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DFRPG / Playing "Free Will-less" Characters
« on: April 28, 2013, 06:04:27 AM »
So, the biggest component of the Dresden Files RPG is the Fate System, which is all about Free Will, you refresh represents your power to control your own fate, power you cede bit by bit as your grant take supernatural powers. The more powerful you become the more you become a device of destiny rather then then a subject of it.

Which is all well and good, but what about those of us who want to play characters that aren't necessarily creatures of free will? Like say, a recently raised Sidhe that was not long ago a lesser Fae, or a random drifter that was turned into a Black Court Vampire against his will, or even a full on manipulative and Hunger embracing White Court vampire? Depending on how you set it up, these are all creatures that could have a positive refresh, and  be theoretically playable.

But yet they are creatures of nature rather then choice, in certain situations they simply have to act as their nature compels them too. But that's an extremely open ended thing. The Sidhe can't lie, but he can stretch the truth with exact words and achieve the end of lieing without actually doing it, the Black Court Vampire has to feed but he doesn't have to kill to do it, the White Court vampire that's fully embraced her hunger has to act on it, maybe even has to kill with it, but she gets to deiced how she uses it.

It's playing a "nature" character, even with a positive refresh, just not something that can be done, or if you do it right can a creature without free will still be dynamic and interesting in play?

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