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Messages - Rigil Kent

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I've thought this. I've also though the wedding ring that gave Lara her scar- the one that induces Thomas to trust her about Justine- is Lara's own wedding ring.

We know:

1) She was once married
2) She used this name as her "professional" name
3) She's a few centuries old, and back then pre-marriage tomfoolery was not acceptable in upper crust families
4) Raith entrapped his children by not telling them of their fate until their fatal first feeding

So, posit: She killed her husband first-feeding style on their wedding night and because he loved her he didn't fight it.

Further posit: This is the spark that preserved independence from her father compared to her siblings/sisters. She hates him for this still.
I really like this theory, though I am certainly biased because Lara is my very favorite monster in the series (though Nicodemus is a very close #2.)

DF Spoilers / Re: Rudy... Someone please see if you can pass this along?
« on: October 01, 2020, 04:13:48 PM »
That really could be interesting.
And potentially very short. "I tracked him down. I shot him in the head. I avenged Karrin."

I think this is Jim and he loves to punish Harry. So I can see Harry and Lara getting together on occasion and then 2 or 3 books down the line  they touch casually and burn each other.

Trouble with each other as they realize they have slowly spiraled together. Trouble with Eb when he finds out it's no longer a Marriage in Name only. Trouble with a White Court Rebellion. And finally big time Trouble with Molly.

That's enough for it's own book right there but you know this will all play out while dealing with some major threat, like getting the Walker out of Justine or ooohh even better , the child.
This matches my thinking as well. "What's going to happen? That's easy: what is going to torture Harry the most."

Plus, as I've said elsewhere, Lara is my very favorite monster, and I love the idea of seeing what happens when Thomas comes out of the box to discover that his half-sister and half-brother have gotten married for the inevitable LOLs and WTFs that would ensue.

I don't care if Harry marries Lara.  There are plenty of loveless marriages.  A child on the other hand would create a vampire.
Inari Raith asks if she doesn't count. :P

Lara certainly doesn't want it.
I'm not sure if that's entirely correct. Mab told her that Lara had the Queen's permission to court her Knight and Molly was P.O.ed at Lara throughout PT & BG, so it seems to me that she is quite aware of what is required to tie the White Court to Winter. And she's never hidden the fact that she does find Harry not entirely hideous...

Yup, if Harry isn't with any other woman or anyone that would qualify as a lover, it still sticks.  I believe that Lara found that out in White Night, it had been four or five years since Susan, and kissing Harry still burned her lips.
Right. But Susan was still alive at that point. I'm sort of presuming that Harry is protected by Karrin, but its a potential loophole ...

DF Spoilers / Re: What's the deal with the horrible communication skills?
« on: September 30, 2020, 10:17:59 PM »
Further, in White Night (I think), they established in the Camp Ka-Boom flashback that Harry has spent some time with Carlos and they seem to be friends...

Mab can make Harry marry Lara, but nobody can force them to "boink." Harry has True Love protection from Karrin (as confirmed in Peace Talks) and even with her dead(ish) I don't see that fading in a year's time, especially as Harry knows she's still around as a Valkyrie. I don't have the book nearby, but I seem to recall his protection from Susan lasted a long time after their breakup. So unless something happens in the next year, the marriage would have to be political only. Lara can't touch Harry without burning herself.
Interesting thought: does that protection still apply since Karrin is now dead? His protection from Susan lasted years ... but she was still alive...

DF Spoilers / Re: What's the deal with the horrible communication skills?
« on: September 30, 2020, 09:15:24 PM »
Something else to consider: Carlos was complaining to Harry about himd (Dresden) keeping things to himself as far back as White Night, so this isn't exactly OOC for Dresden...

DF Spoilers / Re: What's the deal with the horrible communication skills?
« on: September 30, 2020, 07:46:50 PM »
Every conversation Harry has with Carlos after he's injured reads very differently if you read it where Carlos assumes Harry knows what happened with Molly.

They don't have a conversation where Harry doesn't threaten him with Molly, as I recall- I thought it heavy-handed. It's always at that point that Carlos twitches.

Harry is assuming that Carlos is such a straight-arrow that he'd feel obligated to report everything- so anything he tells Carlos isn't necessarily confidential.

Carlos assumes Harry knows about Molly, and is always threatening him casually. Also, from a Warden perspective- and Harry has been a Warden until being kicked out this book!- how rough has the war with the Fomor been? And Harry casually raises an army of Little Folk, brings in Bigfoot as backup, slaps Drakul a bit, mashes a couple of Eldar black court vampires, and finally brings down Ethniu.

Harry admires how Carlos can throw such low-energy punches endlessly, because Harry's swing-for-the-fences approach is exhausting. Now see it from Carlos's perspective: Harry can punch like Ebenezer, again and again and again and again. Why the hell didn't he take it to the Fomor? It's the Red Court all over again. Harry casually starts a war, the White Council bleeds for it, the Red Court goes after Harry personally and he annihilates them. From a distance, that's what it looks like- Harry's been holding back.
This is beautifully phrased. It totally makes both sides understandable...

DF Spoilers / Re: Barbara Books Q&A
« on: September 30, 2020, 07:43:46 PM »
Still, even a half-dozen naagloshii assassins could have seriously messed up the White Council's war efforts, likely enough for Kemmler to win.
Which sort of tracks with their desperate attempts to keep him from getting back to the island, though...

DF Spoilers / Re: What's the deal with the horrible communication skills?
« on: September 30, 2020, 06:10:37 PM »
Not when they hear about the wedding
Especially Eb considering his issues with Whampires...

DF Spoilers / Re: What's the deal with the horrible communication skills?
« on: September 30, 2020, 06:06:00 PM »
Well, I do kind of like the idea of the White Council in general thinking they're looking at the rise of a new Kemmler due to Harry's actions and miscommunication because, if nothing else, it makes his life ridiculously difficult. :P

DF Spoilers / Re: Barbara Books Q&A
« on: September 30, 2020, 06:01:57 PM »
why didn't Kemmler remain Warden and use the prisoners as he pleased?
Who says he didn't? Maybe that explains how he kept coming back to life?

DF Spoilers / Re: Rudolph: Battlegrounds Heavy Spoilers
« on: September 30, 2020, 06:01:05 PM »
So what happens if, as is hinted, Harry becomes an immortal? Is the "within living memory" only apply to non-immortals?

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