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Messages - Lady Geektastic

Pages: [1] 2
DF TV Series / Re: Thanks to all our great fans!
« on: April 29, 2007, 03:37:24 PM »
Arrigatou Robert!

Thanks for putting up with us, giving us all that yummy insider info and joining in in our rabid fan-ness! Thanks for staying so true to the spirit of The Dresden Files that we love so much! Thanks to everyone you mentioned, thanks especially to the actors who brought our characters to life and the writers who made a world for them to live in!

Thanks for being so kind and patient with us as we griped, moaned and asked way more questions than any sane person should.

Thanks for clogging up the forums so badly on the premier night that I couldn't log on to save my life!  ;)

Thanks for being a regular face in this little pocket of cyberspace despite what I'm sure was a rediculously hectic schedule.

And thanks for being a really cool guy! ^.^


DFRPG / Re: Help Decide My Fate
« on: March 22, 2007, 07:33:01 PM »
Thanks guys!

You all rock!

Damn school. I come home after a long day of book learnin' and my brain is too fried to come up with anything interesting to post!

DFRPG / Re: Character Transformation
« on: March 22, 2007, 07:30:55 PM »
Fred, you are funderful.

Are you insulting me by complimenting iago and, by extension, his terse responses to my questions incased in a comparatively long-winded post which, by implication, means that you find mockery in my writing style?

I think that was a viable joke, but a lack of a sense of humor makes me doubtful.

Just expressing my happiness with Fred's inclusion of those elements. It sounds like fun, and for doing so Fred is wonderful. Ergo: Funderful.

Also, I was thinking about a Futurama episode where Bender was trying to figure out which word would destroy the world if he said it. ^.^

I understand your intentions, and believe me when I say that I took offense only in jest, unless of course your Futurama reference is intended to apply one of Bender's most frequently used terms to me (i.e calling me an a**).

Nope. I just really wanted to say "funderful".

DFRPG / Re: Character Transformation
« on: March 21, 2007, 11:42:01 PM »
Fred, you are funderful.

Are you insulting me by complimenting iago and, by extension, his terse responses to my questions incased in a comparatively long-winded post which, by implication, means that you find mockery in my writing style?

I think that was a viable joke, but a lack of a sense of humor makes me doubtful.

Just expressing my happiness with Fred's inclusion of those elements. It sounds like fun, and for doing so Fred is wonderful. Ergo: Funderful.

Also, I was thinking about a Futurama episode where Bender was trying to figure out which word would destroy the world if he said it. ^.^

DFRPG / Help Decide My Fate
« on: March 21, 2007, 10:11:36 PM »
Okay, I'm biting the bullet. I've done a crapload of reading about rpg's online, and I've become completely enamored of Spirit of the Century and Don't Rest Your Head. I even have a friend who's agreed to try it out with me.

So now the problem presents itself. Aside from SotC and DRYH, I don't know many rpg's out there, and I'm totally clueless about them.

So what games would you suggest for a newbie just getting into the action???

Thank you lots!!!


DFRPG / Re: Character Transformation
« on: March 21, 2007, 12:07:59 AM »
Fred, you are funderful.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: I-Con
« on: March 16, 2007, 11:42:38 PM »
Oh my dear sweet God!

Today in Pizza hut my mom brought up I-con!

My mom brought it up!

I was talking (as usual) about Jim and she asked "Isn't he coming to Syracuse or something?" Syracuse is a city nearby, about ten minutes from the town I live in.

I gaped at her for a second, shocked that she had remembered something I'd said off hand. Then I said, "No, he's going to be at I-con, which isn't too far away." (read: It's in the same state)

Sweet Georgia Peaches I might actually have a chance of going! (If I can figure out where the hell it is)

Edit: Scratch that. Mapquest says it's in long island. No way in hell my mom's gonna drive six hours to go to the place she remembers fondly as the worst year of her life.

No Jim for me.  :'(

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: March 09, 2007, 11:39:16 PM »
I've also answered this under a different topic, so apologies for the repeat.  My husband noticed during the 3rd episode that the show was based on "the novels of Jim Butcher,"  so I checked the library on my next visit...and totally messed up!  I picked up what I now know to be the 8th book, and read it first.  The copy was missing the page with the book list, so...  Anyway I've read # 1, and decided I couldn't wait for the other really slow people to finish # 2 and picked it up last night.  My husband is laughing pretty hard, for now.  But he is somewhat concerned about what's going to happen once I've read them all and am forced to wait for the next.   Apparently, I don't handle suspense well over extended periods of time.  Anyway, all of that was to say that I have really enjoyed what I've read so far, and have recommended the series to a few friends.  Not quite sure how I feel about not being "cool" anymore, but I guess it's relative.  I'm strong, I'll overcome!

