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Messages - the neurovore of Zur-En-Aargh

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DF Spoilers / Re: Other Future Dresden works rumor thread
« on: December 01, 2017, 07:48:16 PM »
I have had that thought about Ivy's mom as well. Was Nico that knowledgeable about Harry's and Ivy's connection?

He just needs to know Harry will treat someone who looks like a kid as a kid, I think.  To my mind Ivy having been Archive from birth is already in a unique situation, and I can quite by the vulnerabilities that come with that situation being part of Nicodemus' plan.

DF Spoilers / Re: Who is the most evil character in the Dresdenverse?
« on: December 01, 2017, 05:52:59 PM »
Of course, there was a whole book about convincing Harry that maybe he was out of line there. Like, WAY out of line.

And I think he learned from it and became a better person.

I'm still waiting to see evidence for that.  Nice solid evidence, like him being put in a similar sort of situation and actually handling it differently and better even if it's not the most emotionally satisfying thing for him in the moment.

DF Spoilers / Re: EB McCoy after the BAT
« on: December 01, 2017, 05:51:42 PM »
If things turn out better in Mirror Mirror world for everybody but Harry that would kill Harry's drive to do his best in bad situations.

Or maybe make him do some much-needed re-examining of what doing his best actually means; trying his hardest in the wrong direction is less use than it could be.

Now wouldn't him getting past that be a whole different scale of interesting and challenging from yet another long-drawn-out brawl ?

DF Spoilers / Re: Unsolved Mystery Book9 Cowl again
« on: December 01, 2017, 05:49:51 PM »
Apologies if my use of "sir" is a problem. It's a southern thang.

So long as you;re not making assumptions about my gender, I am good.

So, you think the Grey Council is similar to Cyclops' use of X-force for black ops.

More or less, though I have only a vague handle on the latter.

One of the first things we are told about the Merlin is that he always has three plans for any situation; a main plan, a backup plan, and an ace-in-the-hole.

Changes makes a lot of sense to me on those grounds.  The main plan being to talk to the Reds as if they were sincere about the peace offer (that way, if they are, everything is fine, and if they're not, they're the ones who have abused the Accords and they don't have any legitimate grounds for complaint to muddy the waters), the backup plan being the Grey Council, and the ace-in-the-hole being "hey, all you loyal White Council folks, let's isolate Harry Dresden so he will go elsewhere for support and bring big guns into play against the Red Court, with that gift for mayhem we've seen him display over and over."

DF Spoilers / Re: Other Future Dresden works rumor thread
« on: December 01, 2017, 05:44:32 PM »
I would say. Prior archives had a life before duty as a buffer to mantle. What would happen if buffer was gone?

I suspect if that were a problem Nicodemus and company would have gone for her before, rather than after, Harry Named her.

I strongly suspect Ivy's grandmother's death was not an accident.

DF Spoilers / Re: EB McCoy after the BAT
« on: December 01, 2017, 03:08:58 PM »
As far as Harry staying alive for the Greater Good, I fully, absolutely, entirely expect an "It's a Wonderful Life" sequence from Uriel at some point, which shows Harry precisely what would have happened to the world if he had died or never been born. In fact, I think that's part of what Mirror, Mirror will be, though in a different way, showing the consequences of different choices.

Now, if JB wanted to really give Harry an interesting challenge, Mirror Mirror would show us a world where Harry made different choices and the end result came out a lot better.

DF Spoilers / Re: Unsolved Mystery Book9 Cowl again
« on: December 01, 2017, 03:06:17 PM »
Why sacrificing your main pawn which was nicely on track weakening tne white council? Why not make it stronger so it could weaken the Sidhe courts as well? For example by providing it with a better ally by removing the current white court leadership and if that fails making room for the Fomor to take their place?

I don't see Cowl's main objective as weakening the White Council.  I see it as weakening all the supernatural powers, Red Court, White Council, Faerie, everyone.  The Red King and the LoONs don't exactly look like pushovers (unless like Harry you actually take the Red King's crazy act in Changes, which conveniently goes away the instant it is no longer useful, at face value.)   Making the White Council too weak relative to the Red Court just leaves the Reds free to disengage much of their force; the situation where the White Council and the Reds both get beaten down but are still engaged works better.

I also see no reason to think Cowl's long-term goal is to obliterate the leadership of the White Court, rather than that being a fallback; without Harry interfering, a White Court shift of policy towards drawing them into war with the White Council looks much more likely to come of that meeting in the Raith Deeps.

