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Topics - Mr. Cool Breeze

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DFRPG / Corrupted Warden sword
« on: October 12, 2012, 07:16:45 AM »
OK a little background. My players are playing in an alternate world where Harry and Elaine never broke free from Justin and the three of them crippled the White Council. They wiped out the Senior Council and devastated the Wardens. The Council has limped along since not nearly as powerful or influential as it is in canon. All the defeated Wardens had their swords grabbed up by Justin and he hands them out to his most devout followers. Thing is I don't want them to be just Warden swords. Heck two of my players are Wardens, sort of, the title doesn't carry nearly the weight it used to. But they do have Swords. Wanted to ask for any thoughts as to what sort of changes or corruption I could bring to the table to make Justin's swords stand out.

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