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Messages - Nexfalx

Pages: [1]
Cinder Spires Books / Re: 1st person or 3rd person?
« on: August 03, 2013, 03:26:01 AM »
I actually did this for Tavi's chapters. I have a list somewhere that shows what order I need to read the chapters in to only read the story that includes Tavi. It is a lot of fun to read his entire adventure in one fell swoop.

THIS i put post it notes on the first page of each chapter that started a characters perspective, like all of Tavi's chapter had a green post it note at the start, and all of Amara's had a blue post it. works like a charm.

Cinder Spires Books / Re: 1st person or 3rd person?
« on: July 24, 2013, 06:33:53 AM »
Hmmm, third person is cool and all, it has it's advantages, like hopping from character to character, the biggest flaw (to me) in the Dresden Files is when cool stuff is happening in the back ground or half way around the world but we only get to hear about it because harry wasn't present, or awake or what ever else. That is not to say that First person isn't all that bad either you get to be Much closer to the protagonist, in this case harry, than you would when you jump between 4 character or more in a book and only view them in third person not from in their head.

so both are fun and i don't care how he writes this series because if it's anything like DF or CA this will be right up there with my favorites.

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: November 30, 2012, 04:55:19 AM »
when the show came out i caught about half of the episodes. then forgot about it. a year or 2 later I saw you tube hosting the whole season with ads every 10 min so i watched the ones i missed. got hooked and re watched the whole tv series again. then I saw in the comment section someone moaning "omg book bob is so much better this guy sucks!" now i love the Tv bob but I hadn't even known about the books until then so I went to the library they had only once copy of i think proven guilty turns out like NONE of the libraries in my area ad the full set but they all had one or two. so i asked them to ship me a copy of storm front having read the little page in the on copy they did have that listed them. a week later they call me to come get it... it was the graphic novel volume 1  -____-; but i took it anyway while the library got the right book to come in. after storm front i wen and got the next three at one and read them in a week. i was in junior year at high school ( 3 years ago) and people kept getting surprised that I had a new book every other day. i manged to get the last current books in the series in once trip to 3 different libraries in 2 different towns. (death masks-turn coat) at finished them over Christmas vacation. a year later i bought the whole series as a Christmas present to my self.

just this summer I bought the Dvd of the tv series I was with my friend at the time and I was trying to get him into the series so on the way home I just told him to take the Dvds and get back to me in a week. he was hooked in a week and I gave him Storm front when he gave me the Dvds back. he's on dead beat now.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Worst Kick in the Gut Moments in the Series
« on: September 11, 2012, 04:49:54 AM »
don't now if it has been said, but it was a kick in the gut when one of my favorite lines from Changes (the roasting marshmallows as the world burns) got turned on it's head in GS when they mention it was one thing to watch the world burn, another to watch "molly burn" or something like that, can't think of the exact quote, only did on read through GS back when it came out, just started over though. =)

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Signing in Boston (Cambridge), MA on 8/3
« on: August 04, 2011, 04:08:53 AM »
was there. had fun. bought a copy which i wasn't going to d but did, took a picture so i have pics that it happened. now to wait for the next shot. hopefully he does Hartford sometime.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Where would YOU like Jim to appear?
« on: June 17, 2011, 04:48:00 PM »
Boston, or any where in Massachusetts really...

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: June 17, 2011, 04:46:49 PM »
funny thing, but I'm a big James Marsters fan.. and google told me, hes reading Jim's books - did I ever had a chance to resist the urge to get more info?
so, here I am, having all 11 novels on my smartphone/mp3 player - as a sort of "zen for every day" excercise... and running out of stuff to read/listen while waiting for Ghost Story,

btw, for all the paper back readers - check it out, in my humble opinion, James Marsters (aka Spike from Buffy, for the TV series challenged) did absolutely fantastic reading and, seems like, enjoy it a lot.

and, if we go into the dark side - Jim and his books did help me to get over the probably my worst (2010) year in my whole life since I realized myself as a huNam being.

just a big "Thank You!" and  very deep bow - I know it may not seem like a lot, but its from the living heart!

if it's any inclination of how great a job James Marsters did on his readings, i felt you would like to know that when ever i read one of the books now i'm always reading with his voice in my head. i have Side Jobs and changes in audio and the rest in paperback, i just started rereading the whole thing in anticipation of Ghost Story like a month ago, i'm on dead beat and the reread has been like that, it has made me able to picture Harry a bit clearer now too, more human with personality you know?

Codex Alera Spoilers / Re: Codex Alera Timeline
« on: October 14, 2010, 10:11:26 PM »
I thought Tavi was 15 in FoC? (Note, it's been awhile since I've read that one, as I don't own FoC or AF)

i loaned my FoC copy to my friend, so i can't get you a page number,  :-\ but i'm certain it's stated when they were in the princeps' grave site or when they were leaving that the battle had happened almost 17 years before, which makes sense since Isana lied about his age. so yeah it happened at least 16 years almost 17 after the first Caldernon

Codex Alera Spoilers / Re: Codex Alera Timeline
« on: October 14, 2010, 02:55:40 AM »
I am making an assumption that FoC takes place at the same time as our own time.
That means that FoC takes place in 2004 AD (or CE)

Date in Our TimeDate Relative to Furies of CalderonEvents
9 AD1,995 Years beforeRoman 17th, 18th and 19th Legions plus Germanic opponents sent to Carna
10 AD1,994 Years beforeApia Founded on Carna
C. 500 AD~1,500 Years beforeFury Crafting Discovered
C. 1,000 AD~1,000 Years beforeHouse of Gauis becomes First Lords of Alera
C. 1,150 AD~850 Years beforeSenatorum founded & Gray Tower built
C. 1,500 AD~500 Years beforeChildren of the Sun destroyed in Feverthorn Jungle
1989 AD16 Years beforeGauis Septimus Wounded at the Battle of the Seven Hills
Gauis Septimus marries Isana

1989 AD15 Years beforeFirst Battle ofCalderon
Gauis Septimus Killed by Kalurus Brencis Majoris, High Lord Rhodes & Lady Invidia + others,
Gauis Octavian Born

1999 AD 10 Years BeforeGauis Sextus marries Attica Caria
2004 AD1 Day BeforeAmara ex Cursori and Fidelias ex Cursori begin final training exercise for Amara ex Cursori

I would like to flush this out more so posts and I will update as more info comes in I am stopping at the start of Furies of Calderon as we know what happens from there on out

Thaks Priscilla for the correction (but what are the odds that it was exactly between us)

it's sort of bugging me that  the time line is still stating that first Calderon was 15 years before second Calderon, it was said in the first book and has been discussed that the battle happened earlier and Isana lied about Tavi's age, and he was born during the battle. The time line should note that it happened about 16-17 years before FoC

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