In this context it is easy to see why Mab and Odin wanted the red court gone.

That is providing a answer for a non-existent question, IMO.  The Reds made a peace offer, under the terms of the Accords, at the start of Changes, without the intent to keep it.  That is grounds enough for Mab to want them exterminated; they are her Accords, and the Reds had PG as a warning already.

DF Spoilers / Re: Unsolved Mystery Book9 Cowl again
« on: December 01, 2017, 02:58:19 PM »
Neurovore, I have a question for you, sir.

I am not a "sir", I am a state of mind.

How likely do you think it is that Cowl is a member of the Grey Council?

Negligible.  I think the Grey Council will turn out to be the Merlin's sanctioned but deniable task force, which nobody has told Harry because he keeps demonstrating knee-jerk paranoia about working with people he disagrees with.

DF Spoilers / Re: Other Future Dresden works rumor thread
« on: December 01, 2017, 02:56:02 PM »
I know that Luccio suggested that it was bad to humanize the Archive. But, Ivy never got the chance for a life before her call to duty.

Is her getting the chance for a life necessarily a net win ?

DF Spoilers / Re: Other Future Dresden works rumor thread
« on: December 01, 2017, 12:22:48 AM »
As far as short stories go, I would like to read the Hawaii story and something about Kincaid explaining to Ivy about shooting Harry.

I'd very much rather Hawaii was left a Noodle Incident, myself.

Also, I strongly suspect that a) Ivy getting kidnapped in SmF is a direct consequence of her developing a humanised personality (no point in the Denarians doing that before then because you can't torture information out of a filing cabinet) which appears to come about when and because Harry Names her (which creeps Kincaid out, a reaction I take very seriously) and b) that she is very likely to blame him for this, so Kincaid explaining to her about killing Harry may well get yelled at for not doing it well enough.

DF Spoilers / Re: Thomas after the BAT
« on: December 01, 2017, 12:17:31 AM »
I just figure if Big Daddy is losing his stuff then maybe Lara would want little brother to step up as pseudo-boss.

Considering that Lord R is not always in Chicago and seems to be doing perfectly fine at passing for head of the White Court without needing Lara to stand beside him with her hand up the back of his shirt, I suspect that rumours of his incapacity are non-trivially exaggerated.

DF Spoilers / Re: Unsolved Mystery Book9 Cowl again
« on: December 01, 2017, 12:14:26 AM »
I like the theory that Cowl was working to get the Darkhallow power-up so that he could bust through the wards on the Facility at Edinburgh to kill the SC and as many of the resident wizards there to fulfill a deal with the Rampires.

I am pretty sure that selling the Reds on that was a large part of Cowl's goal, with the intention of then hanging them out to dry.

DF Spoilers / Re: Who is the most evil character in the Dresdenverse?
« on: November 30, 2017, 04:23:46 PM »
I am not bothered by someone who would do whatever they deem necessary for family. No idea, belief, or thought has that value as far as I am concern, But my family over the rest of humanity is a non-decision.

Do you see how as a member of the rest of humanity I might find that less than entirely positive ?

If I went to the lengths of collateral damage to other people Harry has to protect his family, the least my family would do in reaction is disown me, because causing collateral damage to other people is evil.

DF Spoilers / Re: Whose memoir would you read?
« on: November 30, 2017, 02:33:17 AM »
I'd rather not have any, because part of what makes the series worth having for me, longer term, is the pacing of what Harry finds out, when he finds it out, and how it fits together and changes what we and he knew before.  I am generally not fond of the short stories from other viewpoints and can't say I feel the whole body of DV text would lose much if it did not have them (though I might feel differently if there were any - and I have not read all of them - which had focuses in entirely separate bits of the DV from Harry.)

I wonder what about Harry caught Uriel's attention. His starborn status, connection to Michael, ties to Colin Murphy's daughter.

I wrote up a detailed analysis of this some time ago, which might be worth your attention: it's at,40670.0.html if you are interested.  In summary, I think the logic there is the other way around from what you are suggesting.

I really want it to be something about Harry's dad.

I very much want Harry's dad to be just an ordinary decent guy with a good heart.  Because that way the series makes a point about the capacity of basic human goodness to help people out of bad straits and help them in positive directions, whereas if he had any sort of supernatural powers or qualities it would undercut that.  I really do not want him to turn out to have been a Knight of the Cross, frex, which some people seem to really like as a notion.

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