He's right to worry. Trust me, the moment White Night hits the shelves, this board will be flooded with fans bemoaning the long, loooong wait to the next fix. We are full blown addicts, and I predict you'll find that you've got it just as bad as we do. You learn to ease the withdrawl in any way you can. Many thanks to Robert Wolfe for giving us all a weekly booster shot. Then there's rereading, scanning each and every page for quotes to post on the boards (you run out of post-its really fast), you also find yourself debating, speculating, analyzing, comparing, contrasting, fan-arting and (*gasp!*) shipping! for any point in the books that you can get your fan-girl/boyish hands on. Before you know it you'll be hunting down a prop skull, suggesting Dresden Merch. (magic 8-Bob!), designing t-shirts and speaking the language of Dresden in public, only to discover that the mundane people surrounding you don't have a clue what you're talking about, to which you will respond (under your breath):

"Hells holy stars and freaking stones shit bells."

*bows* Thank you, thank you.

A portrait of the average Dresdenite (name of group still under debate).

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: February 24, 2007, 09:10:17 PM »
You just get to hang back and be the cool kids on the block. ;)

Sweet.  *sits back and waves at the newbies*

Aha! VIP Privilages all the way. ;D We get real hand-craved staffs instead of hockey sticks, free paint-by-numbers mini B-Bug and first-call on silver denarians (your choice of symbols). If you come to the ButcherCon!!! in a gloved left hand, you get discounts on a skull that throws the best DF quotes! ;)

Btw, what about those who discovered the TV shows but haven't read the books yet?

Do you realize what you've done!! You have elevated the geeks to the level of "Cool Kid"! Do you realize what this means??? The very fabric of reality is becoming unravelled! The concepts of time and space will be reversed! LARPing will become more popular than Football!!! (Both versions, since I'm sure the European cool kids play soccer/football.) The magnetic poles will reverse! The universe will be turned inside out! THEY'LL BRING BACK MST3K TO NETWORK TELEVISION!!!

Plus, now I get to wear a leather jacket and carry a skull around in public. A skull with orange LED's in the eye sockets. Sweeeeet!

DF Books / Re: Did you discover the books because of the TV Show?
« on: February 23, 2007, 04:32:28 AM »

Our evil plan is succeeding! Soon we shall realize our insidious goal of spreading literacy and bibliophile-ism through the nation via quality television programming!


DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: February 08, 2007, 08:50:37 PM »
Another question that popped up when reviewing Birds of a Feather. In the opening scene, Laura states that she feels "strangely rested, despite the lack of sleep". Are we to assume that sex with Harry is rejuvenative?   ::)

Well, good sex is. ;)

REALLLLY good sex is, but damages property.*

*Reading YOU SUCK: A Love Story by Chris Moore right now. Sorry.
OMG.  I didn't know it was out...  how is it?  Fiends is one of my favorites (after Coyote Blue) :)

Replying in here to not derail the thread. It's very good...highly reccomend Moore to Butcher fans, especially A Dirty Job, The Stupidest Angel, Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal, and Coyote Blue. They're a different tone, but the snark is turned way up to 11. Putting Jim, Chris, Max Barry, Steven Brust, Bob Asprin, Robert Wolfe, and John Steakley in a free form panel for 3 hours would just be...interesting. Snarkadelic. -Mickey

MAN! I so wanted to read that, but I couldn't afford it when I went to B&N. My friend keeps telling me to read A Dirty Job, but the library is always, always out of stock. *pout*

DF TV Series / Re: The SPOILERIFIC Ask Robert Wolfe Thread
« on: February 06, 2007, 01:31:35 AM »
This has probably been asked before, by my brain is blanking, so I'll ask:

Is Lasciel going to be popping into Harry's head at any point?

Thanks for everything Robert!!!

DFRPG / Re: I've never played a table-top, pencil and paper RPG...
« on: January 03, 2007, 10:04:18 PM »
Good to know.

DFRPG / Re: I've never played a table-top, pencil and paper RPG...
« on: January 02, 2007, 10:22:00 PM »
You know, I've been trying my damndest to get my friend Spade into Dresden. He happens to be an SCA trainee (weapons training, and now that he's 18 they'll actually let him hit people, he's stoked) and a veteran of table-top rpgs. I might actually be able to convince him that Dresden Files is worth checking out. And Hell, I might even have someone to play with...which is kinda the whole point.

The Butcher Block / Re: Your Episode Ideas Here
« on: December 31, 2006, 07:40:30 PM »
Interview ideas....which I'm sure have already occured to you, but just putting them down:

Robert (Wolfe).
Jim's agent, maybe?
Various cast members, if you can get them...especially, of course, Blackthorne and Mann.
James Marsters and the girls at Buzzy, if you can swing it.

Yeah, I'd love to make those happen.  I think the podcast may need a little momentum first, a few episodes under its belt.

Also: I'd actually love to get *you* on the line at some point (maybe other forum members over time) to make for some fun "fan chats" about whatever's on our minds.  Maybe we can work something out, there.

Sign me up! Heehee!

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