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Messages - Arvf

Pages: [1]
Episode Archive / Re: BS001 - The Mega-Minicast!
« on: May 01, 2008, 06:21:39 PM »
*laughs*  It takes me about twice as long to record the podcast as the edited podcast ends up being.  Some lines I misspeak or generally have to say over, or I burst out laughing, or whatever. :D  I was terrified that I was running at 25-30 minutes, which is why I kept apologizing for the episode being so long.  When I edited it down and saw that it was only 12 minutes, I felt like something of a moron. 

Anyway, thanks for the input!  Over the next episodes, I'll try to find the pace that folks find most agreeable--somewhere between "James Earl Jones" and "Auctioneer." :D


English is a foreign language for me. Please slow down and take extra care to speak clearly :) I think I lost half of the content in the podcast :(

Best of love from a small European country

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: October 12, 2007, 09:57:54 PM »
I was first made aware of Jim Butcher when I found out that the one book my all-time favourite author Glen Cook wanted his fans to read (other than his own, I suspect, but that was never asserted) was Storm Front by this new and talented author. I checked with Amazon, and found that he had already released Fool Moon as well, so I ordered them both to cut down on shipping (yes, the actual shipping went up, but the shipping per book went down - so I am irrational, sue me).

After this, it has been a waiting game for the new releases. Buying hardcovers to get the books fast, then again as paperbacks to get a matching set on the shelves.

The TV show? I don't remember when i first heard about it, probably through the newsletter. I didn't have a chance to watch any of it until it was released on DVD, though.

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