of my pet peeves that in the past few years, nearly all the urban fantasy with female protagonists (and a LOT have female protagonists) she ends up being some sort of goddess (real or otherwise) who will always 'just happen' to have made all the right choices throughout both the book and her life to come together like a demented Rube Goldberg/M.C. Esher brainchild at the moment the villan finishes his/her/its monologe ('Oh!  The muscley antiques dealer I have been passionately dating since chapter 2 gave me the key to the lost treasure of Shangra La as a secret santa present!  Now I can send Davy Jones back to the land of dragons by combining it with the kitschy lamp I bought at a swap meet!')

This is by no means limited to female characters, but it seems decidedly more common than with male characters.  Maybe it's just easier to imagine a guy having to work at it while his mistakes come back to bite him in the ass?
[rant over]

Personally, I don't read books to hear about how perfect the protagonist is; that's what video games are for.  :)

So much delicious food *sniff* why?  Why, do I have to live south of MarsCon?!?! :'(

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