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Topics - Ownagepants

Pages: [1]
DFRPG / Building a big bad
« on: September 27, 2017, 09:47:34 PM »
Ok so my characters are about to possibly fight a rather powerful character it's a lord of outer night but due to him having been trapped for decades he's severely weakened . So I need help building him that he would be a challenging fight for 4 characters at chest deep without also being so strong that nothing short of magic Dm powers could save them .

DFRPG / Campaign update
« on: April 01, 2017, 04:18:52 AM »
So I'd like to tell you guys about my current campaign maybe get some opinions or ideas so my setting is the Wild West in a fictional town in Oregon called Whisperhollow my players include a half demon and  a blacksmith with a crazed spirit of a hunter in his head anyways . Things kicked off with the introduction of asmodeus appearing in the inn run by the half demon . He's described as a large figure who no matter the weather wears a huge duster and hat that make it almost impossible to get a good look at his face he's a large man easily over 6 foot. Anyways the innkeeper got suspicious of him after a conversation and led him to the blacksmith when he asked about it then he pretended to leave anyways asmodeus asked the blacksmith to reforge his blade is almost inhumanley well forged and made of a material that he's never heard of called white steel which the stranger give him some of to use when reforming the blade .
Then he's followed around by other players which leads them to go to a farmhouse to see what he's up to after a sequence of tracking they manage to see him get bathed in light and disappear while this is going on those who stayed in town were met at the inn by a cloaked figure whose entire body is cloaked in darkness making it impossible to see if hes even human .  The figure asks questions about asmodeus in a rasping voice and everything he says starts with the phrase did you know ? And when he appears shadows spread around the room cloaking any form of light not extinguishing them and after an exchange he says did you know that I'm going to save you . And then vanishes

DFRPG / Father tree
« on: February 11, 2017, 12:51:10 AM »
This might be heresy but I've been playing around with the dresdenverse history I liked the idea of black magic and white magic having embodiments kind of like Titania and mab so for Black magic .I created father tree a being who isn't evil so much as he is corrupting like black magic he loves all powered users and truly sees them as his children and as such wants them to be as much like him as possible some of the most terrifying black mages in history are those fully corrupted by father tree he moves wherever the most potential people to corrupt usually are not population wise .but where enough hardship is currently happening that they would rather succumb to him then endure it their are some rules he can't force his corruption on anyone they have to accept it he also can't enter human cities or villages so he usually camps out on their outskirts he also can't be seen by the public so wherever he goes a huge imprenatrable swath of trees follow him the only ones allowed to the center where he is are ability users and he can't kill mortals only lead them to their doom anyways that's father tree I am having trouble thinking of a concept for his his  counterpart for white magic also those he corrupt have a tendency to become cultists who serve his will  . Anyways what do you guys think ?

DFRPG / Let's talk about mutant crocodiles
« on: January 21, 2017, 05:47:51 AM »
So when I let my players loose into my world I introduced multiple plot threads for them to follow as they fancied anyways they have just returned from the nevernever which they entered to escape the police who were chasing them cause they kidnapped a child. They are not murder hobos I swear that was a situation that got out of hand quick anyways they left the nevernever to find that they have been gone for 3 months and they still have the kid anyways skipping a lot of in between now they are in the swamps still have the kid mind you and they have stumbled upon a plot thread they forgot about . Which was people going missing in the Swamps anyways spoiler alert it's mutant alligators created by Father Tree again another long story and i need some help stating them .

DFRPG / Wanna help me build a monster
« on: November 16, 2016, 04:29:43 AM »
So I made my own original creature for the game I run called the fae hunter a giant wolf from the nevernever that is immune to fae magic and as his name sake states he hunts fae and has a bit of magic of it's own also can attack you physically and mentally at the same time and was wondering if you have any ideas for what a creature like this should be able to do ?

DFRPG / Voodoo in Dresden rpg
« on: July 28, 2016, 07:35:43 AM »
I'm gming a Game that takes place in Louisiana and my players said they'd like to see voodoo involved in the campaign but I can't find specific rules for it so i was wondering how I should go about making a voodoo wizard .

DFRPG / Combat 101
« on: July 14, 2016, 12:38:28 AM »
Hello I am gonna dm a game but I need help understanding how combat works after that all I need is to reread the magic section a few more times till I absolutely get it then I should be good to go .

DFRPG / How hard is it to dm
« on: June 30, 2016, 08:32:56 PM »
I have never played Dresden files before I'm familiar with the books and am reading proven guilty before anyways I was considering dming for my group cause we all really want to play I have also never played fate before so on a scale of impossible to total nightmare how hard is this probably gonna be ?

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