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Topics - Lady Geektastic

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Help Decide My Fate
« on: March 21, 2007, 10:11:36 PM »
Okay, I'm biting the bullet. I've done a crapload of reading about rpg's online, and I've become completely enamored of Spirit of the Century and Don't Rest Your Head. I even have a friend who's agreed to try it out with me.

So now the problem presents itself. Aside from SotC and DRYH, I don't know many rpg's out there, and I'm totally clueless about them.

So what games would you suggest for a newbie just getting into the action???

Thank you lots!!!


Darkest Hours / This Cannot Be Happening
« on: June 14, 2006, 02:35:54 AM »
Seriously. This is not freaking possible.

The author of my favorite series of all time is now writing for my single favorite superhero of all time???

The universe does not love me this much. It simply doesn't. This has simply got to be a complex, slightly lucid dream I'm having. It has to be. Otherwise I'd simply die of a joy-induced-aneurism. (sp?)

Who else thinks this is a rediculously spectacular turn of events???

Edit: Do you think I used the word "simply" enough?

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