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Messages - ethanjf

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But that distinction is hardly relevant to the discussion of the parasite. Whatever Demonreach may encompass, the tree living on the island certainly would seem to be a parasite to Demonreach.

Also, a typical tree does not contain everything a human body needs for nourishment. So it would make sense for the nourishment to come from "here" (Demonreach, somewhere in its domain) and only be channeled through the tree into Harry's body. So "here" could provide nourishment (channeled through the tree), the tree (parasite) could circulate the blood, and Mab could provide breath.

I think Demonreach would hardly perceive a tree as a parasite: a parasite lives off its host without giving it anything in return. The tree takes energy from sunlight, turns it into sugars, "fixes" nitrogen in the soil, etc. What's more its dead body then nourishes the soil. The tree is much more akin to an organ of Demonreach's than a parasite of it.

Which doesn't mean that Chauncy is a Fallen. Wolvess are carnivores, and felines are carnivores too, but wolves aren't felines.

The Fallen have names ending with -el (because they were angels). Chauncy's full name, IIRC, is Chaunzaggoroth (sp?). Besides, I really doubt that Harry's circle would have been capable of imprisoning a Fallen.

I agree; we don't know much about the taxonomy of Hell in the Dresdenverse, but a lot of conceptions of it make a distinction between the Fallen Angels and ordinary demons, creatures of hate and pain but who were never angelic. It seems to me like that might be the case here -- Chauncy is an ordinary plain-vanilla demon.

Why do you assume something needs to keep the heart beating? The tree could be filtering the blood and providing pressure to circulate the blood as well. Which seems to be what you said in your first sentence, anyway ("circulation").

Well, maybe it's just me but providing nutrients seems a very "plant-like" thing to do--plants are full of liquid that contains sugars, etc. But a beating heart is something unique to animals. Couple other reasons in support of it's being Lash:

1. May be just me but the emphasis on "parasite" (repeated a couple times, deliberately [I think] mysteriously so) made me think there was something more to it than the tree.

2. From an old comment by Jim:
Q:  Does Lasciel's shadow get to heaven because she redeemed herself?
A:  The answer to that is so much more complicated than is easy to give, especially without giving out extra story and ruining the fun.  No.  Lasciel's spirit didn't go to heaven.  And now, (sing song) I'm not gona tell you. *mutters about heroin for writers*  But it will come out, don't worry the story will be there.
Also... he said a couple places that Lash's story isn't over....
Finally, Harry's being dead unlocked all sorts of corners in his mind that were previously sealed shut. Why not a remaining fragment of Lash too?

No, the simplest explanation is usually the best. Look at how Demonreach talks. It uses odd words for things. It would not sound right if Demonreach called it a "tree". Parasite is the sort of odd word Demonreach would use to refer to the tree.

And the distinction you refer to is hardly important. My body digests food and my parasites aid in the digestion process. Just two different ways of referring to a process at different levels.

Except that the "parasite" is specifically mentioned in connection with the circulation of blood, not of digestion. Remember the tree is associated with IV tubes going into Harry. But *something* still needs to keep his heart beating. I think that some fragment of Lash remaining behind is the most likely explanation.

Some other notes:
1. I too noticed the huge unresolved fight between Good/Evil Bob... And in the Nevernever no less, where Harry's presumably headed now. Will be interesting to see what happens.
2. Will also be interesting to see how Harry's relationship with Lea changes now that he's a fellow member of the Winter Court -- and her rival in power.
3. Am I the only one who saw this book as definitely putting the kibosh on Harry/Molly? p. 442: "...and crushes probably didn't last for years. Did they? They faded. Molly's feelings hadn't, but I didn't reciprocate them. I loved her to pieces but I was never going to be in love with her."  That seems pretty definite to me....
4. Re: did Mab lie? Uriel did not whisper "SHE lies." Just "Lies." And the Fae are more than capable of making you believe untrue things without actually lying in the form of the words themselves, as we know. So I don't think anything changed there.
5. Where the hell do the Outsiders come in to play in all of this? My current speculation is that this is all the culmination of a long-term plot by Lucifer in conjunction with the Outsiders to overthrow the established order of the Universe. He cannot hope to defeat God as is -- balance between good and evil and all that. But if he brings in a force from outside this universe, maybe he can .. tip the balance? and everything we've seen so far is leading up to that?

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